Chapter Eight: The Glow

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A few months had passed since that night and it was now January. The nations had made a pact that they were to never speak of what they had seen to anyone. Their sole focus was to make Alfred happy and make sure his pregnancy was healthy as could be. Alfred was sixteen weeks, meaning he was in his second trimester of pregnancy. He was showing quite a lot, leading China and Finland to worry about him. But, after reassuring the two elder nations he was fine, Alfred began to wonder why he was showing so much, himself. The nations and elder states had gone back to their respective homes after New Year's, but many still kept in touch through video calls. The only nation that stayed was Ivan, to help him with the territories and make sure he wasn't overdoing it.

Alfred had developed some very weird cravings and did anything he could to get his hands on them. Such cravings were fried jumbo shrimp dipped in dark chocolate, pickles with whipped cream and candied walnuts, and vanilla ice cream with hot sauce. Ivan would often wake up at two in the morning to clinking downstairs and Alfred's side of the bed being empty.

The morning sickness was the worst, but Ivan remained patient and would rub Alfred's back anytime he threw up. The first trimester was Ivan waiting on Alfred hand and foot, making sure he was always comfortable. Ivan even took on some of Alfred's political work, as to make sure he didn't overwork. He also handled all doctor appointments, meeting schedules, and international affairs.

However, Alfred began to become self-conscious about his body. He was showing a lot for someone who was sixteen weeks and it made him feel fat. Ivan was so busy taking care of all their business work, that he failed to truly be there for Alfred in the second trimester. Alfred would often find himself curled into a ball in front of the fireplace, crying his eyes out as the children played in front of him. Alicia was always very worried, so she would hug Alfred anytime he cried.

Day after day, Alfred would cry or whimper. He would constantly weigh himself and stress ate like a pig when he gained weight. As perceptive as Ivan normally was, Alfred severely lacked emotional support from his husband. The conversations would often be short and to the point, normally about when Alfred's next appointment was or some work-related topics. With hardly any affection, Alfred became more and more body-conscious. It wouldn't be until week nineteen that Ivan would take notice of the behavior.

"Fredka, I just got off the phone with Dr. Azil. She said your next ultrasound appointment is tomorrow," Ivan said rather monotone as he walked down the stairs. After not getting a response, he looked again, "Fredka?" Ivan noticed a bundle of quivering blankets in front of the fireplace. So he went over quietly to make sure Alfred was ok. As he got closer, he heard Alfred hiccup and sniffle. Ivan jumped and, at the realization, dove down to Alfred, hugging his shaking form, "Fredka!"

"Y-yea, V-Vanya?" Alfred hiccuped again as more tears streamed down his face. Ivan quickly wiped them and gently untangled Alfred's curled up form.

"Sunflower, what is the matter? You can tell me," Ivan looked at Alfred's face with a soft expression. That's when he realized that Alfred had changed. In the glow of the electric fireplace, many of Alfred's features were more defined. His tiny button nose and rosy cheeks made him look so innocent, but his sapphire eyes showed a world of turmoil.

"I-I...I j-just don't know w-why I'm so f-fat!" Alfred cried more into the blanket. Ivan was quick to situate Alfred on his lap and rub his head.

"Oh Fredka, you are not fat. You are swollen with our baby," Ivan smiled down at Alfred and gently moved Alfred's face upward, "you are carrying the most precious thing on the planet, right now. You are carrying life," Alfred sniffed and wiped his nose.

"S-so you d-don't think I'm u-ugly?" Ivan kissed Alfred's lips softly.

"Nyet, Fredka. To me, you are the most beautiful creature alive right now. You always have been the most flawless human alive, no matter where, when, or what was going on. You were always the one that made the room sparkle upon entering it. Now that you are pregnant, now that you are creating life, you are more angelic than ever before," Ivan smiled and kissed Alfred's forehead. Alfred began to cry softer and cuddled into Ivan's chest, smiling at the older's warmth.

The following day, Alfred and Ivan were awaiting their doctor. This was the day they would find out the gender of their baby. Alfred was clutching Ivan's hand tightly, nervous about getting the ultrasound. Ivan kept rubbing his head and humming, assuring he stayed calm and happy. That's when two women walked in: one of them was a short, plump, black woman and the other was a tall, lanky, red-head covered in freckles.

"How you been, Dr. Azil?" he asked the shorter lady. She smiled and nodded to him, making sure he was comfortable.

"Alfred, it's wonderful to see you doing well! I'm sure you remember our sonographer, Mabel," she gestured to the ginger, who was adjusting her glasses and getting the ultrasound monitor setup. She waved to Alfred with a bright smile, getting a pair of gloves on. Alfred waved back and held Ivan's hand tighter, "you are in the peak of health! Perfect blood pressure, normal temperature, and no signs of infection! Mabel will be finishing up your appointment while I go send out your nausea prescription to the pharmacy,"

"Thank you, doctor, it means a lot," Ivan smiled as the doctor left.

"Are you excited to find out the gender of your child, Alfred?" Mabel asked sweetly as she got the bottle of sonography gel. Alfred nodded and took a deep breath, "the gel might be a little cold, ok?" Alfred jumped a little at the sudden sensation, giggling. Ivan looked at him weirdly, but Alfred just smiled.

"It tickles," he explained as he felt flutters. Alfred looked at Mabel as she put the probe on Alfred bump. She moved the probe side to side very slowly, making sure she got a thorough look. She smiled at the two and moved the monitor, allowing the two men to see.

"Right there," she pointed to a small blob, "and right there," she moved her finger over to an identical blob, "congratulations! Twin boys!"

Alfred and Ivan looked at the blobs, eyes widened with shock.

Twins...They were having twins...

Ivan burst into tears, gently hugging Alfred.

"Oh, Fredka! I'm so happy! Twins! You're giving me twins!" Alfred was lightly crying as he looked at the monitor. Mabel took a few photos and printed them out, handing them over to the couple and cleaning up the gel on Alfred's bump. The two nations were so excited and could hardly wait to tell the other nations. On the drive home, Ivan held Alfred's hand. The sunlight once again illuminated Alfred perfectly. Ivan was stopped at a red light and gazed lovingly at Alfred. He noticed Ivan staring at him and chuckled.


"You're so beautiful, Fredka. I am the luckiest man in the world," As the traffic light turned green, Ivan began to drive. Alfred turned his head to look out his window and for a split second saw the car. He didn't have time to scream or to warn Ivan, it all happened too fast. All Alfred could do was scrunch up into a ball as the tire screeching echoed. He felt Ivan's arms wrap around him tightly as the tire screeching got louder and louder.



Alfred's world went black as the car plowed into them. All Ivan could see was the sun still shining on his beloved, making him glow like the angel he was.


My dramatic ass really be doing this~

Please, don't kill me yet~

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