Chapter Seventeen: The Epilogue

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There has been so much going on since I gave birth to the triplets...

I named them Aiden, Alois, and Astrid. I thought they fit nicely, especially if you actually look at my little angels. Aiden and Astrid look just like me, and both have super strength. You should've seen Sweden and France's faces when the two of them were picked up by their pointers! It was so funny! Alois is just like a mini, male Anya. The number of times I found that little man in the library, reading books upside down, honestly.

The three of them are all mischievous little things. I once woke up to find Astrid on our ceiling fan, Ivan nearly fainted when she almost fell. The three of them manage to get in the weirdest of places, even Quincy wasn't that much trouble. I guess it's because I birthed these three and they have my trouble-finding spirit. I get teased by Britain, France, and Spain because of it. The classic 'now you know how we felt' reaction. I don't mind the teasing, I know it's playful!

I remember when I brought them home for the first time! Finland nearly had a heart attack, he thought I stole an extra baby. I swear, I'm going to give my poor aiti a stroke one day. Also, turns out Germany has a way with babies. All three of them love it when he babysits, well, he and Latvia. They love to climb, so Germany's freakishly large muscles are perfect. But, as to why they like Latvia, it's a mystery. I think they know Latvia is basically an adult child, despite being a teenager physically. I find it adorable!

Speaking of adorable~

It would seem my totally awesome bestie knocked up my brother! Mattie turned out to be pregnant with a baby boy! They're planning on naming him Fritz, which I think is an amazing idea. I've been going nuts buying him gifts, I think Ivan is starting to think I'm a shopaholic. But, I spoiled every niece and nephew in my family. Fritz will be no different!

Aside from the family stuff, work has been great. Turns out, the meeting while I was recovering, Francis brought some strange white marble. Every nation watched what the 'APS' had seen, they saw my trauma. Ever since then, I've been treated with a lot of respect. I haven't been insulted in months!

They all seem to feel like shit, especially Cuba and Afghanistan. I told them not to worry, but they still send me shit randomly because they think I didn't forgive them yet. I won't complain, I like Cuba's coffee, and Afghanistan had made me so many woven goods. My house looks like a HomeGoods, I swear it's not even funny.

As it turns out, my mama knew about the babies. She gave me and Mattie presents for each one of them. She was so awesome! She carved totems for each of the children, they were so cute. Aiden received a peacock. It works since a peacock is meant to mean dignity, confidence, and pride. Alois got a badger, who as any Hufflepuff knows, is linked to courage, healing, determinations, and aggressiveness. Then my sweet little girl, Astrid, for a mongoose. That one scared me the most because anyone with that totem was known to be rebellious, impulsive, followed their heart, and incredibly head-strong. She's so my daughter, haha~

Fritz has one too, they opened it so they could decorate the nursery with it. They placed it over the crib, on a little shelf. Fritz's was a deer, meaning Fritz will be compassionate, peaceful, intellectual, caring, gentle, kind, graceful, innocent, and adventurous. It definitely sounds like a lot of Canada is going into this child, but Prussia will definitely take him on camping trips and such.

The world seems like such a better place now, after all the Hell I've gone through, it is just so refreshing to be liked and taken care of. The 'APS' still protects me too, which I find so cute! Even the other nations decided to join! I feel like I can conquer anything at this point! My confidence is restored, I'm at a healthy weight, and my happiness meter is through the roof!

Hell, after birthing triplets, I think I could handle more. Which is good, cause I'm pregnant again! Hey! Don't all you adorable fangirls judge me! I'm a sexy and fertile man!

*Ivan is heard screeching down the halls*


Guess I should prepare Ivan for having a heart attack.

Before I finally sign off, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for reading my story. The journey has been rocky and at times heart-stopping, but I couldn't ask for better friends than all of you! Hehe~ and off goes the Hero!

*runs out*

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