Chapter 3

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I woke up to be in my office. I jumped to the sudden room change and fell back in my chair and onto the ground. I protected my head which helped to not hit it on the hard ground. I get back up to see the Golden Freddy standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Just watching you fall onto the floor with such force," he replied.

"Very funny. Now what brings you here to my office?" I chuckled.

"Nothing much. How was your sleep?" He asked.

"Really good til I woke up in here," I replied.

"Well, it wasn't a nap. You slept from 11:30 in the morning to midnight," he explained.

"That's a lot," I remarked.

"I must go, they are coming," he said while disappearing into nothing.

I rubbed me eyes as I saw Bonnie walking up to the door. His eyes black with the white dots. I took this as a warning to run so I did. I ran out the other door to see Chica blocking the end of the hallway. I saw a huge vent to my right and broke it off its screws.

I climbed through it quickly. It opened up into the kitchen. I looked around before getting out. I ran out to almost run into Freddy. I dodged him easily and ran towards the parts and service room. I ran in and locked the door. I then watched the endoskeleton while walking around to open up the other door I had seen many times when I was in here.

I opened it and quickly went in and locked it. I sighed in relief til I was suddenly pulled downwards. A pair of human arms caught me while a rag went over a mouth. An arm was moved to do this. I started to get sleepy til I fell asleep.

I didn't know where I was or who did it. All I know was that I was waking up tied to something. I opened my eyes slowly to be blinded a little by lights. I soon saw Vincent to my right. I jumped to his presence and struggled against the rope. He chuckled darkly.

"Don't struggle too much kitten. You won't ever get out," he said.

I looked away and stopped struggling. He chuckled more as he grabbed my chin and pulled it towards him. He smiled evilly. He got closer to me before his lips crashed onto mine.

I struggled to fight against it for the grip to become tighter. Was soon on my legs, holding my back. For some reason I didn't know of, I was kissing back. I hated this guy and I really did. Now he has gone too far, but couldn't do anything about it as he pulled away.

I looked away from him as a slight pink showed on my face. He giggled before pulling my head back up. He smiled wider while closing in on my neck. He soon started to bite it gently. I fought to groan but it was too much for me to handle so I did.

I was not wanting a boyfriend til later but he is fighting that rule and making himself one. I disliked that as he made a few marks on me to show a few hickeys on my neck. I was not enjoying this as Vincent kissed me again. That's when my vision start going fuzzy.

A slight headache started to form as I looked down with my eyes closed. My chin was once again pulled upward. I felt his presence close to mine.

"Open your eyes," he demanded.

I couldn't fight with the way I am held down so I did as told. He chuckled before kissing my forehead. I wandered why he was chuckling about. H got up and backed away.

I looked around the floor with my head down to notice that my vision was a bit off. There was a glow around my vision along with a slight whiteness wherever I looked. I shook my head with my eyes closed. I reopened them to see the same thing.

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