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-Your P.O.V.-

You looked around nervously feeling the panic rising up in your chest. This was it you and your older sister were going to get sent to Azkaban right away. But out of nowhere, Juliet pointed her wand at Draculus, releasing him from the chair, before throwing a cloak over the both of you.  

And just like that Draculus, couldn't see you. So Juliet slowly walked us over to the corner of the room, completely noticed by Draculus.

He jumped up from his chair completely confused as to how you had literally just disappeared. So you sat there as silent, as possible as the door flew open. And in the doorway stood the most villainous person you'd ever had the misfortune to meet.

Jeremy Lemmings. He stood there fully dressed in heavy satin leaning on a silver walking stick with pride. He stepped into the room gracefully, walking towards Draculus, who immediately fell back onto his chair. 

"Good day Malfoy," Father said smiling evilly at the man in front of him.

"Good day, sir," Draculus said clearing his throat nervously.

Did father know that you and Juliet came here? Did he somehow no that the two of you were still in the room watching every single action that they made? Did he know that they were onto him, that they were going to find a way to end him? No matter what they had to do?

"It has come to my knowledge that you spoke to someone about our little exchange form over the summer," Father said with a look of anger flickering in his eyes.

"That is not true sir," Draculus said his straight face unwavering.

"Oh, but I know that it is true." He said edging closer to your hostage, your answer to this mystery.  

Oh no! What if your father killed him, and ended up destroying your one answer! What if that had been his plan all along. Well that was what it seemed like as Jeremey lifted his wand pointing his wand directly at Draculus's heart, holding it steady and unwavering. He opened his mouth to mutter a spell but was quickly stopped by a large red spark hitting him in the chest. 

Juliet had jumped out of the cloak, knocking Jeremey out. And just as quickly as she saved Draculus she ran over to him, desperation in her eyes. You followed quickly behind her taking the cloak, off of yourself holding it tightly in your arms.

"Listen, we'll get him out of here, so that's you can find somewhere to hide until this is all over but we need to know what you were about to say," Juliet said desperately looking towards the shut door of the bedroom. 

"He had said that he needed to get rid of everyone that had a blood or near connection to him. So that one day he'd be able to take over the world without needing to worry about people he loved getting in the way. So he got rid of the women, and mention that after sometime in the winter he'd get rid of his two children." Draculus said nervously.

"Okay, thank you so much go pack fast!" You said worriedly looking towards Jeremey to make sure he was still unconscious.

"Once you're ready, I'll take you to a remote, village, where you'll be safe, and make sure to write a note for your family, to leave on the bed," Juliet instructed, quickly, as the young blond man nodded nervously.

You walked around with the man, pulling a suitcase out from under his bed, putting an extension charm on it. He quickly ran to his desk, pulling out some stationary as he scrawled down a quick note for his loved ones. Juliet stood beside father making sure that he stayed unconscious, throughout the whole ordeal. 

"Here, this should hold everything you'd need." You said nervously, handing the young man the suitcase which had been extended in size.

"Thank you." He said taking the paper, putting it on his bed, before pointing his wand at his dressers ordering his items to begin packing themselves into his suitcases.

Once everything was packed away, Juliet nodded solemnly. It was now or never, you had to do what you had to do. So Juliet, took Jeremey by that arm apparating him to his office in Beaxuabtons, dropping him off. 

She returned less than a moment later, to take Draculus, to his new home somewhere in Australia, where he would be safe from the power-hungry, Jeremey Lemmings. Juliet appeared by your side, once again. 

"I need to take you back to school, but obviously, we can't apparate, so now we have to sneak back outside," Juliet said looking down at you fear written in her eyes.

And you know that your eyes had the same expression written all over them.

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