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-Your P.O.V.-

You dropped the pen not turning around as you heard the person behind the coach chuckle. You had no idea who it was since you were still shaking. But as they walked towards you, you pulled out your want sending your stuff under the table making them invisible again. You stood up black gloves, still on, and wand out,  pointing the wand a the person's heart. 

"Don't move." You said quietly, Lumos, you whispered.

The tip of your wand began to glow as you looked at the person who stood before you. You had no idea who this was. You looked at the girl. There was no doubt about it. The girl was much older and very beautiful. 

She had sleek, black hair which was up in a high ponytail, she also had pale skin, and (E/C) eyes, which looked exactly like your own. You didn't dare lower your wand, as the girl, held up her arms.

"Who are you!?" You demanded angrily.  

"I am Juliet Lemmings." The girl said looking you right in the eyes. 

She looked a lot like your father Jeremey. But you didn't dare lower your guard. It was clear that she wasn't supposed to be here. But how on earth did she get into Hogwarts? No one knows.

"How did you know my name?" You asked still pointing the wand at her heart from across the room. One strong curse and you could end her.

"I told you I'm Juliet Lemmings, you half-sister. I heard father talking about you once. So after doing a bit of searching I found out you were a fourth-year Hufflepuff at Hogwarts. SO I came here." Juliet explained, lowering her hands.

"Okay, then." You whispered lowering your hands.

"I need your help," Juliet said walking over to you.

"With what?" You asked hesitantly.

Juliet sat with you on the couch so that she could begin her story.

"With father. He killed my mother, not long ago. They hadn't seen each other in years ever since the divorce when I was five, and you hadn't been born yet. But just in June, he came over to the house and gave my mother a necklace. When I found she wouldn't wake up they called Saint Mungo's they said she'd lost air while sleeping, as if she'd been strangled, by something. And that was when I realized our father had killed her. I need your help I've been plotting for a while now, but I don't know much about Jeremy."

"Wow." You whispered. "He did the same thing to my mother. He had this curse necklace thing." 

"Yeah." She whispered looking at the ground.

"Sorry about your mother." You both said at the same time. "Thanks." You repeated at the same time.

"Wait so if you were five when your parents got divorced how old were you when my father married my mother?" You asked eager for information about your halfsister.

"I was 6, then 7 when you were born." Juliet expand.

"So you're 21 now?" You asked her to make sure ou had understood everything correctly.

"Yeah." She said nodding her head.

"Cool." You said looking at the table.

"So what were you doing? I was writing down information about father. Who else he may have killed and why." You said summoning your notes back up. "Can you tell me about your mothers, death, and about any problems your parents had with each other?" You asked taking out a pen.

"Their divorce was messy they argued about my custody, for two months, until they asked me. I obviously ran towards my mom, so my dad got mad, and told me to never visit. So I don't know maybe he held a grudge on my mom over that?" Juliet told you asked as you scribbled down what she said to you.

"Do you still have the necklace?" You asked Juliet.

"No, I got rid of it the second I found out that it killed my mother," She whispered wiping her eyes.

"I still have my mother's! We could analyze it and find out who's DNA, was on it, as well as how it strangles!" You said excitedly. 

"Great! How about tomorrow night you meet me on the roof of the castle, bring the necklace, don't directly touch it, bring your notes, and previous newspapers. We're going to need everything, we can get to discover why father is doing this." Juliet told you, with a determined look on her face.

"I'll see you tomorrow." You whispered standing up, as she stood up beside you. 

"Bye." She said hugging you tightly, before walking over to a large window, which she climbed out of before jumping, down. 

Things were finally coming together.


Hi readers! How are you? Are you eating well? Are you getting out enough? I hope that you guys are all okay, and I hope that you're all enjoying my book so far! Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep reading. Much Love!


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