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-Your P.O.V.-

You sat back down on the bench between, Naomi and Judy, as Theseus, kissed the top of your head. You turned around and smiled at him. He smiled at you kissing the top of your head again since he was much taller than you. People all around continued to clap for you as Theseus, looked down at his watch. You were certainly surprised when Naomi and Judy didn't react about what just happened.

"(Y/N) I'm late for Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said looking down at you.

"Okay, I'll see you later." You said smiling up at him.

He smiled at you before leaning down to your level to place a quick kiss on your lips, before pulling away. He then walked to the end of the Hufflepuff table by the door. Theseus picked up his backpack, then ran out of the Great Hall doors. The second he stepped outside of the Great Hall, Naomi and Judy became themselves again.

"Oh my god!" Naomi started squealing as she hugged me nearly crushing my flowers.

"Wait let me get ready first!" You called out t your best friend, as you put the flowers and chocolates on the table, you then sucked in your breath. "Go."

"HE ASKED YOU OUT!" Judy practically squealed probably destroying everyone who was near them's eardrums.

"I know!" You said giggling loudly like the fangirl you normally aren't.

"So how do you feel?" Naomi asked with a wide grin on her face.

"Great! I feel like I rule the world!" You said feeling all giddy, as you thought about Theseus, kissing your head.

"Awe!" Judy said fawning about you and Thesus being a couple. "Where are you going to go for your second date?" Judy asked, excitedly.

"I don't know I think it'd be cool to have a small picnic up on the Astronomy Tower." You said thinking through the idea in your head.

"Oh! How romantic!" Naomi said smiling giddily at you.

"Ugh he's so cute!" you squealed thinking about Theseus, and how you wished that you guys had more classes to whether her but let's be honest if you did you'd probably never get any learning done.

"Hey, guys," Adrian said heading over, across from them at the long Hufflepuff table.

His curly red hair rest on his pale freckled forehead. He was wearing his black uniform pants, his white collared shirt, with the sleeves, rolled, up and the top button opened as his tie hung loosely around his neck. Naomi smiled shyly which he returned with the addition of a blush. You couldn't help but chuckled they were just too cute and awkward.

"Hey Adrian, take a seat." You said pointing to the seat directly in front of you.

"Thanks." He said smiling at you and the rest of the girls.

"We have History of Magic soon right?" You asked Adrian as he pulled out his homework.

"Yup, in 20 minutes. Did you finish that essay, on Goblins in the financing industries?" He asked flipping through his backpack looking for a piece of parchment.

"Yeah like three days ago," You said chuckling as he pulled, out a quill and began scribbling in messy handwriting to finish the essay. "Here, just copy this, your look dum." You said pulling out your essay giving it to him to copy. "Change it a bit."

"Of course, thank you (Y/N) so much you're a lifesaver," Adrian said as he began copying your essay. 

"Thank Theseus, for asking her out and putting her in a good mood," Judy said or more like squealing loudly making Adrian chuckle.

"Congrats (Y/N)." He said not looking up from the paper he was so messily copying.

You sat there, looking around the Great Hall not in the mood to work on your essays, anymore. You were too happy, to damper the moment, by working on a stupid essay. You looked down at the table spotting your box of chocolates, that Theseus had gotten you. 

You were kind of hungry, you thought as you pulled open the box, looking at the different shaped chocolate, with mystery flavors, inside. You looked at the flavor chart, on the inside, of the box. And apparently the flavors, were milk, white chocolate, and dark chocolate. 

You looked around picking a random one taking a bite out of it. It tasted like it was (Y/F/C/F) your favorite flavor of chocolate. You picked up another after another, eating nearly half of them before, Adrian tapped your arm.

"What?" You asked closing the box of chocolates.

"History of Magic starts in 5 minutes and it's on the other side of the school," Adrian said handing you your essay which you shoved, into your backpack along with your box of chocolates. 

"Let's get going then." You said slipping your backpack, on before picking up your bouquet of flowers. 

You walked down your side of the table, as Adrian walked on his side. The two of you met at the end of the table, as you exited the Great Hall. You looked at Adrian who nodded at you signaling for you to just run, so you did. You dashed towards the main staircase, of the school. We quickly began climbing it tiredly. 

Once we made it up about 4 flights of stairs, we got onto the landing before the magic staircase could take us anywhere else. We then headed down the long corridor, then took a right, to see Professor Binns, about to shut the door. 

You and Adrian looked at each other before basically raming into the room, nearly falling over. Professor Binns, gave a huge glare as you and Adrian took a seat in the far back. You both mentally prepared yourself for the most boring lecture of all time.


How are you my lovelies? I hope you are all well! Stay safe, and keep reading! (And check my recent conversation post for the link to my youtube channel *pleaseeeee*) Have a nice day dear reader, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Much Love!


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