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-Your P.O.V.-

You blushed slightly, as the boy smirked, at you.

"Hello, gorgeous." Theseus winked at you.

"H-hi." You blushed, at the tallboy.

He let go of your wrist, as he decided to get to know you. This led to Naomi, ditching you so that the two of you could be alone, you could not deny that the boy was hot, but he seemed, to stuck up.

"So what's your name?" He asked, winking at you as he walked beside you into the great hall. 

"You'll have to wait for the sorting to find out." You said winking just as he did to you.

"Wait are you new?" Theseus asked.

"Yep." You said, following him to the Hufflepuff, table, where you sat on his right, with Naomi, to your left. 

You sat there, in silence playing with your H/C hair, which was currently, cut H/L. You sat there for about ten minutes, until, you heard a door open, so you turned to see the Great Hall doors, were wide open as a short balding old man, who according to Naomi, is the Hogwarts Gamekeeper Ogg.

He entered, with about 20, terrified, looking elven-year-olds, who were shaking with fear. You laughed, at the sight of them, shaking in fear, it would have made your brother laugh with maliciousness, sadly your brother, was currently, attending, his eight-year at Durmstrang. 

You smiled, at the memory of your hilarious, evil, older, brother. Just then you heard the hall, go silent as Professor Black, the Headmaster, of Hogwarts, stood up at the podium to welcome all of the students, then and tall skinny old lady, who was dressed, in magenta robes, which clashed horribly with her ginger hair, pulled out the sorting hat, and a stool, as she began reading off the names, of all the quivering first years. 

Once she finally called, all the names and all the kids were sat down, she called a name, that woke you back up to reality.

"Y/N Lemmings," The transfiguration teacher, Professor Weasley, called out sounding completely bored.

You jumped out of your seat, besides your two new, friends, as you awkwardly, walked to the front of the hall, and sat down on the stool, facing the whole school, as the professor, threw, the hat onto your head.

"Hm, lot's of Slytherin, but I think HUFFLEPUFF will suit you well." The hat on your head, pronounced loudly, startling you slightly.

Professor, Weasley ripped the hat of off your head and ushered snapped at you to sit down, so you ran back over to your seat, at the Hufflepuff table once more. Everyone's eyes were on you as you sat down than Professor Black, muttered, for the food, to arrive, causing chatter to start almost instantaneously. 

"Y/N," You looked to your left, to lock eyes, with Theseus. "I like your name." He said as the gentlemen that he is which caused you to blush. 

"Thanks," You muttered as you picked up a plate of Y/F/F, and crammed into it hungrily.

"But I think I'll give you a nickname," You gave Theseus a perplexed look which made him chuckle "That's just my thing, giving people nicknames." 

"Oh, well what's mine?" You asked, him as you chowed, down more of Y/F/F.

"Hm, I don't know but I'll figure it out soon, trust me on this Y/N," Theseus said smiling, at you as he began to eat a plate of mashed potatoes.

As you ate you turned to your right to see Naomi, chatting up with a Ginger-haired, boy, as she twirled, her blonde/black hair with her pointer finger, she completely, ignored the plate of sushi that rested in front of her. 

"Naomi, who is this? Your boyfriend?" You asked the blonde since you decided to embarrass her. 

"No! He is just my friend! His name is Adrian Weasley." She said introducing you, to the ginger.

"Yup, I'm probably the only Hufflepuff in my whole family history, but anyway, nice to meet, you Y/N your fourth year like us right?" Adrian sure was a talker you thought as you smiled at him.

"Yes, fourth year!" You said, cheerily, as Theseus, tapped, your shoulder.

"Your fourth year?" Theseus asked as you turned to him.

"Yes. Which year are you in?" You asked interestedly.

"Oh uh, Seventh year." He said, awkwardly.

"Hah! You're old!" You snickered at him.

"Ha Ha." Theseus laughed sarcastically.

"Sorry!" You giggled, as you turned back to your food, you got tired, of talking so you decided to just stay silent.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter this is my third book to be updated today! I'm on a roll, but that's gonna be it for today love you all so much!


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