chapter 15

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Hey guys! I would like to dedicate this chapter to niall_theBae13 Thank you for all of your lovely comments and votes! The best commenter on this chapter will get a dedication! Enjoy!

Harry POV

I try to sleep that night, but I feel so restless. I just self harmed. I've never done that before, but felt nice to get rid of a little bit of guilt.

I go the whole night lost in my thoughts, so I don't get any sleep. The next day I drive to school looking like a mess. When Zayn tries to come and high-five me, I ignore him and head to first period. I can tell he's a little concerned, but he brushes it off.

I sit in the back of the classroom today and drown out all of the whispering around me.

I hear things like, "Hey what's wrong with Harry?" and "He probably didn't get a fuck in last night, so he's in a bad mood," and people giggled.

I roll my eyes at their stupidity and don't let it bother me too much. I feel awful today. I feel empty. It feels like a hole was drilled in my heart where Niall used to be. My stomach feels so twisted and I feel like I could throw up any minute from nerves.

Someone walks through the door and I lift my head up to look. It's the cause of my pain, Niall Horan. Niall looks at me and I keep my eyes locked with his until he finally turns away. He sits a few seats in front of me and I spend the whole class staring at the back of huis blonde hair with brown roots, carefully taking in every single hair on his head and looking at the detail where it goes from a dark almond color and it fades into a bleach blonde color.

"Mr. Styles, can you answer the question I just asked?" The teacher looks at me and interrupts my thoughts about Niall's hair.

I feel my cheeks heat up and everyone turns around to face me, "Sorry, I don't know the answer," and I hear giggles all around me.

"Pay attention from now on Mr. Styles, because you just earned yourself a detention." The old hag comes to my desk and slips a note with 'DETENTION' written on it in bold letters. I groan and go back to thinking about Niall, not even caring about detention anymore.

The bell rings and I run out of the class as fast as I can, but someone's voice stops me, "Hey Styles! What's up with you man?" I turn around and see someone that I really don't feel like speaking to at the moment, Zayn.

"Oh, uh, nothing."

"C'mon mate, I know you better than this." Zayn persists.

"Look, Zayn, I just have a headache today, back off," I say starting to feel frustrated.

I walk past him and ignore his calls as I head through the rest of the school day. I keep my head down during all of my classes and ignore all the stares I get. The only person that hasn't stared at me yet was Niall and I felt my heart ache every time I even thought his name.

I can't do this. I stand up and walk out of the classroom, ignoring my teacher shouting my name.

I walk into the bathroom and just wait there a minute until someone opens the bathroom door. It's Niall.

"Hey Harry..." Niall says awkwardly and I ignore him, "Mr. Adams is pretty upset about you leaving the class all of a sudden, so he asked me to come check on you."

"Thanks..." I say with my head still drooping.

"Hey, Harry, what's wrong? You've never done this stuff before when ya know...stuff like this happens." Niall tries to comfort me.

"No, Niall it's not the same. You don't understand." I reach over and tug Niall's hand away from him and hold it in mine.

"What do you mean it's not the same?" Niall asks.

"This time it's more than that." I say and notice that Niall is staring down at our interlocked fingers.

I start to feel nervous and I gently pull the sleeve on my scarred up wrist down a little more. Niall gives me a strange look, but blows it off.

"Harry, I'm sorry, but you know that's not really how you feel. In a week you'd drop me. Also, I have a very nice boyfriend right now," The word 'boyfriend' makes my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"What? A boyfriend? Who's your boyfriend? What the fuck Niall?" I pull my hand away from his and run my fingers through my hair how I usually do when I get frustrated.

"It doesn't matter, Harry."

"It does! Tell me who it is!" I scream in his face and Niall takes a step back.

"L-Liam Payne..." Niall answers, obviously a little afraid.

"I will fucking kill that shy little bastard! What the fuck!" I feel my anger boiling through my vains and I rush out of the bathroom right on time for the next bell.

I search around the hall to find the little geek and I feel Niall come behind me and grip my arm.

Niall looks at me with concerned eyes, " Please don't do it Harry, you're a great guy, just sometimes you fall off track. Don't do it, you'll regret it, I promise."

I feel my fists loosen up and I turn to face Niall. I feel tears start to stream down my face and I lean in toward Niall.

Before I realize what I'm doing, my lips are crashed against his and my hands are reaching up to tangle themselves in my hair. Niall hesitates, then responds and I feel his hands tug on the bottom of my thick curls.

"Harry," I hear Niall mumble my name against my lips, but I ignore them.

I keep my eyes closed, so I don't have to see all the shocked expressions on everyone's faces.

"Hey, HEY!" I hear someone scream and when I open my eyes I see Liam rushing up to me. He pushes me away from Niall and I look around, feeling slightly embarrassed by all the people staring at me with wide eyes.

I feel a fist thrown in my face, but my tears from before start to come back and I feel overwhelmingly tired. I start to have fuzzy vision until everything is black.

The last thing I hear is a loud Irish accent calling my name, but I can't even open my eyes.


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