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-Your P.O.V.-

After everyone finished their butter beers we finally decided to get going home. You tiredly looked at the brown clock hanging on the wall of the Leaky Cauldron. It was 4 pm, but all of you guys were so exhausted it would be better to call it a day right now.

Naomi and Judy stood up walking over to their 'boy' friends, as you sta there just thinking about nothing until Theseus, showed up sitting across from you. He reached for your hand and squeezed it lovingly.

"How are you Y/N?" Theseus asked smiling his charming pearly white smile. 

"Great," You said smiling tiredly.

"Are you tired?" Theseus asked squeezing your hand slightly.

"A bit." You said covering your mouth as you yawned.

"When we get home I want you to take a short nap okay?" Theseus instructed driving his long fingers through his curly brown hair.

"Fine," You mumbled as both of you stood up.

"A carriage is here!" Naomi screamed running towards it before anyone could steal it.

You all headed over to the carriage piling into it. Shockingly, it fit exactly 6 people. You sat beside Theseus, putting your head on his broad should for support. He put his hand around your waist, comfortably. You could fall asleep like this.

"Y/N, wakeup," Someone muttered waking you up.

"I'm up." You said sitting up straight. Theseus and you were the only ones left on the carriage.

"We're here," Theseus said smiling at you.

"Okay." You said standing up and stepping out of the carriage, everyone was standing there chatting as they waited for you and Theseus to get out of the carriage.

Theseus followed you out for the carriage as you rubbed your eyes. He took your free hand and led you towards the school entrance. Then all of you made your way down the stairs to the Hufflepuff Common Room. You had to blink a couple of times upon entering to get used to the intense yellow color.

"Okay cuts everyone change into your pajamas, then meet back here in like 15 minutes for some games!" Naomi exclaimed excitedly being her over-enthusiastic self that you loved so much.

You headed upstairs alongside Judy and Naomi waving at Theseus until you guys were out of view.  You stepped into the door room completely exhausted as you pulled out your favorite white silk t-shirt and yellow silk short bottoms. You headed into the bathroom taking off your makeup and fixing your hair into a messy bun. 

Then you quickly changed into your pajamas jumping on your bed, for a quick 15-minute nap while the other girls got ready. After about 15 minutes of waiting for Naomi and Judy to get dressed, you sat up. They both had just finished so you headed towards the staircase leading to the.

"Are you girls coming?" You asked them tiredly.

"Yeah!" Naomi said walking over to you, holding a box with Gobstones inside it. 

She was wearing a white oversized t-shirt. Judy followed with some charades cards bundled up in an elastic band. Judy was wearing a pastel pink robe, with matching slippers, which made you chuckle a bit.

The three of you made it downstairs to the Hufflepuff Common Room we spotted the boy sitting each sitting in different places. Theseus was wearing some black sweat pants and a white t-shirt. He was seated on the large couch. Adrian was sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table wearing a black t-shirt, and some red shorts. Newt was sitting in an armchair wearing some white sweatpants and a Hufflepuff sweater. 

You sat down beside Theseus on the couch, smiling at him as he kissed your cheek. Naomi sat on the ground beside Adrian placing the box of Gobstones on the coffee table. Judy than sat at the armchair closest to Newt after having placed the charades cards on the table.

"Gobstones or Charades?" Naomi asked, everyone.

"Charades!" Everyone called out accidentally at the same time.

We all chuckled as Naomi picked a card and began to mime something out. And that's how the rest of your afternoon went. Playing charades with your amazing friends at your new school. But then your smile dropped you began to feel guilty for smiling. You were only here because your mother had died. You forced a smile onto your face trying to forget the sad memories and try to be positive. Every once in awhile as you guys played the game, you would catch Theseus looking at you with a smile on his face. And you'd smiled back at him becoming a blushing mess when he winked at you.

"This is fun!" Judy laughed as people tried to guess what Newt was acting out. 

"You guys are failing miserably," Newt muttered as he continued to act something out for the hundred times.

"I just can't put my finger on it!" You exclaimed trying to think about what he could be acting out. But soon your head began to throb.

"Whomping Willow!" Adrian yelled after realizing what the flailing arms were for.

"Yes! Finally! My arms were getting tired!" Newt complained finally sitting down after ten minutes of acting to be a crazy tree.

"I think I'm going to call it a night." You muttered standing up from your spot on the couch.

"Awe why?" Naomi whined.

"I have a headache." You said clutching the side of your head as it throbbed.

"Feel better." Everyone said to me as I turned to leave.

Theseus's fingers clasped around my wrist holding tightly onto my hand. I could feel everyone watching as stood up in front of me and kissed me on the lips quickly but sweetly. I smiled at him kissing him on the cheek before walking over to the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory.

"Goodnight." I smiled before heading upstairs.


Do you guys like this chapter? I'd love to hear your opinion on this chapter. Please stay safe all of you. Wear a mask, stay home if possible, wash your hands often, and only go out for necessities. Help flatten the curve! Much Love!


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