Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to the World

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Alfred's screeches of pain echoed throughout the entire household, making everyone jump into action. China caught him before he could fall over, Italy dropped his food to help hoist Alfred straight up, and Sweden kept his calm composure as he went to the closet to grab the baby bag,

"Alfred, we need to get you to the hospital! Kat, call Dr. Azil and tell her we are on our way to Hope Hospital!" Hungary helped Alfred up as France took his other side.

"Who is driving, aru?!" there was silence, "WE NEVER DECIDED ON WHO WAS DRIVING?!"

"It was always a constant debate!" Spain argued as he tried to tidy up the place. Sweden handed the baby bag to Ivan, who was a little panicked.

"Vell, NOW us the time to pick!" Prussia yelled, stressed.

"I think I should drive!" Italy spoke.

"Nein! Jou are too crazy, Italy," Germany voiced.

"Well, we can't exactly follow the rules. Alfred is in labor, eh," Canada argued back.

"For ze love of God! Let Britain drive! 'e is crazy, but still obeys ze rules enough!" France finished.

"All in favor of the tea bastard, raise their hands!" Romano commanded. Everybody raised their hands, leaving no dispute, "alright, everybody go to their designated jobs!" everyone nodded and ran off. Ivan and China helped Alfred get to the car, France and Spain loaded the back with bags, and England buckled into the driver's seat.

It was decided that only these five were to go, aside from Belarus, Hungary, Japan, and Ukraine. Since those nations were going to help the human assist with the delivery of the child. Prussia and Canada also decided to tag along, since the brotherly love was real. Matthew was really worried for Alfred, and Prussia would never hear the end of it from his long time lover if he left Matthew out of the birth of his new nephews.

"Alfred, remember your breathing exercises," Ivan reminded softly as Britain gunned it. Yao and Ivan helped keep Alfred in place, while Spain was wiping Alfred's head and France held Alfred's hand.

"Mon lapin, just squeeze when you feel a contraction," Alfred screamed and crushed France's hand.

"I forgot how painful this shit is!!!" Alfred cried. Britain took a really sharp turn, forcing Alfred into Ivan's chest.

"Aiya, slow down on the turns! You're going to send us through a window!" China scolded as Britain took another sharp turn, this time sending Alfred into Yao.

"S-sorry, Yao,"

"No, this not your fault," China soothed and kicked England's seat. Britain short stopped suddenly, sending the three flying forward. Ivan and Yao both caught Alfred, making sure not to jostle him around.

"Come on, move your arses!" Arthur flung open the door and went inside the hospital. Ivan carried Alfred in, Dr. Azil meeting them with a gurney.

"Let's move to the maternity ward, go!" the woman rushed Alfred off with Ivan. They burst into the delivery room, where Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, and Japan were already waiting.

The waiting area was silent. The TV provided some background noise as the other nations were forced to wait. France had been treated for his broken hand, but his nation healing was also helping. Britain decided to stress knit, making a blanket in a matter of an hour. Yao helped by making sure his threads were neat. England continued to knit two more blankets. It was so quiet in the waiting room.

Too bad it wasn't the same for the delivery room~

"AHHH, COME ON WHY WON'T THEY GET OUT?!" Alfred screamed as he kept trying to push. Ivan felt his heart break as he tried to comfort his beloved.

"Alfred, the first one is almost out! You can do it!" Ukraine comforted as she rubbed the baby bump.

"One big push, come on Alfred," Dr. Azil spoke softly. Alfred took a few deep breaths before pushing again. He felt something kick his thigh, making him sigh in relief.

"One baby down," Belarus was quick to put him on Alfred's chest before taking it to go clean it. Alfred took a few deep breaths, pushing again.


"Fredka, you are doing amazing!" Ivan cheered as Alfred continued to crush his hand. Alfred pushed again, and again, and again. The second boy fell out with a lot more ease, this time Japan took it and put it on Alfred's chest, before going to clean him.

"You did amazing, Alfred!" Ukraine applauded. Hungary was about to say something when Alfred let out a terrifying shriek.

"WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK!!!" Hungary looked back to the area, seeing a third head about to crown.

"Alfred, you have one more!" Hungary explained as she attempted to soothe his legs.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ONE MORE?!" Alfred screeched.

"I mean there is a third baby!" Hungary explained.


The unholy screech was heard all the way in the waiting room. Matthew shot up and looked towards the doors that lead to the wings.

"Oh my God, they're going to kill him!" Matthew exclaimed. Prussia got up and rubbed his side.

"Birdie, calm down. Everything vill be ok," Prussia kissed Matthew's cheek. Matthew suddenly felt strange and ran off. France noticed this immediately and walked up to Prussia.

"Is Matthieu ok?" Prussia nodded and took a deep breath.

"Ja, he has been feeling ill lately. I thought ut vas strange, but he von't tell me vhat's vrong," Gilbert explained as they looked towards the bathroom. The directions of their gaze snapped towards the swinging doors as another powerful scream was heard. The two cringed horribly, the pain was so obvious.

"You are almost done! One more push!" Hungary encouraged. Alfred took one last breath before pushing, his screaming dying off as the pressure was finally gone. Ukraine took the baby and put it on Alfred before running off Alfred felt his entire body go numb with relief, taking many deep breaths.

"Holy...fucking...shit," Alfred was panting as he felt all the pain finally go down. Now, his body just seemed sore. His nation healing was already taking effect and his stamina seemed to be replenishing itself. Japan, Ukraine, and Belarus came in with the babies. The eldest and the little girl seemed to look just like Alfred, while the middle child seemed to look like Ivan, minus the blue eyes. It would seem Alfred's blue eyes were always going to adorn the children he and Ivan made together.

"Fredka, you just gave birth to triplets," Ivan spoke softly as he rubbed the sweat from Alfred's brow. Alfred nodded and openly accepted the babies into his arms. He smiled down at them, noticing how they all smiling back. Ivan took a photo of Alfred holding their babies, noting how the golden sunlight made Alfred glow even more after giving birth.

"Welcome to the world, my precious little angels," Alfred whispered before falling asleep.

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