Chapter Thirteen: Remembering Alaska

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Time was quickly running out and Alfred was due any day now. Many of the nations had prepared their rooms completely, ready to be there when Alfred's water broke. Alfred was so bloated that he was literally a beached whale. Germany refused to let the poor man move, as did France. Both of the European nations waited on Alfred hand and foot.

The kids would also come to visit Alfred, every day some of the states came by to give their mother kisses and gifts for their new brothers. Texas and Kansas had actually built two new cribs, and began to spat when the topic oh who's was better came into play. Alfred did his best to quell the fighting, but being bedridden made it hard. So, Ivan had to pull the states apart and scold them for stressing out Alfred.

The young blonde didn't mind all the positive attention, in fact, he relished it. Never had England's fatherly doting been so welcomed. But, he did miss the fact that the nations would all have dinner downstairs. Normally one of them would accompany him in his room to feed him, but Alfred didn't want to do that.

So, when nightfall came around, Alfred decided to defy all his rules set by Germany. He began to waddle down the stairs quietly and went into the dining room. The others were still in the kitchen preparing the food, so they didn't see or hear him. When Prussia came in the dining room with the freshly grilled sausages, he nearly had a heart attack.

"VHAT ZE HELL ARE JOU DOING DOWN HERE?! HOW ZE HELL DID JOU GET ZERE?!" he screeched as he set the plate down and ran over. Gilbert's screaming prompted both Hungary and Ivan to run in, both holding their said weapon of choice. When they noticed Alfred sitting there, they were eased a tiny bit. But they still were worried about the poor boy.

"Gil, I wanted to eat dinner with everyone tonight. Is that so bad?" Alfred smiled softly and gently patted Gilbert's back. The albino sighed and hugged him tightly.

"I know jou vant to do some things, but zat doesn't mean jou should," Gilbert retorted. The other nations began to bring in the rest of the food, noticing Alfred in his normal chair.

"Alfred, what the bloody hell are you doing down here?"

"Nevermind zat, 'ow did you get down 'ere?" Francis questioned frantically. While the papa nation fretted over Alfred, Germany walked up to them with his arms crossed.

"Jou valked down by yourself, didn't jou?"


"POR QUE?! MIJO YOU COULD HAVE HURT YOURSELF!!!" Spain yelled. China came over and shooed them all away.

"Aiya! Stop with all the screaming, you're going to stress him out, aru!" Finland and Sweden both came in with plates, smiling at their son.

"Well, we have been cooping him in his room. He deserves a little break from the bed," Tino began to set an extra spot since Alfred took up one. Sweden nodded in agreement as Denmark began to bring in the drinks.

"What would you like to drink, broshinky?"

"Just water would suffice, Mathias," the pineapple haired man nodded happily and poured him a tall glass of water. The rest of the nations made their plates and Britain sat right beside Alfred, making sure he didn't stretch or stress. The meal was much appreciated and Alfred loved being able to share it with the people he loved.

It began to thunder storm outside, so Norway was quick to make a fire in the living room. After everything was cleaned up in the dining hall, Germany helped Alfred to the couch. Ivan sat beside him, with Canada below him and Spain to his other side. It was quiet for a small while, the glow of the fireplace bringing light and warmth to the group. Alfred smiled softly and leaned against Ivan's chest, taking a deep breath.

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