Chapter 14

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(Venator PoV)

We had arrived back at base. As soon as I walked in my suit pretty much spoke directly to Doc, it made people jump. Everyone except me, Doc and Tina, as we have all heard it talk before. "Operator Gustave, the Suit operator is very damaged, Multiple fracture ribs, one broken, concussion, multiple pellets imbedded into his side. He was slightly oxygen deprived but it seems it hasn't done any damage." I just sighed, which made my chest hate me.

(Time Skip)

After some time I was lay down, Doc did what he could but I'll have to wait till we get back. That's when we heard Jager, the Mad Lad. "[Hello, this is your friendly Evac German, coming in to save your asses. Get to the roof. We can see multiple CELL teams preparing to breach from the bottom.]"

We looked at each other and started moving to the roof, Prophet, Arbiter and Frost setting up traps whilst Doc, Sledge and smoke helped me and Buck up towards the roof for the Evac.

(Frost PoV)

I had finished setting up the I.E.D's. I then waited for them to attack with Arbiter and Prophet. We heard the explosion and they started filing in one by one, and we were ending them one by one but was soon forced to retreat. We decided to go up a few flights before blowing the stairs up, forcing them to go to the other stair case. We high tailed it up stairs and got to the roof. How ever Jager hadn't landed yet, he was about to. When a shot rang out. I turned around and saw Y/n's hulking figure move in the way, he took the shot and it seemed to have hurt. As he soon dropped to the floor. My heart just stopped as I grabbed him. "NO, no no no please Y/n, stay with me." I begged, he was out cold but still had a pulse. Jager had landed, the Medic team had jumped off and moved him onto a stretcher and started the operation to save his life. Doc was there helping but I was forced onto a separate Helicopter.

(Time Skip.)

As soon as we got back I didn't want to leave his side, but I was forced to. I went directly to my dorm and started breaking down. A couple of hours went by when I got a knock at my door. "Tina, may I come in?" it was Gilles, I knew it was. I wanted to reject him but my mouth spoke without me wanting it too. He walked in and came directly to me, he sat down by me and started cuddling me, I knew what he was doing. Trying to console me.

"He will be ok; Gustave and the other Docs have saved his life. So don't worry about that yeah. Come on, look at me. Where's that little happy Canadian I am used to seeing." He said in his soothing voice, I looked up at him and smiled a bit, "There it is, come on. Let's go see him. That suit of his will be waking him up soon. He didn't pass out from blood loss back there in new York, it was the pain. He was suffering enough pain as it was, and when that bullet hit him his body just said 'no'," Gilles joked, I laughed a bit. Still thinking about that message.

We walked into the infirmary and I saw Y/n there still passed out, Gustave and a nurse are beside him, as well as a computer with an AI on it. it was Acerbus. "Hello Tina, I was waiting for you to wake him up." she said in a soothing tone. She then sent a little controlled shock through his armour systems, I watch as he jolted awake.

"Woah, I am never going to get used to being woken up like that. Where am I?" he asked, "Your back at Hereford base." Gustave answered, Y/n sat up a bit and looked at us. He smiled when he saw me. "I'm glad you are safe, I'm glad you are all safe. Thank you Doc." He said shaking Doc's hand. "We will leave you two for some private time, I believe you have some explaining to do." Gustave said leaving the room, the nurse followed and Gilles gave a friendly wave before walking out himself.

"Acerbus, go into standby mode." He asked, "I'm sorry sir but –" he cut her off, "Override code Omega-1393." he said, "Override command accepted, although my Subsystems are staying on to keep you alive." She said, before disappearing. I stared at him, slowly growing in anger.

"Why did you suicide yourself twice to save me?" I asked in a slightly irritated tone. "I....I can't lose someone I love Tina. You're the last person I would want to lose right now." He said, I could tell he was slightly upset by this. I looked at his eyes, they were watering up. I went in for a hug and he embraced it.

"I...I love you too Y/n, but I can't lose another person I love. It broke me last time and it broke me when I heard the message on your Gun." I cried. Hugging tighter. He softly cried as well. "I'm sorry Tina." He said, hugging me tighter as well. We stayed there in each-others embrace.

(1 Month Later)

Y/n had left the infirmary a week after he had entered but was benched for a couple more weeks due to injuries. We had been spending more time together, we had our first date the day he got out of the infirmary. Still had bandages on but he hid them under a suit. But he has also recreated his Railgun. Letting me keep the one that has accepted me. His new one is an exact replica of his old one, however it is more powerful whilst being easier on the operator. He said he was willing to swap but I said no, his older model has the message on it. and that is special to me.

(Venator PoV)

"Can Operators Venator, Frost, Mira, Jager and Doc report to Briefing."

I got into my armour and put my helmet on. Walking over to Briefing and grabbing my weapons on the way.

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