chapter 10

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Lmao okay I didn't really get any reads or votes or comments on my last chapter, but I guess I will post this anyway BECAUSEEEE Wow! Okay over 500 reads total! Thank you so much! And should I actually continue writing this? I may stop writing because I'm not really sure if anyone actually likes this story or if they just are reading it and not finishing...ALSO! Send me a tweet if you want! My username is @/harrylovespizza

Niall POV

I held my head as I leaned on the sink. My head was aching from all of my thoughts of Harry. I don't understand him at all.

Soon enough, the last bell of the day rings and I'm out of the bathroom, but before I can get out, of course someone finds the need to stop me.

"Hey fag! What do you think you're doing with Styles, huh? Do you actually think he would like you or something? He's straight! You need to back off, before I make you. This is a warning, Horan." Zayn pushes my shoulders roughly and thankfully walks away right after, I really need to get home.
I run as fast as I can out of the school and to my house. As soon as I get home I plop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I need to talk to Harry.
I decide to log onto my fanfiction account and send a message to Harry.

Hey Harry/:

Harry aka kissmepercy34:
Hey! You haven't been answering my messages):

I though you would understand why? We've been talking lately in person.

What? Who is this?

Oh yea, I forgot Harry was pretty drunk that night at the club. Guess I'm still anonymous...

Oh nevermind, I was just being dumb. What's up?

Nothing much, rough day at school/:

Poor baby. Why was it rough?

This guy I like, doesn't like me back. He doesn't believe I'm a good person, so now I'm just going to try and ignore him. If he thinks I'm such a bad guy, then maybe I should be a bad guy.

Harry, you're not a bad guy and you shouldn't become one just because you're angry. Maybe you should just be patient for now.

I've been patient for a while now, but it's not getting any better. Whatever, being gay is bad anyway. I never should have tried...

What do you mean being gay is bad? Love is love.

Everyone says so. All the guys at school bully the guy I USED to like for being gay. They wouldn't bully him for no reason. He just needs to wake up from his dream world and realize that he likes girls and not guys. Even if that means having to give him a beating everyday.

Harry, you're being ridiculous.

No, I'm not. I need to teach him some common sense and I plan on doing it tomorrow.
kissmepercy34 has logged out.

What the hell does he mean 'teach him some common sense?" Is Harry planning on beating me up tomorrow? What the actual fuck? How does someone go from being all in love with someone to wanting to beat them to a pulp? I'm gonna die. Goodbye world, I'm fucking screwed.

•Next day at school•

I walk through the halls trying to hide my face as well as I can, so Harry and his gang don't see me. I'm actually very scared to see what Harry would do to me. He's beaten people up before, and it was not pretty.

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