Chapter Eleven: A World of Problems

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America was laying down, trying to get as much rest as possible before he was forced to get ready for the world summit taking place in New York City. Russia had been downstairs the entire morning, getting all the small territories fed and dressed. He let his lover sleep for longer because that night had been particularly bad.

The children had kept kicking and continuously woke Alfred up until close to 4 AM. Even though they were due in nearly two weeks now, Ivan couldn't help but be paranoid. He didn't even want Alfred to leave the bedroom, much less get on a plane.

Looking at the clock, he realized their flight would be leaving in three hours. It would be just enough time for Alfred to get ready, considering most of his wardrobe no longer fit him and it would take twenty minutes just to get his clothing over his bump. They already had packed the car that previous night, so they only worried about eating breakfast.

Ivan began to make his way up the stairs and quietly opened the door. Alfred was laying on his back, trying to get himself up right. Ivan didn't even get a word in before he heard Alfred groan.

"These fuckers better be cute,"

Ivan chuckled at the comment. He knew Alfred didn't mean any malice behind the harsh words.

"Come on, Fredka. I picked out your outfit and everything," Alfred groaned louder and went to get up again, finding himself fall right back onto his back. He tried one last time, straining himself before giving up.

"Vanya~ Help meeeeee~" he whined. He held up his arm, showing he couldn't get himself up to save his life. Ivan, once again, laughed and proceeded to help him out of bed and get dressed.

He dressed Alfred in a pair of black maternity overalls, a plain white tee, and black slip-on sneakers. He then put a black headband in his husbands hair, as to really sell the look. Alfred put on some lip balm and proceeded to waddle his way down the stairs.

After Jersey and Massachusetts arrived, the two left the house. They entrusted the two elder daughter to keep the house tidy and the territories happy until their return. They hadn't even driven two miles when they heard Alfred's tummy rumble, so Ivan was quick to pull out a small baggy.

"Here you go, my sunflower. Just munch on a few saltines before we get to the airport. I'll buy you a muffin and some tea when we get there,"

"But I wanna coffee~"

"Nyet, the doctor said no coffee. It's too much caffeine for you, especially with how much you consume. Tea will be better for the babies and you can have more of it,"

Alfred's cheeks puffed out childishly as he crunched on a few crackers. He didn't like how bland they were, but it was really the only form of cracker he could hold down. He tried eating honey crackers a few days prior, yeah, that didn't end well for their bathroom.

When the two pulled up to the airport parking lot, Ivan was quick to help Alfred out of the car. It was pretty warm out, but still breezy. Ivan got the bags from the car and the two began their to walk towards the entrance.

A worker who was on a golf cart noticed the very pregnant Alfred waddling his way to the entrance, giving a polite smile and pulling alongside them. He had been dropping off a few boxes at the airport service station, so he had plenty of room for them.

"Ma'am, sir, would you like a ride?" he asked sweetly. Alfred and Ivan were quick to nod and hopped on. The nice employee began driving them to the front, asking a bunch of questions about Alfred's belly. Ivan was creeped out a bit, as it seemed weird that Americans were so curious about a baby they would probably never meet again. But, then he remembered that's how Alfred always was.

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