Chapter 5

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"Ron, why do I feel like I'm babysitting rather than dating you?"

"I don't know. If you don't want to, then don't."

Hermione felt like she said the wrong thing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm annoyed or anything. I'm joking, Ron."

"Yeah whatever, you don't joke last time. It made me feel like anything you said is real and - you'd actually mean it."

Hermione didn't reply and they walked up the staircase to the Gryffindor common room.
"Password?" the fat lady frowned, her hair stuck with grapes and still wearing the same silky pink dress.

"Beef Casserole." Ron said and pushed past the door and crawled inside.

Murmurs begin, but the common room was filled with people screaming, getting signatures from Harry and passing around autographs and posters. Seamus Finnigan had an apology look on his face but Ron didn't care to apolagize.

"Ron, I'll go check on some first years. See you later?"

"Yeah. See you." he rushed upstairs to his room and Hermione caught a glimpse of Harry, signing here and there with Ginny helping the younger ones to get the posters.

Hermione went to the third years dormitory. She walked around, inspecting here and there and spot Renede,who always find her for tutoring, sat with a book sprawl on her bed.

"Renede, you don't mind me checking your friends belongings, do you?"

"Oh, uh, go ahead. Its just a bunch of posters and some daily prophet."

"Thanks."Hermione wandered off and checked the first bed. Posters of the recent Quidditch match was stuck on the wall, with a zoom in with Harry and Draco racing. It was a perfect picture.

The rest of the posters were Draco's face, in all types of magazines and designers outfits.

Hermione checked the bedsheets. She spot nothing unauthorised and continue until she saw a bunch of firecrackers. She look at it sadly. It reminded way too much of Fred. Hermione did not want to take the firecrackers away from the student so she pretended not to notice it. She snapped out of her thoughts and continued her duty. 

"Hermione?" asked Renede quietly.


"Your a friend of Draco, aren't you? My best friend wanted him to sign this poster but she's very shy. Can you help me? Oh,and my another friend wanted to give him these,"and handed a box of valentine's chocolate to Hermione.

"Renede, I'm not really a friend of him, and-"

"It's okay, Hermione. I'm sure you are busy with your head girl's duties-"

"I'll do it. Pass it to me and maybe I'll return it at night."

"Hm, you seem cheerful."Renede eyed her. 

"Am I suppose to be mad? Of course I'm cheerful!" Hermione protested.

"You know your boyfriend got into a fight,right?"

Now isn't this silly? Of course Hermione knew. "Yes and oh, I have to bandage him myself."

"You don't know why he did it? "

Hermione sat down next to Renede. Her heart was buzzing with both excitement and curiosity. "Why did he?"

"He kissed Cho Chang last night on the Astronomy tower.Well only Seamus saw it, and he had a huge crush on Chang. "

Hermione blinked. "He kissed her? Why didn't he tell me? Why-would he do that to me?"

Renede sighed. "I'm sorry,I don't know further than that.You should confess to him."

Hermione couldn't even speak anymore. 

Renede thanked her and gave her a poster of Draco and the box of chocolate. She went out and head to the Great Hall, where most of the students were already there for dinner. It's been a long time Hermione ever felt that the Great Hall was never this full of happiness and harmony since first grade. It was so magical when her eyes met the floating candles and the rows of students chattering excitedly. 

Ron was talking to Harry and he kept whispering which made Hermione even more sad. 

"Ron, we need to talk. "  

"About what?"he replied nervously. 

"Did you kissed Cho chang?" 

Harry became silent. He looked worriedly at Ron, then retreat back to where Ginny was sitting. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Harry glaring at Dean Thomas who sat across her and quickly held Ginny's arm like a child. Hermione wished she could be like that now. 

"Hermione! I'm sorry, I thought you would get mad, but I swear that she kissed me! " Ron exclaimed. People started staring and Hermione dragged him out to a classroom. 

"Explain." she said coldly.

"Yesterday she wanted to talk about Harry and told me to go to the Astronomy Tower but when I tried to talk her about him, she started saying how cool I became and said that she had a crush on me ! And-well you know, she kissed me."

Hermione uncurled her hands on her sides. "Why didn't you tell me? Maybe I'll be less mad -"

" I didn't want to lose you,okay? maybe perhaps if you didn't know,then we can still remain the same. Until Seamus Finnigan punched me ,of course. "

Hermione's eyes welled up in tears . ":Oh,Ron!" she threw her arms around him and sobbed. "You know I can never lose you."

"I can never too." They hugged for a while and the atmosphere was silence until Hermione decided to pull back. 

She dried her tears and straightened her robes. " We should head back to the Great Hall. I've got duties to do." 

"You'll forgive me?"

"Ron, you know that I can never be mad at you." 

Ron smiled and held her hand. "Okay, let's go." 

"Yeah,let's go." Hermione smiled back and sighed with relief. She was glad that they made up so quickly than she imagined. She even pictured herself throwing books at his face and cursed the worse words she could think of. But now, the anger melted and all she ever wanted was to be with him again. 

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