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-Your P.O.V.-

You continued to eat in silence, until Professor Black went back up to the podium, and began assessing many rules, no magic in the corridors, no pranking supplies. The usual rules of a magical school. With that Professor Black, said goodnight, instructing everyone to follow their prefects to their dormitory. 

You stood up beside Naomi and Theseus.

"Well I'm a Prefect and Headboy, so I must go to work meet you in the common room (Y/N)," Theseus explained running off, to help the other Prefects with instructing all the students.

Naomi gave you a look as you watched Theseus, instructing the students. You thought about how hot he looked when he was concentrating until you where shaken from your thoughts, by Naomi who literally and figuratively shook you with her arm on your shoulder.

"Stop staring at him, and let's go to the dormitory!" She grabbed your hand and lead, you through a crowd of students.

Naomi continued to drag you, through the doors, of the Great Hall, and to the dungeons, where we found the kitchens, and beside the kitchens was. The Hufflepuff common room in all it's the glory. You smiled as Naomi told the password, to the painting of the Fat Friar, as Naomi led you inside.

"Woah!" You gasped as you step inside.

The room had circular-shaped windows, that let in bright sunlight, there were many types of plants hanging from the ceiling and one the shelves, there was a small wooden fireplace, some wooden seats, and a wooden table was pushed off to aside.

You loved it here, it felt so much like you it was as if you were inside your own heart! You took a walk around the room, before letting Naomi, drag you upstairs to the fourth-years girl's dormitory, where your trunks had been sent up for you.

You opened, your trunk and pulled, out some pastel yellow short with a white tank top. You run into the side bathroom, inside of the circular room, and shut the door behind yourself, looking at your reflection, of the gold-encrusted mirror.

You quickly changed, into the pajamas, which were a size too small, making your uh feminine features, more defined. You step out of the bathroom, letting your (H/C) hair cascade down your front. 

You walked over to your bed, ready to slip under the covers, and get kidnapped by the haven we humans call sleep until two arms grip your shoulders from behind making you groan, and turn around to see Naomi, looking disappointed.

"Did you forget what your boyfriend said (Y/N)?" Naomi snapped, jokingly at you.

"He's not my bo-" You began before Naomi interrupted you.

"He said to meet you later in the common room, and you're going to fall asleep on him? Really? Get up and put something cute on. Dress to impress!" She said opening your trunk looking for something cute.

After five minutes of Naomi rummaging through your trunk and you sighing defeatedly until she finally found you an outfit to 'impress.' Naomi revealed, to you a white low cut, T-shirt crop top, along with pastel yellow overalls, that stop just above the knee. 

You know that you own a lot of Pastel yellow, clothes, but you can't help it it's just such a cute color, and looks so good on you! It might be an addiction but at least it's not a drug or alcohol addiction, remember that kids.

You groan, but don't complain as you step back into the bathroom, changing into the clothes that Naomi gave you. The clothes were cute but the shirt, was kind of revealing, which made you uncomfortable, I mean you have a nice body, but still, you felt uncomfortable.

You stepped out smiling at Naomi, you just couldn't lie the outfit highlighted your features perfectly, and Naomi just had to remind, you as she led, you over to your bed, where she began braiding your hair, into a side french braid.

"Your body looks just perfect in that outfit! I am such a good stylist!" Naomi gushed on about her 'fashion' skills.

"What about my modeling skills!" You asked jokingly.

"Oh yeah, that too!" Naomi said as she let go of your hair, "Voila!"

You stood up and twirl for her, you think you look quite cute, until Naomi gasps.

"Its missing shoes!" She said rushing over to your trunk, grabbing a pair, of white converse, throwing them at you, "Now its Voila!"

You throw the shoes, on quickly despite having not worn any socks, then turned around one more time, as you finished the twirl, Naomi, pushed you out of the dorm, whispering for you to go down the stairs.

You walked down slowly despite how cliche that sounded, then you found Theseus, sitting on the couch looking around for someone, until his eyes, landed on you as you exited the staircase, he smiled at you and blushed to look at your outfit. He was at a loss for words, as you sat down beside him and smiled, he seemed, quite mesmerized, you made a mental note to thank Naomi later. 

But at the moment your heart had been stolen by a giant goofball.


I know I know crop tops, converse, and overalls, were not around at those times but I don't care alright? My twist on the Fantastic Beasts/ Harry Potter World! 

I worked extraordinarily hard on this so I hope you all love this as much as I do. 

I was wondering if you guys would like me to make a website, where I could like talk with my fans, and post sneak peeks, kind of like a blog for my writing if you guys want.

And if yes do you know any websites/apps that are free to make websites on?

Much Love


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