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Time and tides waits for no man,  no matter your status or your tribe.  It passes by like its no man's business it can only be used and can never be reversed.
Eight months  flew by so quickly, how time flies, he baby bump was prominent and she was eating all sorts of weird things due to pregnancy hormones,  her antenatal visits to the hospital have been very supportive.
It's Monday 7th. July ,2014 the way her morning started was not normal,she's been experiencing back pains and contractions here and there also couldn't sleep the whole night as the pain in her back was intense. She managed to get up and make breakfast for Hameed which he ate before going to work and when she felt better after a hot bath she decided to rest a little bit and she instantly fell asleep.
“Wake up! Hameed was yelling,  he's come back home for lunch and met a sleeping Jalilah “you're back already?  What's the time?” she asked confused owning to the fact of how Hameed woke her up “what sort of stupid question is that?  By the way I didn't see any food on the dinning table ” he stated angry . Jalilah held her head, signifying that she overslept and has probably forgotten about something called food, she hasn't even had breakfast “I'm so sorry I was feeling sick and couldn't even lift a finger.  I didn't even know when I slept off” she replied “Is that an excuse or what? He asked “I'm so sorry Let me just whip something up for you I'll be back in a jiffy ” she was dragged back by a strong pull “I asked you a question, answer me ”  she was confused what question was he talking about? “you think because you're carrying this thing in your stomach you can disrespect me as you like? I'll not allow that ”  he slaps her across the face and she fell on the floor,  it angered him more that she wasn't in pain as he's expected then pushed her to the wall till he heard her shout and pleading for her life “I want to see my food ready in the next five minutes or else you're doomed ”  he then kicked her back and walked out of the room.  He heard as she yelped in pain and cried so loud that   even he was shocked he was even shocked.
Five minutes later he came back and met her in the same position he left her but this time she was covered in her own blood and unconscious .
“Mr yasir, please see me in my office ” Dr Ramlah ordered and he followed suit as fast as his legs could carry him. “ your wife and daughter are out of danger now, but then she had premature delivery ” she said to him immediately  she heard him close the office door. Hameed was sad.  His eyes became glazed with glassy layers of tears, he was broken inside  and burst into tears “Hameed, tell me the truth this time what really happened? I know it wasn't an accident ” Dr Ramlah asked as she watched him cry “it was a mistake,  it was all me” he's never been this scared in his life for the fact that he almost murdered not even one soul but two souls.  What was he going to tell Allah?
“I knew it was all you and this time I'm taking measures, I'm calling the authority to handle this case,  domestic violence is a treat to our society. This time around she almost lost her  life and that of the baby”  she picks up her phone and started to dial a number “please don't,  I promise to change. I'll never lay a finger on her again I swear I don't know what came over me ” he pleaded and pleaded until  she changed her mind. “I wouldn't hesitate to contact the authority next time and I'll make sure you suffer the wrath of your actions ” she spoke with venom,  and dismissed him out of the office.
The stinging sensation in Hameed's cheek made him admit to himself that he deserved more than that “how could you do this? All that poor girl ever did wrong was to love you and now you give her thorns in return.  I can't believe I gave birth to you,  I kept mum because I thought you were going to change your ways. What happened to the Hameed I gave birth to?  What happened to my son ?” this time mama was doing both the crying and the scolding she's never laid a finger on Hameed he was her only son but this time he's gone too far “enough,  let's go back inside. I'm sure if Jalilah was awake she wouldn't want this please let's go in ” Yasir dragged his crying wife not forgetting to give his son a disgusted look . They arrived immediately they got a call from Hameed and Dr Ramlah being the family doctor told them the case at hand.
“  It's a good thing I decided to stay away from you. You don't deserve a father like me, you're innocent and deserve better,  even if I make it up to you.  Your Ammi will never forgive me ”  Hameed was soliloquizing as he watched his daughter in the incubator.  He wished he never came home for lunch,  She would have Been save in her mother's womb till the day she decides to come out.

Mama waited at Jalilah's bed side praying silently for her to wake up soon “she's been in a coma for three days, Yasir I hope she wakes up soon.  I won't be able to forgive myself for not taking action right from the beginning ” mama sobbed “don't worry,  Insha Allah she'll be fine,  let's keep praying that Allah brings her back to us” Yasir  consoled her to say that he was at ease was a lie,  he was afraid he'll never be able to forgive his son If anything happens to Jalailah.
She woke up about an hour ago and has been asking to see her baby,  the nurses think it was a wrong idea to let her walk around the hospital as she was still unwell,  they decided to wheel her to go and see her baby.
Mama was so glad she was finally awake she pushed her gently on the wheel chair as they made way to the Nusery, Jalilah on the other hand wanted to see her daughter so bad she was excited and wanted to know what her baby looked like.
“Noori! Noori!  I name her noori for she's brought light into my life”
A/N ;  this is probably the longesr chapter I've typed so far and I'm hoping you'll enjoy it as you always do.  Don't forget to vote and leave inline comments . Notifications from you makes my day.
Love Zarah 💞

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