Chapter 1: Bio

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Mission Report - Capture Target

Name: Y/n 'Venator' Richardson

Age: 33 13th January 1989

E/c: Red

H/c: White

Height: 5ft10in

Nationality: Canadian


Y/n Richardson was a renowned JTF2 Commander, before disappearing. He was then found about 3 months ago under the White Masks. But according to Specialist Tina Lin Tsang and Specialist Sebastien Côté, he would not have joined them willingly. I did some digging and this isn't the first time we have met him, he has even saved a few of my operators killing the White Masks about to execute them. When asked why he is with them if he hates them he answer's "I am a slave to them, I have to work for them or they will kill someone very special to me.". I have recently found out that his Girlfriend and Mother both Disappeared from existence around the same time Y/n did. This leaves me to question if he was forced to work with them.

I have tried to have teams sent to collect him before but he always escapes them. And knowing that his Mother is the last family member his has means he will probably do anything to save them. But recently we have had some attacks on the White Masks higher ups that Doesn't add up, and we haven't seen our little friend for 1 month. The same amount of time these attacks started. I wonder if something had finally made him break and lash out, or the White masks had done something they will regret.

I have been working on tracking him down, I think I have finally found him Hiding out near his old House in Vancouver. You are to go there and try to capture him, I don't expect him to come quietly so Specialist Gustave Kateb has given you specialised Tranquiliser rounds, able to stop a horse but not harmful to humans. It acts instantly and can be shot from your normal firearms and should be able to pierce his under suit. His only weak point unless you use a 50. Cal or a tank.


So far we know he uses two M1911's and a modified CAMRS DMR. We know this weapon can switch from single fire to Full auto. But what he has added is an extended Barrel which also acts as a Silencer. This weapon is completely Silenced and extremely deadly, as you never know where he is coming from. He also has two sights on it, although he only ever uses one at a time, he has a simple Acog for when it is on full auto but he also has a 6x-12x Sniper scope on it, which can have thermal Vision on if needed.

We also know he carries around a very experimental weapon, it is what we call an 'Anti-Material Cannon' or AMC for short. It is pretty much a rail Gun but made for navy ships. His is extremely unique however because it is smaller and more manoeuvrable than the much larger Navy Ship cannons. We know it is called 'Diablo'. It is black with red markings on it, the name itself is red and the magnets, batteries and projectiles are all red. But the majority of it is Black.


He used to wear the normal white mask grunt Uniform, but 1 month ago he changed armour, just before he Disappeared.


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It is of upmost importance to capture him alive, he can give us a lot of information on the White Masks.

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