Chapter 32

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I burst awake and stumbled backwards. I fell against the wall as I saw the bullet holes in my abdomen. Oil gushed out from the holes including the one in my head. I had to go get Puppet. The kids would scream seeing me like this but I have to go get him. I didn't see Oliver so I couldn't have her help. I got myself up dizzy as crazy and started to head to the door. I weakly made it up the stairs to my door and opened it.

I panted as my vision goes crazy. I heard kids screaming as I don't care. I don't make it far on the main stage before collapsing. I was at that stage where I couldn't move. I slowly moved onto my side in pain and pulled my knees up to my chest. I saw a blur of black, gold, and blackish purple rush up to me. Before they could do anything, I passed out.

I woke up on my side in a bed. My vision was still a bit blurry as I saw colored, blurry blobs standing around me.

"She's waking up," the black one said while hushing the others.

I closed my eyes and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?" The black blob asked.

My hearing was a bit off as the voice sounded very muffled. I opened my eyes again to have my vision back to normal. Puppet was bent down to my level with a hand on my upper arm. I struggled to keep my eyes open as I rolled over and curled up into a ball. My back was now towards him as I opened my eyes again.

I tried to speak as only static was heard. I quickly stopped and took a deep breath. I just wasn't feeling it today as the sun shined through the window.

"We decided to close the restaurant to help you today," Goldie said.

My hearing still off.

I decided to sit up. I still had my back to my friends as I leaned forwards onto my hands. I took another deep breath as Shadow walked around to bend down next to me.

"We couldn't fix your voice box until we can get a new one. Somehow, a bullet hit it along with the other two in other areas. Will you write us what happened?" He explained.

I barely shook my head. He nodded his head and got back up to sit on the bed with me. I put my hands down but kept my head low. I felt a trickle of oil running down my head as pain came from the spot where I had been shot. I put and hand there and retreated it to see it covered in the black substance. I didn't care as Shadow grabbed my hand while sighing. He got up and lended a hand out to me.

"Come on, let's go get that fixed," he said.

I looked at it before taking it. I got up and followed Shadow to my show room. The building was quiet as the oil started to gush out. My head was almost completely covered as I sat on the table. I looked up at him with no emotions. He tilted my head forwards and got to work. Severe pain went through as I don't react. Soon, I started to get a cleaning which was done with my eyes closed. I was left alone after my process.

I got off the table and walked around my room looking at the pictures of me in my happier days before all of this. Tears formed as they rolled down my cheeks. That's when a very depressed song came on.

(Ain't doin the lyrics till I am in the mood or something. Anyways, it's Losing your Memory by Miss Fuji)

I remembered the good old times and the sad times with my family. I felt all of my friends's presences as I sang. The lights turned to a light blue as my sadness is known. The pictures then started to show the death of my uncle and the times I had fun with him. Then pictures of my father showed. Him and I, him having fun, and finally him in the hospital with me next to him. I looked at the picture of him in the hospital for a while. That's when the song I sang for him came to mind. I wanted to sing it again because rn, I wanted him next to me telling me that it's alright.

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