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“Now you see she's planning on running away from you,  you're a demon. If she leaves,know that you are doomed ” his subconscious mind bugs him as he sees her suitcases packed and placed at the corner of her room he comes back and helds her hand “please tell me you're not leaving me,  if you leave me I'll die.  I know I've not been the best of husband to you for so long please give me this chance to make things right. I swear I'll do my best to make our lives better.
Listen I  know I've hurt you real bad all these years were hell for me as well even though I hate myself now for that but look at it from this angle the cold hands of death will take me away if you ever leave me.  I'm sorry I really I'm I know it won't be easy for you to forgive me but please forgive me.  I'll do whatever you ask.  If it was me I knew I would have left you Alone in the condition I was last week  with the way I treat you and the way I  harass and make your life bitter but you did the exact opposite of that,  if I loose  you then I'll be doomed forever I won't be able to forgive myself .” he was almost at the verge of tears who would ever thought the Almighty Hameed could stoop this low and beg his wife Jalilah?
“ I'll be lying if I  say I wasn't planning on leaving,  I want to start a new life  abroad, get  a job and enjoy  my life the way it's supposed to be. Initially my plane is set to leave today and I'll be a conniving liar if I tell you,  you were the person I once loved.  You hurt me real bad at times I thought I did something wrong and even thought of appologising, but it wasn't me.  It was just you, I've had enough I have to go” she replied.
He was already on his knees holding on to her leg as If his life depends on it,  his grip was so tight “wallah I'll change for the better please give me another chance wallah I won't ruin this ,  mother will never forgive me if you leave I swear I'll be a better man , I'll treat you better ” drenched in sweat and tears Hameed was hard bent on making Jalilah change her mind . He was willing to do all he's said and mend his ways .
“I won't leave,  I'll stay ” she replied between sobs , he looked up at her face to ensure she meant it and she nodded. He pleaded with his eyes and she gave him a reassuring smile.
“Are you going to work or you'll keep holding my leg all day?  She asked a little sacarstic “Please just assure me you wouldn't leave ” he replied
“Give me a moment” she opens her drawer and brings out her ticket and tore it into two “See I'm not leaving ” she replied.
“Thank you , wallah I'll be the best husband ”  Hameed said in form of  a sigh “I'll just go and get a change of clothes, then I'll leave for work ” he left immediately.
It's two hours already by now Jalilah was sure her flight must have taken off,  she just hoped staying back was worth it.  All the things Hameed said did he really mean it? Or he just wanted her to stay and continue as his help around the house.  Maybe he was up to another trick on making her life bitter . Her thoughts was brought to an end when she heard the door bell .
She was shocked after opening the door, not because of the door but the person in front of her door.
Who do you think she saw at the front door?
Well chapter seven is up already and I'll be very glad if you vote, comment and share.
     Love Zarah 💞

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