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     The seriousness in her tone was what lead to his surprised  expression,  she was really serious.
“I need the keys to my car, I think I should go out ” she stated,  he for once thought this was all a dream and she'll come back to being his once more.
He hands her the keys to the car and walked to his room,  immediately he hears the roaring of the car engine to life and the closing of the gate he dialled Layla “Layla I can't do this anymore.  It's getting out of hand ” he said into the phone “oh my gosh Hameed stop making it sound as if I forced you into this marriage,  we have an aim to achieve and All these things you keep saying doesn't make sense.” she was nagging and he's had it up to here.  “Layla  I never had the intentions of marrying her neither did I have the intention of having a daughter with and the worst part I killed her with my hands unintentionally  I never had a chance to love her like I planned to ” he replied “Hameeeeeed! Are you sure it's me you love or you're whipped by some low class........... ” “Layla! ” he interrupts her naggings and complains just when he was about saying a word silent sobs was heard and he dropped the phone to the ground when he seeing the person crying.
“who's Layla ?”she demand an answer to this question “I don't think now is the time to answer this question ” he replied looking embrasssed.  She left him and went back down stairs after she's gotten the document she came back for.
He got a paper and wrote all he thought she should know.

     Hannah squealed when she open her front door to find Jalilah standing she dragged her into a bone crushing hug until she could no longer breathe “here have something to drink” pushing forward chilled cup of coke.  She takes a sip and sighed “so what brings you to my humble abode on a Monday? ” Hannah asked “I'm getting a divorce ” she stated she was surprised by the sound of her own voice. She sounded pathetic and sad.  Is this how life choose to treat her? “what! ” Hannah asked wide eyed “yes, you heard me right I can't do this anymore.  This marriage has broken every fiber of my being ” she said in a whisper loud enough for Hannah to hear.
“you know how our society looks at divorced women,  and no matter what she says no one will believe she was innocent, they'll all be pointing fingers at you. ” Hannah said “what ever they will say it's fine by me as long as I'll get out of the web of an abusive marriage” they talked for an hour or two and she left with Hannah promising to come visit soon.
By 8:30 pm she had parked the car in the middle of the compound,  dragging her tired feets into the house she was hungry and exhausted. She went straight into the bathroom and had a hot shower she felt it warmth of the water soothing away the pain she held within, washing away her tears.  If her tears were to be measured she had shed enough tears for as long as she live, nothing on earth can ever make her cry again.
    She tied her hair into a bun and walked out of her room straight to the kitchen she's seen no sign or signal of Hameeds' presence in the house so she had her way with what ever she wanted eating the fruit salad she got from the fridge she was half way through when the front door clicked open and Hameed came staggering into the house,  she sighed he's drunk again and he reeked of alcohol she looked at his pathetic symbol as he walks toward the stairs he could barely stand on his feet without support taking the stairs one after the other a loud crash is heard from the stairs and  a man wincing in pain lies lifeless on the floor.

“I'm sorry for everything,  please don't leave me.  I swear I'll make up for all the wrongs I've done.  Noor! Noor! Noo......... ” he didn't complete his words as he vomits all the contents of his stomach on the bedroom floor. Jalilah had helped him up the stairs and straight to his bedroom lying him gently on the bed . For once she thought he was dead until she touched him and heard him wince.  She got the cleaning materials and began to clean up the mess he's made lost in thought she felt tears on her face as she thought about his last statement  maybe he also loved Noor but was too arrogant to show it because of all he's done or maybe he was planning on changing for the better  she turned her head sideways dismissing the thoughts and standing firm on the fact that she was divorcing this man. If he was willing to change he won't come home drunk.
    Hameed  Yasir was awake staring outside the window as the sun rises slowly he sits on his bed and burst into bitter uncontrollable tears ignoring the headache that was bothering him,  he cried for an hour then decided to go down stairs,  he met his wife and a man who claims to be her Lawyer
“Good morning Sir my name is Barrister Mahmud Yarima I'm Jalailah's lawyer.”  he said extending his hand for a handshake,  Hameed looked at him and his hand as though he was covered in filth he dropped  his hand embarrassed. “ well I think we should go straight to the point.  My client here  wants a divorce.. ..  ”  he was cut short by Hameed “I love my wife and whatever misunderstanding we're having will be settled between us,  we don't need a lawyer so your services are not need ”  Barr Mahmud laughed gently “I've meet clients like you,  well my client here is  filing for a divorce ” he replied.  “I think you should leave, you've overstayed your welcome ” Hameed yelled “he's my guest and this is my house, he's going no where ” Jalilah spoke for the first time “ this is our house remember? Your house is my house" shock was evident in Hameeds voice “well since we're getting a divorce I don't think my property is also yours ” she replied “love ! Please don't say this ” the shock Jalilah felt was enough to pull her to the ground,  what!  Did he just call her love?  When has he ever been nice to her?
“I think I  should leave,  you guys should decide If you want a divorce or not.  Mrs Yasir  I'll take my leave ” Barr Mahmud walked towards the door “yes leave we don't need you.” Hameed yelled behind him .
suffocating silence filled the room,  it felt to tight to breath “why did you do that? ”she asked , her voice was a whisper. He kneels on both knees, held her hips tight and placed his head on her stomach and burst into another set of uncontrollable tears  the lump In his throat didn't look like it was dissolving any time soon and he didn't waste time on pushing all the tears out of his orbits “I beg you in the name of Allah,  don't do this to me.  I'm nothing without you please , forgive me,  don't leave me ” he continues to cry holding and pulling her as closely as he could. She looked everywhere but at him, where was the strong woman she built days ago ? It all came crumbling down as tears strolled down her face. She vowed to her self that she won't fall for his crying and begging,  he is never going to change she thought. “enough of this,  let me go ”she said wiggling out of his tight embrace.
       She managed to get away and he followed he upstairs ,pleading and crying harder that before. He was wailing she used her hands to cover her ears away from the unpleasant noise if his cries he dragged her to his room with all the strength he had left.  At first she thought he was going to assault her as he used to be when she saw the paper on the table with hospital letter head she thought differently.  She almost collapsed when she saw that it shows a liver function test.  Hameed  Yasir was diagnosed with cancer of this liver.
Zarah has done it again,  this chapter is dedicated to hannatukur she strangled me in real life to update.  I had to beg for my life.
Well I've been so very busy and I  was staying away from watpad plus my main reason for not updating was because I had to edit some plot holes here and there. 

  Back to the book.  I feel so sorry for Hameed😪😥😫🤧.
There is this magic I want to show you guys there's this star at the bottom of the screen press it and it'll turn orange. Try it and see if I'm lying you can come and beat me.
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Always know that Zarah loves you all. 
     Love Zarah 💞

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