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-Your P.O.V.-

Its been a week since you told your friends about what you'd ere going through. Today was the day that you'd sneak to Beauxbatons, to deal with your father. You were of course already ready to go since you couldn't wait. You'd finally be able to get your revenge on that good for nothing man. I mean yeah you loved your father but the only solution to stop was to get him caged.

You were currently in the girl's dormitory looking at your self in the full body mirror as you waited for Judy and Naomi to finish getting dressed. You were wearing black legging, and a black think shirt, since it was always hotter at Beauxbatons. Your (H/C) hair was in a tight bun to keep it out of my face. 

"Are you ready?" You asked turning around annoyedly, it was 11 pm, and you still hadn't left the school yet.

"Yeah!" Judy said stepping out of the bathroom in black jeans with a black t-shirt, with her ginger hair in a tight french braid.

"Finally!" Naomi complained standing up from her bed. She was wearing a black t-shirt jumpsuit with her black to blonde hair tied back into a high ponytail.

"Let's get going! But don't forget your wands." You said smiling as you slipping your wand into your leggings pocket.

"Alright!" Judy said grabbed her wand just like Naomi as they both followed d you to the door of the Girl's Dormitory. 

You headed downstairs together, staying quiet, and cautious as you entered the common room. Carefully you looked around the dark room spotting Theseus, Adrian, and Newt standing in the corner whispering. You smiled upon seeing them, now you could commence your plan to sneak out of here. 

"Alright, guys we'll be sneaking out of this window!" You said pointing at the same window you'd sent the letter out of.

"How?" Naomi asked confused.

"This is the Hufflepuff common room, the drop is only like 6 feet, just be careful and you'll all be alright." You said as you climbed through the window sitting on the ledge.

"I'll try and lower you down!" Theseus said holding your hand, as you carefully lowered yourself.

"Drop me!" You called out as Theseus let go and you landed a little uncomfortably on your ankle. "Next!" You called out a little loud as Theseus helped Judy and Naomi down quickly.

Once all of the girls were down These helped his little brother Newt before jumping down himself. Adrian being very tall didn't need much help as he jumped out fo the window landing beside Theseus. Now it was time to commence the plan to get to Beauxbatons. You turned towards your friends.

"We need to head to Hogsmeade where Adrian and Theseus will be able to apparate us to the roof of Beauxbatons." Yous aid smiling.

"Then let's go!" Judy called out grabbing Newt's hand as they began running. 

You laughed running after them with Theseus, Naomi, and drain running after you tried to catch up to your other friends. After running for five minutes all of you began to feel really tired but you'd reached Hogsmeade so you'd came to a stop. You all began breathing heavily trying to catch your breathe since soon you'd be trying to capture Jeremy your father who we all knew would not be easy to take down.

"I'll take (Y/N), and Newt," Theseus said grabbing your hand and Newts.

"Then I'll take Judy and Naomi," Adrian said grabbing their hands as everyone turned towards you.

"Apparate to the roof, of Beauxbatons." You said confidently as you squeezed Theseus's hand.

You shut your eyes quickly feeling your stomach lurch as you were teleported to the roof of the Beauxbatons. You opened your eyes seeing your self just in the spot that you used to go with your friends when you were younger.

"This is it!" You called out excitedly to everyone letting go of Theseus's hand to go find the entrance into the school.

You walked over to the light blue turret pressing a specific panel which made a noise before opening up the whole turret to reveal a dark staircase. You smiled triumphantly stepping down the stairs only to realize that your friends weren't behind you. 

When you walked back up the stairs you saw all of them stuck inside of a cage of electricity. You turned to your side elbowing a man in the gut, as he tried to grab you. You jumped away form him pointing your wand at him.

Why was he here?

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