chapter 11

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Wow! Okay over 1k reads! Thank you all so much!!

Niall POV

Harry and I haven't spoken in one week. We haven't said one word. Harry beat me up and hasn't even done anything about it. How can you go from liking someone to nearly killing them?

Louis and I have been hanging out a lot recently though. We've been having movie nights and everything! It's great to actually associate with someone other than my mom...Anyways, I'm extremely happy with being around Louis a lot, but I can't help but miss Harry.

It's Tuesday morning and I can't help but feel like shit. I hate school so much. I have one friend and we only have two classes together. I'm so lame.

I walk into first period and sit down in my seat in the back. Harry sits a few rows in front of me and doesn't turn around. I miss him waving at me when he walks into class. Why am I so caught up on something that wasn't even really something?

Harry ignores me the rest of the day until I decide it's my turn to confront him. If I want him back so badly, I should just talk to him.

"Hey Harry," I walk up to his locker at the end of the day and stand next to him.

Harry turns around and walks away, so I grab his shoulder before he can. "Where do you think you're going?" I say feeling anger seep through my veins.

"Niall, just leave, you don't want to do whatever you're doing and I don't want you to either," I can't help but feel a little sad when he said that, but I don't know why, it was his choice.

"Harry! Will you listen to me? You said you liked me and were willing to ruin your reputation to be with me, but when I say I'm not sure yet, you beat me up the next day? What the hell was that? Do not fucking walk away from me. Don't I deserve some reasoning? Saying I'm not sure about something isn't an excuse to beat someone up. Who the hell do you think you are? You can't mess with someone's feelings like that. I never would have expected something like this from you, of all people." I start to turn around feeling satisfied with my words, but a strong hand grips my shoulder, causing me to stop.

Harry looks at the ground and doesn't say a word, "Well?" I say.

"I'm sorry," Harry mumbles.
Is that really all he had to say? That's it I'm leaving and I start to turn around again, but Harry starts to talk again.

"I'm sorry for beating you up, I regret it. I'm sorry for not respecting your decision. I'm sorry I didn't do anything right. I'm sorry for everything, Niall, I really am." Harry starts getting closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

I bury my neck into the crook of his neck as I hear him start sniffing. I look up to see Harry wiping his eyes with his sleeve, "Hey, Harry, it's okay. Don't cry, please?"

"I'm s-so s-sorry, Ni, I love you so much and I would do anything for you, please forgive me," Harry starts bawling and his grip is tight around me.

"It's okay..." I respond patting him awkwardly on the back, "but I don't think we should see each other anymore." I finish, how could I just forgive and forget when this guy literally beat me up and acted like I was nothing and then he loves me?

"W-what? Please Ni, don't do this, I'm so fucking sorry!" Harry starts to cry even harder.

"Sorry Harry," I let go of Harry and start to run away from him.

Tears start clouding my vision until they start spilling down my cheeks. I love him so damn much, but I can't out myself through that much pain. Harry doesn't even really know if he's for sure gay or not.

I keep running down the hall until I run into a hard chest, "S-sorry," I say and start to walk away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" A calm voice asks and I look up at the males face.
He's brunette boy with a puppy dog face and he has the deepest brown eyes I've ever seen. I've never even seen him before though.

"I-I uh nothing, sorry for bumping into you," I stutter and try to walk away again.

"Hey, it's okay, you can talk to me if you want to, but you don't have to.We can still talk though if you want, ya know about other things? Wanna go get coffee with me?" The boy says.
I can't help but laugh a little through my tears, "I don't even know your name yet and you're already asking me out?"

"N-no, uh not like a date, I just meant ya know if you wanna like get coffee and just get stuff off y-your mind, uhhh never mind," the boy blushes and starts to turn away.

"No! I'm kidding! I would love to get coffee with you!" I frantically grab his wrist before he can walk away.

"Oh okay, and by the way my name is Liam," the boy sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Niall," I respond and shake his hand back.

"So, ready to go get some
coffee?" Liam says with a friendly smile.

"As long as you're paying," I laugh.
"Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way!" Liam laughs back.

We start to head to a Starbucks down the street from school. Once we make it, Liam goes and orders us both a winter special coffee drink, while I go find us a table.

I find a table with two chairs in a corner by a bookshelf and decide that it seems like a nice place to sit. Liam walks back to me and hands me my drink. We both sit in a soothing silence just drinking our coffees, but something catches my eye on the bookshelf. I see the Catcher in the Rye placed on the shelf and instantly reach for it.

"This is my favorite book! I've loved it since I took Honors English Freshman year! It's absolutely fantastic!" I exclaim.

"Really? I was in your class freshman year and I would have to say my favorite book we read was Pride and Prejudice. It was witty and hilarious and yea, I loved it." Liam responds.

"Oh really? I thought it was extremely boring. And we were in the same class? How did I never notice you?" I say scrunching my brows.

"And the Catcher in the Rye isn't any less boring? I could say the same about you, but I noticed you one day when you had to read your poem about what silence means to you, it was amazing! It totally inspired me and ever since then I've had an insane obsession with poetry." Liam says with a sparkle in his eye.

"Oh my gosh! Actually I do remember you! You wrote about how 'silence is louder than words, it just can't be heard with your ear. Look between the lines of silence and you will find its true meaning.' Oh my gosh your poem was fantastic! Much better than mine! I just didn't recognize you now, your hair used to be really curly and you wore glasses then!" I exclaim almost jumping out of my seat and spilling my coffee.

"Wow, thanks. Hey...are you still into poetry?" Liam asks raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! How could I not?" I respond going a little overboard with my enthusiasm.

"Well there's this hole-in-the-wall bar that has karaoke nights on Tuesdays, you should come with me this week! It's at 7pm to whenever the last poet reads! I can pick you up!" Liam says and now it's his turn to go overboard with enthusiasm.

"Sounds great! I would love to come!" I answer.

"Wow! This is going to be so fun!" Liam says and we both finish up our coffees happily before walking home.

Okay thank you all so much for 1k reads and over 100 votes! Sorry for not updating sooner, just felt a little discouraged. I am definitely pumped now though, so thank you all so much and keep reading and voting and commenting!!!❤️❤️❤️

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