Chapter Fourteen: China's Parenting Class

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Sorry, it has been so long! But I got a really painful infection on my hand, and it hurt to type. Like, I couldn't even lay on my palm because of how painful it was. The swelling went down last night, and it isn't throbbing too bad. So, I'm sorry if the chapter is a little too short. I wanted to map out everything, and now all other chapters DO have plans and I'll try to work on them! The next few are gonna be crazy! So this is just a nice small one to wet your tastebuds~

I love you all!



Alfred was laying on his bed, bored and alone. He was due tomorrow and everybody had been doting on him all morning until their bosses decided to virtually have a meeting with them. So, as Alfred sat in bed and munched on a cookie, he couldn't help but wonder how the meetings were going. He decided to flick on the tv and watch some cartoons, relaxing.

Then, he felt the sudden urge to pee. He groaned and flopped around the bed, trying so hard to sit up. His foot accidentally got tangled in the sheets, making it ten times harder to move. He was quickly getting impatient and kept rolling around. As he further tangled himself in sheets, he didn't notice how close he was nearing the edge. Until~


America landed face first onto the carpet Ivan had placed along Alfred's side of the bed. He installed it because Alfred's feet had swollen a lot during the pregnancy and the carpet made them feel better than the hardwood. Alfred groaned, finding his legs still tangled in the sheets and his face being smothered in the carpet he rubbed his feet on.

It can go without saying that he was frustrated.

Ironically, his door began to open just as Alfred attempted to lift his face.

"Alfred, I have more cookies, for you, aru~" China looked and nearly dropped the tray, "AIYA!!! ARE YOU OK, ARU?!" he quickly placed the silver tray of cookies down and ran to his side, "what were you doing?" China lifted his upper body gently and untangled the younger's feet.

"I needed to pee, and this baby belly made it hard to get up. I just started thrashing and my feet got tangled, then plop," Alfred's lips quivered and a tear fell from his eye. Yao frowned and gently wiped his tear, smiling softly.

"It is ok, Alfred. You are not to blame for needing to pee, you just need to be a little more careful, ok? At least until these babies are out, then you can go back to being that silly nation we all love, aru," Alfred chuckled and nodded, allowing China to help him up and guide him to the bathroom.

After he was done doing his business, China helped him get situated. He had remade the bed and gently tucked Alfred in, giving him a fresh platter of cookies.

"Is everyone still in their meetings?" Yao nodded and brushed Alfred's head.

"Shì, but I finished up so I will take care of you," Yao once again smiled at Alfred, showing that he cared for him. Alfred smiled back as he relaxed, patting the spot next to him and gesturing for China to join him. Alfred flicked on the tv and continued watching his favorite cartoon. China took immediate interest in it.

"You like it, Yao?"

"What show is this? It looks Chinese, aru,"

"Avatar the Last Airbender, and you aren't far off. The four elements each have their own lands, and those lands are partial to a certain race. The Earth Kingdom is highly based around China, the Fire Nation is highly based around Japan, the Water Tribes are called tribes because they are suppose to be Inuit, and the Air Normads are supposed to be Tibetan. But there are other nations alluded to as well, like the one with the ponytail is Sokka. His boomerang is suppose to be native to Australia and the America's, and the little boat he and his sister are sailing in hints to Polynasian roots,"

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