chapter 14

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Yay another chapter! Comment and vote please!

"Really?" Liam's smile grows so wide I think that his face is about to break.

I hesitate for a minute, "Uh, ya!"

"Ha, okay cool, seeya later then?"

"Sure," I try my best to smile.

I walk to me locker and push my books to the back. I stand there sorting through my bag when I feel someone grasp my wrist.

"Hey, what-" I say and turn around and who I see surprises's Harry.

Harry pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"What the fuck, Niall!" Harry exclaims and pushes a hand through his curls.

"What?" I say confused.

Harry grips both of my wrists and slams me against the wall, "DON'T YOU GET IT?" Harry screams in my face.

"Obviously I don't," I say getting annoyed.

"I JU-"Harry says then realizes he's being extremely loud, "I really fucking like you Niall, don't you understand that? I thought I made that clear, and after I did we didn't talk for three weeks! Three damn weeks, Niall! Do you know how hard that was for me?"

I turn my face away from his, "You're saying you like me after you beat me up and said all that shit to me? What the hell, Harry!"

"Look, I'm sorry, I was just so angry I-"

"So you fucking beat me up? That's it, I'm done," I break out of Harry's grasp and walk out of the bathroom.


Harry POV

I slid down the wall of the bathroom and sat there with my head in my arms.

Why am I such an awful person?

I decide to get up and walk out of the bathroom and go to the nurse.

I walk in and take a seat in one of the waiting chairs.

"Ah, hello Mr. Styles! What can I do for you?" The nice nurse asks.

"Uh, I'm not feeling too well, do you think I can go home early today?" I ask holding my head like I have a headache.

"Sure, hunny, I will call your teachers and you are free to go." She responds with a smile.

"Thanks," I mumble and head out the door to my car.

I start driving home and think about all the awful things I've done.

I've said I liked Niall more than once.

I convinced myself that being gay is bad, which I'm still conflicted over.

I beat him up.

I deserve to feel the pain he felt when I beat him up and said those things to him.

I walk inside my front door and head straight up to my room. I feel my hands getting sweaty and my hair is sticking to my neck.

I reach inside of a cabinet for a razor and I slam it on the dresser. The blades fall out easily and I hold one between my fingers. I think about what I am going to do. Is it really worth hurting myself? Yes, it is.

I hold the blade with my right hand and slowly press it into my skin on my left hand. I wince at the little sting, but it feels almost relieving. I raise the blade and do it more.

One cut.

Two cuts.

Three cuts.

Four cuts.

Five cuts.

Six cuts.

And that's when I stop. The blood is getting thicker the longer I sit there. I just watch and start to cry a little from the stinging.

At least I am able to feel a portion of Niall's pain.


Ehhh okay, this wasn't the best, but I'll update later. Thanks for reading! Comment and vote!

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