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I like flowers, it reminds me of how beautiful life is and also very fragile, with time it withers. That's to show that every second counts.
Hameed stayed true to his word.  For the passed few months he hasn't done anything to annoy his wife.  They were days when he brought her breakfast in bed,  cooked with her and also did the dishes.  He even got to take her out for dinner, they went for grocery shopping together took selfies.  They even got so close that they prayed together and he recited the Qur'an to her every morning.
It was Monday and he wasn't feeling the need to leave for the office because Jalilah complained of a headache through out the night he offered to take her to the hospital but she proved stubborn and defended that she'll be fine,  he had just finished his breakfast and decided to bid her good bye before leaving for work when he found her unconscious on the kitchen floor .
He carried her to the car and zoomed of to the hospital.
“Please could you come to my office for a minute? Dr Ramlah suggested as she moved swiftly to her office. Hameed settled on a seat in front of him as he waits patiently.
“ I'm glad to announce that your wife is eight weeks pregnant ” she announced gladly  “what did you just say?  Hameed was shocked “yes your wife is pregnant, why that frown on your face? Dr. Ramlah asked
“Sorry,  I never expected such, thank you for telling me such pleasant news.” with that he stood up to leave “one more thing Mr Hameed'' he turns to look at her “we found bruises on your wife's body,  some of her wounds are deep and are yet to heal,  did anything happen?  The seriousness in her tone was what Hameed was scared of,  she looked at him as though she could read him like an open book as a doctor he was sure she knew it was domestic violence , he knoes he's been a monster,  a  beast but  he had to lie to defend himself.“oh!  That she fell from the stairs not long ago and Alhamdulilah she's healing well ” he replied “well please try and prevent that from happening next time and she shouldn't be subjected to much pressure, try to reduce the house chores and make sure she eats lots of fruits and vegetables. You can take her home once she's awake ”  It was as if she threatened him to treat her right.
He brought her a glass of water and she gulps it down in one go then he looked at her, how come he never noticed how her face was glowing and how she's added weight and the way she eats lately.  If only he had known this was bound to happen.
“The doctor said you were pregnant ” he said
“yes she told me,  isn't that a thing of joy,  we're going to have a child that we can call our own and he'll call me Umma and you Abba isn't that nice Hameed?  She was to busy fantasizing about her future with her unborn child and she didn't notice the look he was giving her.
She wished she never heard what he said to her next. It was as if her while world came crumbling down once again and she was helpless and hopeless.
“I want you to remove it."
Did I just see that?  He asked her to remove it 😨
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ughhh my fingers hurt.
Love Zarah 💞

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