Chapter 38

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Draco couldn't quite explain what he had just felt. It was like a wind blowing, but it stays right in front of him, wrapping itself around him. Now that couldn't possibly be wind.

It almost felt like someone had wore an invisibility cloak and hugged him and kissed him. But what bothered him the most was the writing on the soil. His gaze went down and saw the same elegant and small cursive writing that Hermione used. That frightened him. She couldn't possibly be dead and that was her ghost.

So it meant that Edward had took her. But where? A simple handwriting couldn't prove him right. Draco couldn't confront it to Mcgonagall just like that, she'll probably think he was sprouting ridiculous lies.

Tomorrow. Edward Harris will surely return, and by that time, I'll find that bastard and beat him up until his friends couldn't recognise him. Yes, that thought made him felt a whole lot better. That's what the slytherin in him is for.

Draco washed his face, dipping the tip of his hair in the cold water. Putting on fresh robes, he got his wand prepared in case he needed it.

"Where are you going?" Pansy asked, her gown slightly crumbled and her hair still tied in braids.

"Nowhere. See you," and he swung his cloak behind his back but she held him.

"Again? You're going to do your stupid bloody research just because of mudblood Granger -"

"Don't call her that,"he hissed angrily.

"The hell is your problem, Draco? Let's just accept the fact that she's gone, alright? She's gone."

"Enough!" he glared at Pansy, "She's not dead. I know she's not."

"The fact that she's alive doesn't matter! Wouldn't you want her to be gone? You told me how guilty you were when you see her alone, depressed. She's out of your life, your wish came true!"

"I- I want her back in my life. I want her here. With me. Don't you see how scary it is? She just dissappeared, not knowing where she was and how's she doing; adding the fact that I actually wished for her to be gone."

"Draco, listen to me," she put her arms around him, "Hermione Granger isn't any of your problems now. We can live -"

"No. You know why? Because I love her, alright? I always have, ever since I met her. If maybe I wasn't sorted into slytherin, then I'll be with her," he pushed her arms back.

Pansy looked at him in utter shock. He didn't just say that, did he?

"You - what?"

"Look Pansy, you meant a lot to me - but for now we can just be friends."

"What the bloody -"

"I need to do something now, goodbye."

Draco walked out from his dormitory, but Pansy was afraid that his goodbye meant something else instead.

Alright, now should I wait outside the door? He's inside isn't he?

Draco didn't dare to barge in the ravenclaw dormitory, because he was afraid he'll burst into a fistful of rage.

And of course, his head was so hot that he couldn't tell if he was getting a fever or just going crazily mad.

That's when he couldn't stand it. He knocked on the door rapidly and suddenly it gave him a riddle that just sounded ridiculous.

Well of course, he didn't bother to brainstorm and he just kicked and knocked again.

A ravenclaw peeked outside and was obviously disturbed by the loud sounds.

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