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I climbed up the mini steps and stood in front of his door. Ding-dong. I stepped back and tried to breathe. I could handle this. He was the one to open the door. He opened it wide but blocked my way. He didn't have a shirt on. I happened to notice his rippling muscles and abs. I don't know if I could take this. It's too hard to look at him and resist.
" Oh, um, hey? I wasn't expecting you," he said surprised. He got his shirt that was near and slid it on. Not Ganna lie, I kind of wanted him to leave it off. I thought, no no it's okay just because a guest is at the door doesn't mean you need clothes. He looked tired as if he was lying in bed all day crying. No guy has really cried over me before. I didn't know guys cried over girls. That just showed me how much he was fond of me.
" Yah, I almost didn't come. We need to talk, okay. I'm ready to listen," I said.
He stared at me. His eyebrows elevated and he exhaled.
" Okay, okay. Come upstairs in my room," he said.
We tip-toed upstairs so his parents would see us. When we got there I sat on his bed and he sat beside me. He kind of just looked down and stared into space. His eyes were starting to water and he was chocking up
" It's really hard for me when you're not around. I need you. I don't know Lexi, you're different. I want to hold you and make you feel desirable--because you are. You deserve the best. What you saw was, well, not at all what you thought. If you think I at least enjoyed it, trust me I didn't. I don't feel the same sparks. You make me laugh more than anyone else. You make my day. I'm a better me when I'm with you. Because-Lexi, I'm just like every other guy. When you left, I was heartbroken. Nothing is the same unless I have you there to share it with. Your ring, Lexi? I mean-when you handed it to me... I just-- I promised you happiness. You weren't happy. I'm sorry, I never ever would want to hurt you in anyway, I ...," he hesitated.
I hugged him. I forgave him. It wasn't at all his fault. It was Roxy's. Screw her, she ruined everything. She doesn't even care about my feelings. It felt good to hold him again. He wrapped around me. I felt cradled-and protected. He released me and bent down on the floor. He reached into his pocket and held out my ring.
"Lexi, I've been holding on to this. I didn't want to accept the return. Will you take it back?" he mumbled.
" I do," I mocked as if he were proposing.
As he placed it in my finger he said, " I promised I would be by your side and ALWAYS love you. I intend to keep that promise forever and ever. I will stay propitious," He was completely serious.
I kissed him. He grabbed me and pulled the both of us up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held my bottom to hold me up. My hands were placed around his neck. We Eskimo kissed. I looked into his eyes and kissed his lips. Nibbling on the bottom lip gently. He dropped me on the bed. I scooted back and lied down. He hovered on top of me.
He whispered in my ear, " You're beautiful."
He then started kissing my neck, breathing on it softly. It tickled, but I felt luster and pleasure. He then moved up to my ear, sucking the lobe and licked the upper cartilage. It sounds gross, but felt great. The tiny delightful breath kisses, were the worse. They weren't bad, that was the problem. I turned my head, not to resist, but to kiss him back. He finally turned his head back and kissed me again. This time he shyly pushed his tongue out. He never did that before. It made me realize he was trying to be more aggressive. He didn't want to just gentle pucker on my lips. My tongue met his. We were French kissing. A lot.
He giggled " you don't mind?" I wrestled him and suddenly I was on top. I smiled at him.
" You're weak," I thought.
He shook his head and started attacking me. " Not uh. I'm stronger than you," he smiled and kissed me again.
My fingers were in between his. They fit, like it was meant to. I pushed him off of me and climbed off the bed. I sniggered. I grabbed the pillow and wacked him.
" Hey, hey, okay you win," he surrendered blocking his face, thinking I was going to hit him again.
I sat down with him, I looked into his eyes. He stared at my lips. He leaned in, and then back away. He leaned in again, but he kissed me. We were exulting chortle. I thought that day was sweet. It was romantic, but playful. I was upset when I had to leave.
" Hey, who's up there with you Logan. It better not be a girl. You know I hate when you sneak around. Just tell me!" his mom yelled.
"It's just the TV mom!" Logan yelled back. I headed to the window just like Logan suggested.
Before I jumped down I grabbed his shirt, pulled him closer, and Frenched him. " maybe next time big boy," I let go of his shirt. He stepped back and gaped with surprise. He nodded his head.

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