Chapter Nine: Worry

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Ivan hadn't been knocked out after the crash right away, he was able to hear and see things. His vision was blurry and everything sounded like it was underwater, but he managed to survey everything. The red pickup truck that had hit them was also badly damaged and the driver was knocked out at the wheel. Alfred's door was bent in weird angles, barely missing Alfred's body. There was glass everywhere and Alfred was slumped forward in his seatbelt, his temple bleeding.

He heard echoes around him as he began to reach for Alfred. The sounds were easy to pinpoint for someone like him: they were emergency vehicle sirens blasting in the distance and a crowd beginning to gather, some people were screaming and Ivan even picked up the crying of a baby. Ivan moved his arm slowly, holding Alfred's hand gently. 

One of the photos of their baby boys was on the carpeted floor, specks of blood falling onto it from Alfred's wound. Ivan used his other hand to get it and put it to his heart as he looked to Alfred. The broken window made the light reflect weirdly, illuminating Alfred like a saint.

"F-Fredka," Ivan whispered before he finally succumbed to darkness.

Matthew had been hanging at Alfred's house with Gilbert and playing with his little nephews and nieces when the two nations heard a loud knock on the door. Seeing that Matthew was busy, Gilbert got off the large couch and made his way to the front door. Alicia was already at the window, curiously looking as she opened the door. A tall cop was standing there, his hat already off.

"Hey there, little miss. My name is Officer Price. Are there any adults home?" he asked softly. The cop was young, most likely a rookie that was fresh out of the academy. Alicia nodded and turned to the albino nation, confusion in her eyes.

"Uncle Gil, there's a policeman at the door," she pointed to the man, who curtly nodded to the personification. Gilbert felt his stomach drop at the sight of the officer holding his hat, but swallowed his nerves and nodded. He knelt down to Alicia with a soft smile, trying his best not to show his worry.

"Ja, I see that. Alicia, vhy don't jou take jour siblings to the craft room. It's time for the adults to talk," Alicia nodded and went off. Gilbert stood up straight and gestured for the officer to enter, "please, come in officer," the officer came in with a polite nod as Gilbert shut the door, "can ve get jou anything? Vater, coffee, a snack perhaps?"

"That is ok, I'm afraid this won't take very long," Price said as they arrived at the living area. Gilbert led him to the couch where Matthew was worriedly sitting, he clearly knew something was wrong.

"Gil, who is this?"

"My name is Officer Patrick Price," he shook Matthew's hand.

"Matthew and this is my partner, Gilbert. What is this all aboot?"

"I came to inquire about information,"

"About vhat?"

"There was an accident this afternoon. Three males were sent to the hospital, one of them in critical condition," Price informed.

"Ok, what does that have to do with us, eh?" Matthew felt a lump in his throat. He didn't want to hear what he knew he was going to hear.

"According to the licenses of two of the victims, they live at this address, Ivan Braginsky, and Alfred Jones. Alfred is the victim that is in critical condition," both the nations felt their entire world plummet.

"Vhat happened?!" Gilbert asked with a sudden rush of panic.

"The third man, Richard Hog, was speeding through the intersection. Alfred and Ivan had the green light when Richard t-boned their vehicle. It was estimated that Richard was going over 90 miles per hour when he made the impact. Currently, all of them are at Hope Hospital getting treated," Price then pulled something from his pocket.

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