°♪❆ 𝔼ℙ𝕀𝕃𝕆𝔾𝕌𝔼 ❆♪°

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-Third Person View-

After Jeremy Lemmings Juliet and (Y/N)'s father was sent to Azkaban, most things went back to normal. (Y/N) was back to her normal bubbly self, hanging out with her friends all the time and always hanging out with her boyfriend Theseus. Theseus was finally relaxed because he'd spent over a month worrying about his girlfriend who was now fine.

Juliet had made frequent visits to Hogwarts. This time legally as she came in with permission from the Headmaster. Life had been perfect for (Y/N) and she was really enjoying it. The last few months of the year at Hogwarts had been pretty relaxing as the friends hung out together. They all hadn't heard from Jeremy and his accomplices ever since that faithful day when they saved the day.

"You excited for the summer?" Theseus asked wrapping his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"A bit, it's going to be very different without my mother and father." (Y/N), sighed looking out of the window of the moving Hogwart's Express.

"I know, but I promise you'll have fun with Juliet," Theseus said smiling down at her.

"I know but you promise you'll visit me?" She whispered back looking up at Theseus with admiration.

"For sure," Theseus said running his hand through his hair as he grinned down at (Y/N). 

"You guys are too sappy!" Judy complained rolling her eyes as she put her head on Newt's shoulder, cuddling closer to him.

"Said the girl as she cuddled her boyfriend." (Y/N) said laughing as she squeezed Theseus tightly.

"Whatever," Judy said laughing as she rolled her eyes.

Everyone stayed silent as the train began to roll into the platform. After a minute the train came to a halt as the doors opened. (Y/N), and the rest of her friends all got up reaching for their carryon backpacks, and purses, taking them off of the high shelf, and picking them up form the ground. 

The friends all looked at each other smiling brightly, before stepping one by me out of the compartment's open door. One after another the teens headed out of the train stepping out onto the Hogwarts Express platform. (Y/N) sighed looking out in front of her as she watched the other kids from all different classes and years, heading over to their parents. 

(Y/N), had honestly never felt worse about losing both of her parents, until now when she realized she'd be waiting here for her sister, instead of her welcoming mother. She turned towards her friends smiling brightly through her sadness.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" She said looking at all her friends. Theseus, Judy, Naomi, Newt, and Adrian. 

"We'll all see each other soon," Theseus said smiling down at his girlfriend as he squeezed her closer to himself.

"Naomi!" A woman called out to Naomi.

"That's the mom guys I have to go," Naomi said turning to her mom. "One sec!" Naomi called out turning back towards us. "I guess this is goodbye," Naomi said sighing as Judy hugged her from the side.

"Until we see each other again," Judy said smiling at all of them as they stood in a circle.

"Bye guys!" Naomi said as they all stepped forward hugging each other tightly in a circle.

(Y/N) hugged all of her friends tightly as she wiped furiously at the tears that forme din her eyes. Now wasn't the time for tears. Because it wasn't goodbye, it was just a see you soon. Once they all said bye to each other all of them began to slowly, leave as (Y/N), turned to Theseus. She smiled up at him as he cupped her cheek.

"How, ar you my mystery girl?" Theseus asked kissing her forehead.

"I'm great." She said whispering up at him. "But I'm going to miss everyone so much." She said sighing as she looked back at the train.

"I promise I'll see you soon. We all will." Theseus said wrapping his arms around her.

"I know you will." She said smiling as she stood on her toes placing a quick kiss on Theseus's lips. Smiling as she turned towards the entrance of the platform where Juliet Lemmings her older sister stood. "Bye." She whispered smiling as she walked over to her sister.

"Bye," Theseus said in response watching the most mysterious girl he'd ever met walk away.

(Y/N) sure was a mystery.

Mystery Girl ∆ Theseus Scamander ∆ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now