Prologue: a drink with Bakugou

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" are finally doing it, aren't you?" rhetorically asked Bakugou. "You are bringing the poor Round Face down to your level..."

"Shall I take that as "congratulations, Deku; I'm happy Uraraka and you are engaged"?" sighed Deku as he took a sip of his drink.

It had been five years since their graduation at U.A. They had had time to grow up, develop their skills and protect civilians as the new generation of heroes and Class 1A members had remained close and they were all Pro Heroes in their prime. But some things never changed. Even after all they had been through together, something as simple as sharing a drink with Katsuki Bakugou could easily end up in yelling, swearing and explosions. The Explosion User was not that of a ruthless bully he was when they were kids anymore, but...what could he say, some people must be accepted just the way they are...

"Another!" Bakugou loudly demanded as he slammed his now empty jar on the bar. "Hurry up! Do you know what it is like to listen to this nerd sober?!"

"Kacchan! Would you just chill? Now we are supposed to set an example for children" Deku reprimanded. "I'm sorry, he's been having a hard time recently..." he addressed to the unnerved young waitress, who fortunately hadn't recognized them as two of the aspirants to the rank of Hero Number One.

"Who, me?! My day was being fucking perfect until I received you message saying you wanted to see me!" Bakugou growled. "Speaking of which, are you gonna tell me what is it or not?"

"Oh yes, about that..." Deku began. "You know you are invited to the wedding, don't you?"

Bakugou was sipping his fourth beer and almost spitted it due to laughter. "You have invited the whole U.A. promotion and some other Pro Heroes. Damn, even Melissa and David Shield are coming from the US. The media is hungry like the wolf. But if you are asking me to be your best man, forget it. I already accepted to be Kirishima's if someday he marries the Pinky".

"Actually, I already asked Iida to be my best man" Deku answered. The former Class 1A Representative was delighted and more than ready to fulfill such a duty. Deku knew Bakugou wasn't in very good mood after what happened some months ago, but he would always remain supportive of his friends. That included Bakugou, as hotheaded as he still was. "But this will be the beginning of a new chapter for Ochako and me. We would really be glad to count on you assisting."

Bakugou frowned and deviated his sight to the bottom of his jar of beer. "You two...also invited Camie, didn't you?" he mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Come on! You won't need to get close! Class 1A will be together most of the time!" Deku said. "Listen, we all are concerned about what you are going through..."

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT, DEKU! YOU KNOW NOTHING!!" the spiky haired boy yelled, making most of the rest of the clients turn their heads. "Where the hell is my beer?!" he angrily asked looking for the waitress.

"You already drank it..." a confused and slightly embarrassed Deku muttered. "I think we should probably continue this conversation outside..." he proposed. Bakugou was definitely not good at drinking.

"YES! That's exactly what I need!" Bakugou cried with his signature maniacal grin, as he stood out. His red cheeks left no doubt about his state. "We'll go outside and we will fight the hell out of each other, like in the old days!"

"What!? NO!!" Deku cried desperately. "Listen, we are all excited about the wedding, but we are also worried about you! We're really sorry Camie and you broke up!"

"Oh I see... you never waste the opportunity to look down on me, don't you?" drunk Bakugou's temper was three times more unpredictable. "Now you want to remind me you have a happy relationship and I don't, right?!" he had an afterlife tone of voice while he spoke. Even worse, his right hand was starting to crepitate. Deku's temper was also starting to grow thin. They were no children anymore.

"What I'm trying to that every member of the gang respectfully remembers you. Our rivalry is one of the main reasons I reached so far as a hero. And Ochako wouldn't forget her fight against you during the Festival, where she earned the respect of a guy who barely knew what respect was. Class 1A wouldn't be the same without you and..."

"EXCUSE US, DEKU!" a young reporter and a camera had entered the place and come close to them. Terrible timing, if Deku had been asked. "Uravity and you are getting married in two weeks and the country is euphoric. No wonder why, since you have always been a fans' favorite hero couple. Tell us, what's going through your mind at this..." he brought the microphone close to him so abruptly he accidentally overturned Deku's drink making his arm go wet. "Oh my, I didn't mean to..." the reporter mumbled in embarrassment.

"It's all right, I wasn't going to finish it, anyway..." Deku tried to hide how awkward he felt at the moment.

"Apologize..." a chilling voice came out from Bakugou's throat, as his fists clenched.

"Re...relax, Kacchan, he didn't do it on purpose..." a frightened Deku tried to cool down his friend. That couldn't end well.

"I said...APOLOGIZE!!" Bakugou roared as he pushed the reporter away. "AND YOU, BRING ANOTHER DRINK! HAVEN'T YOU SEEN WHAT THIS ASSHOLE HAS DONE!?" he yelled at the scared waitress, who didn't dare to move from behind the bar.

"Hey, easy fellow" the camera interfered. "He said he was s..."

"AM I TALKING TO YOU, EXTRA!?" he shouted as he grabbed the guy's face with his hand. Then his killer glare returned to the pale looking reporter. "Who the fuck you think you are, huh? You interrupt a conversation, try to invade others' privacy and, not satisfied, you waste another person's drink?"

"Kacchan, that's enough..." Deku said more firmly, but he wouldn't listen. He was too busy cornering the poor dude.

"You want information? I'll give you some: that guy there is the most annoying, weeping, nerdy and stubborn bastard you'll ever see...and yet he's a thousand times worthier of sharing that drink with me than most people. What do you think that says of you, Mr Microphone?" he menacingly asked, letting the alcohol play its role.

"I'm...I'm just here to work..." a few seconds more and the unlucky man may piss himself.

"Are you?" Bakugou extended his palms and they began to crepitate again, ready to play with him like a cat with a mouse. "Well let me show you what I do  at my own work...!"

CLAP!! Deku had used the exact percentage of One for All to hit Bakugou on the back of his neck and knock him out temporarily. Itsuka had taught him the technique. After all these years, she still often had to use it with Monoma. Good thing Bakugou's drunk state only allowed him to focus on one single person.

"I'm so sorry about all this. My friend is under a lot of stress, as you can see" a blushed Deku said, bowing his head to the reporter, the camera, the waitress and the rest of the clients, who in the end were excited to recognize Deku the Pro Hero after he stopped a fight in a simple yet cool way. After a few photos and autographs (fortunately the reporters decided to leave him alone), he carried Bakugou while he mumbled something incoherently, put the money over the bar and headed to the exit. "Keep the change! Good bye!" he said as he went out.

Here I go again, Watties! I finally took the step and decided to write a new fanfic focused on the IzuOcha wedding! Seriously, why there are so few stories featuring this?

Let's see if I can turn the premise into an engaging and more complex story following the same formula I used for Never Just A Dream. I hope it lives up to the expectations of those who read my first story.

First of all, the image I chose is not mine, I borrowed it from Pinterest. Kudos for @buthikireta for such an amazing piece of work.

For this story I'll try to get a little more ambitious and include more adventure, action and attention to the rest of the characters (as you see I did with our friend King Explosion Murder).

Honest Fiction is happy to be back with new ideas he hopes you enjoy. Please let me know in the comments what do you think about the Prologue (a bit too long, I know) and if you are as excited as I am.

See you soon, fiction lovers!

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