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-Theseus's P.O.V.-

"What are you doing here Draculus!?" (Y/N), yelled at the man pointing her wand at his heart.

"I was just here to complete favor for someone," Draculus said smirking as he laughed looking behind her to look at us. 

We were trapped inside a cage of electricity, with guards on either side of the cage. Towards the side of the roof was a control panel with a button that controlled the electrical cage. Judy had tears in her eyes as Newt hugged her while Naomi looked around furiously for a way out. She caught sight of me looking at her so she whispered something to me.

"Our magic won't work in here but if we had something mad of metal we could reflect the electrify and get out of here." She said urgently.

"I think I have some money on me would that work?" I asked reaching into my pocket pulling out some galleons and sickles.

"Yes!" She whispered excitedly taking them from my hand carefully angeling them so that the electricity bounced off of them and onto Draculus. 

Draculus vibrated a little before collapsing to the ground. (Y/N), turned around in shock just as the guards ran over to her. Naomi held the coin under the electricity leaving some area of the cage un-electrified. I put my hand through the electrical bars and out of the cage using my wand to explode the button t the sid of the roof which had been controlling this cage.

We all quickly headed out of the cage which had just fallen joining (Y/N), who had been fighting the guards alone. I quickly jumped to her side zapping one of them who ended up falling down shaking just like Draculus.

"Yes!" (Y/N), cheered as she hugged me quickly, as Adrian and Judy took out the other guard. 

"Clearly your father knows that we're here so we need to get going,"  I said as Naomi and Newt headed down the stairs.

"Juliet!" (Y/N), called out turning around to run into an older girl's arms.

"Hey, sis," Juliet said smiling down at her little sister. "Is this your boyfriend?" 

"Y-yeah." (Y/N), said letting go of her sister blushing as she looked over at me.

"Let's go," Juliet said running down the stairs after our friends as I took (Y/N)'s small hand before following after them.

The staircase led into a small private looking hallway that (Y/N) seemed to know too well. She frowned as she led all of us quietly down the hall over to a statue of a man who looked a bit like both Juliet and (Y/N). My girlfriend approached the statute letting go of my hand as she tapped the statue's wand twice, making it come to life.

"What is the password?" The statute asked looking down at her.

"(Y/N)." She said smiling up at the statue which shook its head.

"That was the old password the old password was recently changed." The statue said folding its arms.

"Ugh!" (Y/N), groaned racking her mind trying to think about what to try for the password. 

"Necklace," I whispered just loud enough for the stature to hear me the statue turned towards me nodded, as it began to dissolve revealing a spiral staircase.

"Great!" (Y/N), whispered turning to make excitedly before turning back to the Staircase. "Stay quiet!" She whispered heading up then stairs quietly.

We all equity followed (Y/N) up the stairs not making a sound as we made it to the top. Before we opened the door (Y/N), took out her wand placing a spell on the whole room preventing anyone from apparating out of it than she turned to Juliet.

"You contacted the ministry right?" She asked quietly.

"Yup, right before I left home," Juliet whispered back nodding.

(Y/N), smiled in response before turning back towards the door which she carefully twisted the knob, before carefully stepping inside closely followed but the test of us.

"What are you doing here!?" Her father's voice called out startling me a bit as we all pointed our wands at him, keeping him in his spot at his desk.

"We are here to give you what you deserve for killing our mothers," Juliet said stepping to (Y/N)'s side.

"Juliet!?" Her father asked standing up questioningly.

"Stay still!" I barked out making him roll his eyes.

"The authorities will be here soon." (Y/N) said commandingly.

Her father stood there looking around defeated before flipping into the air, only to fall to the floor, as Judy sent a red ball of flame his way. He was out like a light right away. I walked over to him cautiously. I carefully put my hand on his neck. He was still alive but barely.

"Good job Judy!" We all cheered hugging her as (Y/N) and Juliet's father stayed on the ground awaiting his fate known as prison.

It was finally over for my Mysterious Girl.

Mystery Girl ∆ Theseus Scamander ∆ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now