Chapter 6

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Updating again so yay! Enjoy!
Niall POV
Once I'm outside of the restaurant and Harry's not following me, I feel hot tears start to stream down my face.
I can't help but start to run to my house. My vision is so blurry from tears, I barely notice myself run into a kid from my school. I think his name is Lewis or something.

"Aye! Mate, what's wrong with you?" I hear his raspy high voice ask.

"Oh uh nothing, I just need to get home." I try and avoid eye contact, so he doesn't notice me crying.

"Are you crying?" Oh shit, too late.

"Oh um no, my eyes just hurt."

"Yea right, come on mate, you can come to my place if you'd like?" He asks.

"Uh sorry, but we don't even know each other's names." I start to laugh a little.

"Well there's a start for every friendship and ours just will happen with you coming over and not knowing my name, but I guess I'll tell you. I'm Louis." He sticks his hand out in front of me to shake.

"Niall," I respond and shake back.

"Well nice to meet you Niall, so do you want to come over?" he asks again.

"Sure," I can't help but laugh at what an enthusiastic and happy person Louis is, I wish I could be like that.

Louis and I walk to his apartment a few minutes away and make small chat until we get there.

It turns out that Louis and I actually have classes together and didn't really notice and we both like the same bands and TV shows! Wow I actually made a friend, what an accomplishment.

"So Niall, you never told me why you were upset?" Louis asks bringing up the situation from earlier.

"Oh, just boy problems," I respond vaguely.

"Wait, you're gay?" Louis asks arching his left eyebrow.

"Well, yea..." I respond scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"Oh, well that's cool. Any lucky man around?" Louis asks.

"Well there was, that's why I was kinda upset earlier." I say.

"Say no more, brother. Let's go out! To a club! It'll be great!" Louis lifts me up and drags me towards his car.

"Uhh, well I've never been to a club, but okay." I respond.

Louis drives us to a club a few miles away called NiteLife and we walk to the entrance. Louis whispers into the huge guards ear and he just opens the rope for us to walk in.

Once we walk in, there's neon lights flashing everywhere I look and the stench of sweat and alcohol fills my nostrils.

I already feel uneasy about this and we just walked in. I look to the left and walk up to the bar tender and order a shot. I need some alcohol. My head hurts from all my crying earlier and I just want to leave, but I know I can't just ditch Louis after he helped me.
I take the shot and look across the bar from me.

I notice a familiar face crying into his hands. It's Harry! Oh my gosh, I really need to leave now. I run away from the bar and hide in a bathroom stall.
Once I get in, I receive a message from kissmepercy34.

Hey, how have you been?

not too well I guess

Why's that?

Look Harry, it's sweet and all that you're messaging me and all, but you shouldn't be. You have your friends and have a life, go do something with it.

Look, right now I really just need someone to distract me. Tonight I went out with this guy and now I think he hates me because I screwed up. I don't know what to do about it, so now I'm sitting at a bar drinking way too much. I need you. You're my only source of happiness most of the time. After the guy I went out with left, a guy I know came up to me and saw me with him. He threatened to hurt the guy I was with if I don't stop seeing him, but I don't want to stop.

then don't stop

But he hates me now.

Okay I'm done with this, I need Harry right now.

Harry go to the bathroom of that bar you're at.

Wait why?

Just do it.

I stand by the sink brushing through my hair with my fingers a few times until Harry opens the door.

Harry looks at me with a half drank bottle of beer and his mouth flies open.

Okay, so this is the part where the texting thing comes back. Thanks for reading!
Also, I decided to start putting what songs I'm listening to while writing these chapters, so here we go.
No Control-One Direction
^yea that's it on repeat.

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