Chapter 5

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So Four got leaked last night and I love it so much! I was planning on just waiting until it officially came out, but then it just got way too tempting and I listened...okay I know authors notes are boring, so here we go! Enjoy!
Niall POV
Next night at 6:30

I have a date with Harry fucking Styles in half an hour. I am panicking. I still don't completely trust Harry with this whole dating thing, but what do I have to lose at this point?

I zip up my pair of gray skinny jeans and pull on a green Ireland hoodie. I have to stare at myself in the mirror for about 10 minutes just to find the right way to style my hair for the night. I don't get why I'm making such a big deal about this, Harry's just a tiny crush! I barely even know him!

I hear the doorbell ring and I rush to get it. I already know who it is, but I look through the peep hole anyway.

"Oh, hey Harry." I smile at him trying extremely hard to look casual.

"Niall! You look great! Are you ready to go?" Harry says with his usual charming smile.

"Oh thanks, so do you. And yea, I'm ready if you are." I respond trying to hide the blush slowly rising to my cheeks.

Harry was wearing a tight gray v-neck with a black sweater over it and a loose scarf wrapped around his neck. In other words, he looked hot.

Harry leads me to the car and opens the door for me to climb in.

"Why thank you, Mr. Styles," I say while climbing in.

Harry runs around the car to get into the driving seat. He puts his keys in, but the car doesn't stop.

"Oh shit. It's not starting up..." Harry looks at me nervously.

"I don't have a car, so I guess we could just walk if you're still set on going." I respond.

"Of course I want to go! And okay, let's walk then, shall we?" Harry wraps his arm around my elbow and we walk down the sidewalk towards whatever place we're going.

The sun is starting to set and I can't help but stare at Harry's eyes. The orange sunset makes a calm shimmer come off of Harry's eyes and it just makes his whole face look so calm and relaxed and I love it.

Harry catches my glance and smirks at me.

"Like what you see? Well I'm all yours." Harry smirks his signature smirk and tightens his arm around mine.
I start blushing and turn away from him.

"You're adorable, Ni." Harry says and gently pecks my cheek.

I turn toward him and start to grab both of his hands with mine. I lean toward him and get almost an inch away from his face.

His hot breath warms my face and for a second I don't even remember how cold I am.

I start getting closer and closer, but before I know it a car honks at us from the street.

"Fags! WAIT! Harry? What the hell man? Why are you hanging out with a fag?" the voice yells out he window.

"Just go Harry." I whisper to him and look down at the ground.

"Let's just go, we don't need them." Harry responds, but I can tell he's embarrassed because he pulls up his hood and he doesn't lock arms with me anymore.

We finally get to a restaurant called Savour and walk in. A waitress leads us to our table and I instantly feel awkward when we sit down.

"Soooo," Harry says breaking the silence.

I don't respond to him. I don't get it, he asks me on a date and tries to convince me that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about being gay, but when someone we know comes along, he gets all shy about it. What the fuck?

"Niall, what's wrong?" Harry asks.

"Don't act stupid, Harry, you know what's wrong." I say probably sounding way too pissed about this.

"Look, Niall, if it's about Rick, then I swear it's not a big deal and he's not a big deal." Harry says, but I still avoid eye contact.

"Then why'd you put your hood on and stop locking arms?" I ask in almost a mumble.

"I just-I don't know, I guess I don't really know how to deal with this all yet," Harry says and now it's his turn to look away.

"Okay, well I guess I'll just leave, if I'm too embarrassing." I stand up from the table and start to walk away.

"Niall, please. I'm sorry." Harry stands up next to me, but I just keep walking until I'm out the door.

So much for a good first date with Harry, it sucked ass.

Okay I don't know if I really liked this, so I might edit it later. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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