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  “Please,  please I'm sorry. I swear, wallah I won't repeat it again Its a mista..........” the resonating slap shut her up abruptly.
She wakes up from a bad dream,  a dream about her life.  The story of her life, she lives to regret the decision she's made 5 years back. Everyday of her life reminded her of the decision she made with an elated heart,  she winced at the pain of shattered glasses  against her flesh . Blood follows her as she crawls gently go the washroom, she managed to fill the tub with water and got in, she watched as the warm water turned bloody and the stinging sensation was getting out of hand “ Ya Rabb,  is this my punishment?  She whispered to only her hearing . From this aspect life was unfair to her, she threw on a plain blue bou-bou not minding to dry her wet hair as she begins to clean the shattered glass and blood,  Back at the backyard she placed the glasses in a hole she's  digged  and buries it, not forgetting to plant a hibiscus seed right on the heap of sand.  It was her way of hoping that there were brighter days ahead and soon the tide will show up. 
The strong wind blew ferociously not forgetting to slap her wet hair on her face in as much as it was reminding her of her bruise she stayed glued to the spot enjoying her little idea of freedom,  she staggered back to her room and decided to pray her pains away. She cried so hard as she views her reflection on her bathroom mirror, last night was the end of her room's dressing mirror.  She winced as she treated her deep injuries, life was hard on her.  Not long after she was on her praying mat,  praying her pains away, she prayed until her injured feets could no longer carry her.  She feel asleep.
  The loud banging on the  door woke her up, Hameed was home to her surprise it was in the afternoon and she hadn't cooked anything all day and Alhamdulilah he wasn't drunk,  she opened the door to her room and went down stairs to the  sitting room, kneeling on both kneels in front of him.
His face was hard, so hard that his eyes might pop out “I want you to cook dinner, cook different varieties.  My parents are coming over to spend the night,  understand?” he  spoke so loud that the doors and chairs shook all she could do was to nod. He was on his way out when the thought strucked him “Wear a long jalabiya, jilbab and niqab. I don't want my parents to think that I don't take care of you ” and with that he stepped out of the house.
  As promised chapter two is up already and Masha Allah you guys are reading.  Thank you for the support and this chapter is dedicated to maryamibrahimsalga she's the first person to vote.  I love you wujuga wujuga.
Love Zarah 💞

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