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-Your P.O.V.-

You and Theseus, walked hand in hand, towards the edge of Hogsmeade to find Madame Pudfoots's cozy tiny tea shop, at the edge of the street. Theseus let go of your had and held the door of the small pink and green tea shop open for you. You stepped inside followed by Theseus who had his hands jammed into the pockets of his windbreaker. 

The two of you walked to the back of the small and crowded tea shop and found a small table for two which you sat at. There were menus laid out on the table as well as salt, and pepper shakers, and napkins.

You placed, your hands on your lap, shyly looking up at Theseus ever so slightly to see that he was smiling at you sweetly, as he scrolled through a menu. You quickly grabbed your menu, the following suit as you began searching through for something good to eat, for brunch.

You scrolled through the many delicious brunch options with my eyes until you stopped abruptly after spotting a classic cinnamon bun. You finally after two minutes decided to order 1 classic cinnamon bun, with scrambled eggs on the side, and a medium caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino.

"Hello, Welcome to Madame Pudfoots's Tea Shop! How may I help you today?" A young teenage girl smiled as she stood beside the table pen and notepad in hand.

"I'll have two pieces of avocado toast, and a small Dragon Fruit refresher," Theseus, said looking up from his menu, to smile at the waitress, who blushed back. He has such an effect on people it's unusual.

"Okay and I will have 1 classic cinnamon bun, with scrambled eggs on the side, and a medium caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino," You said smiling at the waitress, who scribbled down your orders before leaving to the back of the shop with a small wave.

You and Theseus moved your menus to the side and looked into each other's eyes smiling slightly. He reached his hand over the table and squeezed your hand sweetly. You squeezed his hand back in return as you looked into his dark brown eyes.

"How are you lovely?" Theseus said intertwining his finger with yours.

"Good," You giggled sweetly, looking into his eyes.

"Well, you're looking extremely beautiful, today," He said looking into your (E/C) eyes.

"Thank you," You said sweetly running the 'you' as you shyly looked at your lap towards your black skirt. 

The waitress who had taken our order now approached us with to plate of food, and two drinks on one plate. She stopped at the table and began handing us our meals.

"Two-piece of avocado toast, and a small Dragon Fruit refresher, for you," She said placing the plate and drink in front of Theseus.

"And 1 classic cinnamon bun, with scrambled eggs on the side, and a medium caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino for you," She said placing your plate and drink in front of you with an eye roll.

Why didn't she like you? You thought as you reached for your drink taking a simple sip of it. Theseus also took a sip of his drink.

You looked into Theseus's eyes, happily, realizing that this was going to be a great day!


I finally updated it! Sorry, it has been a while, I just haven't been too good mentally, but I'm slowly getting better. I hope you guys liked the chapter, I worked so hard on it! Much Love!


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