Chapter 13

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It was another morning. Hermione jolted up from bed, obviously having another nightmare. Her head felt dizzy and she grabbed a mirror stucked between her pencils.

"Oh god, my hair," she gasped and touched the frizzy strands.

Hermione frantically searched for her hairbrush somewhere under her bed and brushed through from the top to the bottom.

Many girls asked her way to make the curls for her hair, but the truth is, it came naturally. Sure, her hair will be frizzy in the morning but the curls always remain.

Hermione tied it into a single braid then put some clean robes on. She wasn't going to diss her job just because she wasn't feeling quite the mood. Duties must be done.

"Poor Granger.." Pansy mocked her as she passed by the potions classroom.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she didn't said anything. She just - wanted to avoid as much drama as she can.

She ate her breakfast silently. It felt lonely, without Harry and Ginny. Ron wasn't there either, so she figured that he might be somewhere else with Cho Chang. That made the waffles looked sour to her.

An owl flew passed by, flapping his wings loudly and perched on Hermoine's arm.

She couldn't recognize who it belong to, but certainly she saw it before at the near the classrooms.

It was gripped onto a scroll of parchment, and assuming it was meant for her, Hermione took it and pulled the string.

Hello Granger,

Supposingly, your plan worked. Pansy did talk to me and in fact, she was sorry about that day. She was just stressed about her studies and of course, conflicted feelings for me. I figure that you need some advice for that stupid ex- boyfriend of yours, so maybe I can help. You look better than yesterday. How do you always make your hair look cute? Need some hair lessons from you later too.

Quidditch pitch. Same place, same time. In case you forget. I mean, surely your brain can take this in. See you later. Try to zap some fangirls on the way, they'd discovered my spot for relaxation.

Hermione glared at the parchment like it was Malfoy. Now she know why. That owl belonged to him.

Furiously, she scribbled a few more words behind the page:

Well good for you, but stop flirting especially when you got your girl back.
Need some hair tips? Go find your fangirls. See you, ferret. And, I'm zapping no one except your face.

Hermione watched the owl flew outside and she sighed. Even that ferret have his girl back. That's so unfair.

Hermione checked her homework one last time and smiled to herself as she knew that she'll get some good points for Gryffindor later.


"Turn to the second page and it very well demonstrate how the patronus charm works. Well, we all know that the so called Dumbledore's army had excelled in it already, the rest of you needs to learn." Professor Flitwick looked amused at Harry, who was playing with his wand.

" Good memories, isn't it? "Hermione nudged him by the arm.

Harry smiled." Yeah, good memories. It was a great experience. "

" Well, why don't Mr Potter demonstrate how to do it? The Hufflepuffs can watch and learn. "

Harry stood up, then walked to the middle of everyone's high desks.

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