Chapter 4: The First Mission

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(Frost PoV)

I was looking around for Venator, the Cafeteria was just awkward after the stunt he pulled. I couldn't find him anywhere, but I did hear a loud thud from the shooting range, I walked over and I could see him using that special Gun he has. I watched as loaded a new clip of it and set up 7 targets. One after another, he charged a shot then fired. It pierced all 7 targets, with big holes where a face would have been, but the weapon itself was actually quiet. It was a silent killer.

I walked over to him and stood next to his booth, he noticed me when he was setting up more targets. "What do you want Tina?" he asked, "What? Am I not allowed to see my old Commander?" I teased, "I'm not your commander anymore Tina, I am just an assassin with a lot of guilt." He explained.

I sighed, "You will always be my Commander. You were my role model, so as soon as you disappeared it broke me, it broke us all." I tried to explain, I saw him lower his weapon a bit, "I didn't have a choice, I was kidnapped then forced to work. I'm sorry I wasn't a better Commander to any of you. I'm sorry you ever even met me." He said. I just looked at him, "It doesn't matter what you say Y/n, you will always be my role model. Always be my Commander. I was and still am proud you lead me. And I always will be." I said with a lot of anger before storming off.

(Venator PoV)

I should follow her, but I can't. she couldn't have meant any of that. The man I once was will never be again. FUCK IT. I packed everything up and went to follow Tina. I managed to see her go towards her Dorm. So I followed her. I reached her Dorm and saw someone else enter it. I knocked on but only got crying and a "FUCK OFF" from someone I hadn't met yet, I just kept on knocking till that person answered, she was wearing a skull face paint.

"If I find out you did something to hurt her I will personally make your life a living fucking hell." She said, my armour tried to run facial recognition but the Face paint was throwing it off. "I'm here to see her, please let me in."

She didn't budge, not till Tina asked her too. But she didn't leave me alone, she stood over me ready to attack. "Tina, I'm sorry for Disappearing. I wish I made my choice differently and just died. Because seeing what it had done to you all is killing me even more than finding out my family died." I said, I even took my helmet off so she could actually stare into my face. The Skull lady was shocked.

"How do you even know her?" The skull asked, I just sighed, "The information is going to get eventually." I said, Tina looked at me strangely. "I used to be Commander Richardson of the JTF2. Tina and Sebastien was under my command before I disappeared. No Sebastien doesn't know who I used to be, in fact only a few people do."

"Used to be?" she questioned, "You seem alive to me."

"I'm saying used to be because that man Died when I made the decision 2 years ago to save my family and join the White Masks. I wish I chose differently. Me and my family didn't matter anyway." I responded. The skull lady looked at me weirdly, Tina hugged me from behind, which surprised me.

"You chose right Y/n, if it wasn't for you I would be dead, so would Taina here, and probably half of us. Because of the White masks forcing you to work, they saved some of us." She reassured, I just pried her off me and sat down. "Yet Tina, I don't deserve any respect you gave me. Or give me. I am a broken man who hides behind a helmet and kills his past slave masters." I explained.

"At least you changed." The skull lady said, "I only changed because they killed my family, saving you people was the last straw with them. And they executed them. I saw this over an email one of them sent to their leader about a month ago." I explained.

"At least you had a good reason to become a part time terrorist. Let me tell you if one of them had my family, somehow, I would have made the same decision, and Oliver might not have answered you in the cafeteria but everyone could tell his answer." The skull lady Reassured.

I looked at her and nodded. "I suppose."

"Can Operators Frost, Venator, Caviera, Alibi and Ela report to the briefing room."

"well, this is your first mission with us, lets go see what you can do." The skull lady said, Tina standing up and leading me to the Briefing room. Once I arrived I got some concerned looks from some of them.

"Six, why is the white mask helping us?" One of them asked, my facial recognition pined her instantly. "Operator Aria De Luca, I am not a white mask. I never wanted to be one. And never will want to be one." I responded, she looked at me a bit angry. "How did you know who I am?"

I simply responded, "Facial recognition." She looked pissed. "That explains how you knew Lion without him introducing himself." The skull lady said, "Yet my software can't detect you, what is your name?" I asked her, Taina, or 'Caviera' on the field, you already know Frost here, she is alibi and she is Ela." Taina explained for me.

"Thanks." I said, "Can I begin?" Six asked, "We have a report on some white mask strongholds that need purging. However they are receiving supplies from a certain Cargo train. I need you all to intercept it at its next stop and clear the train. Make sure it never reaches its destination. Grab your gear and head out to Jäger. He will be your pilot. Dismissed." She finished and walked out, I already had my gear on me so I walked off to the chopper, there was a German waiting there setting up the Helicopter.

"Hey, I guess you're our Pilot." I said walking up, "Yeah, welcome to Team rainbow by the way. I am Marius Streicher. Also known as Jäger when out in the field." He introduced himself, "I am Y/n, also known as Venator." I said shaking his hand.

"Heard you were Ex-white mask, at least you did an Italy and are betraying them am I right." His remark made me chuckle a bit. "I was ever with them to begin with, I was forced. So I'm not exactly betraying them if I never really worked for them to begin with." I said, "True." Was his last remark when the rest of the team turned up. We jumped in and Jäger set off.

After about an hour we were waiting at the train station the train was supposed to stop at to get some cargo off. We waited for it to pull up before getting into one of the containers. We waited for it to set off before we started our attack.

We moved in and cleared container by container. Until I heard a 50. Cal turret. And it was aimed at Tina. I didn't even think. I just dived as the turret started shooting. It pierced my armour alright. I could feel it pierce my lung. I was slowly losing consciousness. But none of the team is hurt. Then my armour ran it's back up protocols. It located the puncture and sealed it up using nanobots, providing me the ability to breath again, however these nanobots would only be able to do their job for about 30 mins before blood starts pouring again, so I had to act quickly.

I jumped back up clutching where I was shot. Because FUCK did it hurt. I picked up my DMR and changed it to Full auto. I aimed at the Turret who was trying to quickly reload, his head pocked up for a bit too long. I sent a quick burst and it took him out.

"[Y/N, REST NOW, WE HAVE CALLED FOR MED-EVAC]" I heard Caviera shout through the Comms. "[No]" was my response as I moved further up the train, I could feel myself losing consciousness constantly but I kept it together. I got to the engine and walked in, the drivers immediately surrendered, I quickly moved over and put the brake on, only slightly every time, so they didn't melt. But eventually the train came to a halt. I moved out of the Engine cab and noticed a few White masks sneaking up behind my team. I quickly changed my gun to Semi auto and started picking them off, one by one. Once they stopped appearing I fell to the floor, barely holding on. "I need to make this armour tank proof. That my next step." I remember saying to myself before I fully blacked out.

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