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-Your P.O.V.-

You nodded at Juliet spotting the fancy large black manor in the middle of a fancy garden. The hedges surrounding the manor seemed to be about 10 feet high. Juliet motioned for you to follow her behind the manor, as the two of you landed on the ground, beside a large hedge, behind the building. Luckily this side of the building didn't have windows. 

Well if you could even call this a building. It was more of a manor, or like a huge black palace. For all of the Malfoy ever born to live in. Once you were on the ground you through your broom over to the side hiding it under the hedges, along with Juliets. 

Once they were hidden you pointed your wand at them removing your fingerprints from them, even though you were wearing gloves it didn't hurt to be cautious.

"Okay, listen there's an open window over there, we'll have to sneak in the form there," Juliet whispered pointing to a window.

It was on the other side of the garden, it was still in the back behind the garden but you could see, the window shutters were completely open. You nodded following Juliet as the two of you crouched past a bunch of closed windows to reach the only open one. 

Once the two of you made it under the window, Juliet began to stand up slowly, trying to see if anyone was in that room. But this room was just an extra bathroom, so Juliet, jumped inside, before motioning for you to follow her. So you did. You jumped inside as quietly as possible. You dusted off your outfit looking around. 

They were definitely extremely rich. This was just a half bathroom, but it was still fancier than the Hogwarts bathrooms. You began looking around to try and find something relevant, as Juliet, carefully, opened up the door. 

Once it was open she stepped into the hallway, motioning for you to follow her. The two of you looked around finding yourselves, in a brightly lit, hallway with high ceilings, green lush carpets, and ancestors tapestries hanging from the ceilings. On the walls were ancient-looking torches, between the tapestry. It seemed very medieval as you walked down the hallway carefully. 

"How do we find Draculus, in this huge place?" You whispered, walking along with your masked half-sister.

"I don't know but we'll search this whole place if we have to." She replied quietly as she continued to walk slowly down the hall, as you adjusted your mask, making sure your face didn't show.

"That will be all minty." A man said from around the corner.

"Of course sir Draculus." Answered the squeaky voice of a house-elf. "Goodnight sir." The house-elf said." 

And just when you thought you'd be caught, as the man turned around the corner, Juliet pulled you into a large bedroom. The walls were black with white photos, pin into them, there were also, some maps, articles, and textbook pages, pinned to the wall. On a desk was more notes papers, scrolls. Every device that provided information was there. Draculus entered his bedroom, as you and Juliet, hid behind a bookshelf. 

Draculus, walked over to the desk, putting his hands on it. He flipped through a few of the books lazily, as he thought to himself. He then looked up at the photos. He picked up one specific, photo of the wall looking at it intently. You squinted your eyes trying to get a better look at the photo, letting out an audible, gasp when you saw who the photo was of. 


Draculus, turned around immediately wand drawn out at lighting speed, but Juliet was after. She quickly disarmed him, as you spelled him to be wrapped in ropes, tightly. Before Juliet spelled him to be thrown into his desk chair. The man, who like Juliet mention before seemed to be about her age. He had platinum blonde hair which was a mess on his head, he had silver eyes, a thin body, and he seemed to be about 6'2.  

He looked at us in fear about to scream until Juliet gagged him with a cloth she summoned with her wand. He sat there trying to spit it out, he looked so helpless that you began to feel bad. But then you remembered. He had killed you and Juliet's mothers. We had to solve this mystery.

Which meant it was time, to do this.

Mystery Girl ∆ Theseus Scamander ∆ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now