Chapter One: An International Promise

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The other nations were only silent for a second before bursting into a range of reactions. Japan, Lithuania, and Hungary all squealed with joy at a new arrival coming. Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Romano were all taking bets on if it would be a boy or girl. Italy and Prussia were trying to awaken a comatose Germany, who had fainted from shock. Denmark and Canada were hugging Alfred, happy to hear the news. Norway, Iceland, and Sweden were looking at Finland with worry and ready to hold him back if he were to attack. Finland was quiet, creepily quiet. His eyes were staring at Russia with such an ominous look, it scared the three normally stoic Nordics. Finland then started to walk up to Russia, with that same stare. Russia noticed and quickly straightened up, prepared to defend himself. The air went cold as the other nations halted everything, watching the pair. But Finland did something unexpected.

Finland hugged Russia and burst into tears. Russia was confused at first but still made it a priority to comfort the crying Finn.

"You are not mad?" Russia asked confused. Finland shook his head.

"Of course not! I'm going to have another grandbaby! I'm the happiest nation on the planet!" Finland smiled brightly and picked up Russia in a fit of joy. The nations were shocked by this, they didn't think Finland was so strong. Russia was the most taken aback, as both his feet were a good 10 inches from the ground. All the nations had a good laugh at Russia's face, even America chuckled at Russia's scared expression. He rubbed his tummy and stretched out his arms, cracking his back in the meantime. All the loud commotion made a few states run downstairs: Brody, Gabe, Aria, Marina, and Anastasia.

"Ma! What in the name of Dallas is going on?!" Brody asked loudly, as to be heard over his rambunctious family. Alfred smiled and motioned to his stomach, then made a sweeping motion to resemble a baby bump. Brody was quiet for a minute, as was Gabe and Anastasia. Meanwhile, Aria and Marina started to flip out.

"Yay! I new baby! I can't wait to teach it how to play ukulele and surf and draw manga and cook spam and watch yaoi and-" Marina went on a five-minute rant of the long list she would teach her new little brother or sister.

"Congrats, Ma! I'll help any way I can!" Aria started, "I'll do anything you need! I'll even keep the sports fights to a minimum! And I'll-" she stopped ranting when she gazed towards Brody and Gabe, seeing the loving looks they had in their eyes. Aria smiled at them and sighed, straightening up, "Finally, those two admitted their feelings. The sexual tension between them was worse than with Britain and France," she thought to herself, chuckling.

Ten minutes of shrieks later and the house finally calmed down. Becca came in holding Mali, tilting her head. She smiled at her family with a big smile and handed off Mali to Tino. She then walked over to Alfred and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, Ma! Can you make your sweet potato and turmeric miso soup! Pretty please! The chill is real and Jasper picked a whole bunch of sweet potatoes from the garden this morning! I could really use the cozy warmth," Becca begged. Alfred chuckled and nodded, unwrapping his daughter's arms from around him.

"Sure sweetheart, go get the ingredients ready. I'll go freshen up and change into some comfy pajamas," Alfred headed upstairs and the states all headed off. England stared at the stairs with a gentle gaze, France and Spain doing much the same.

"Can we all promise something?" England turned to the nations, who all looked at him with worry. China nodded for him to continue, "can we all promise to protect Alfred, his children, and his unborn baby? Can we all promise that no matter if we're fighting the git or each other, we will still be there to aid him when he needs us?" the silence was suffocating them. Luckily, it didn't last long.

"This really isn't a question for us, we already agree, of course!" Finland yelped, gesturing to the rest of the Nordics.

"Same is implied for us," Lithuania gestured to him, Belarus, Romano, and Hungary.

"Hai! Prussia-san, Canada-san, and I arready agree!" Japan yelped with fire in his eyes.

"I agree! The other Baltics too!" Ukraine waved, Estonia and Latvia nodding.

"Ja, I vill not let him get hurt so long as I am zere vith him," Germany nodded sternly, and Italy waved his arms.

"Me too!" Italy squealed. England looked to China, France, and Spain.

"Of course aru! I don't think I can hurt him again after learning about his past!" China shuttered at the many memories he had witnessed. But this lead to him having a quizzical look upon his brow. "What happened to the marble aru?"

"Si, I agree!" Spain yelled, "Alfred will always have someone to trust as long as he has me," Spain crossed his arms.

"Oui! For Alfred I'll vill to anyzing!" France fist pumped with determination.

"Jolly good. Seems we all have reached an agreement. From henceforth, we nations are going to be called APS, Alfred's Protection Squad," England declared, getting a yelp from all the nations. They agreed for once in unison, an international promise that would never be broken.


this one is a short first chapter to line up my story. The second one will be longer I promise :) 

I just needed a sturdy base for all the juicy action and drama! Stay tuned my awesome starlings!


Kimiko Lee

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