Chapter 12: The Fall

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(Venator PoV, 1 hour previous.)

"Shit, They plan on taking down 5 operators from team rainbow, they will be here tomorrow and on a mission they are going to make it look like we killed them." Arbiter said, looking at the information. "Sledge, Smoke, Doc, Buck and Frost."

Once he said the last name I tensed up. "They kill her and I will murder every fucking one of them." I said with pure anger. "Calm down Venator, where is this taking place, we will try to save them." Prophet asked, "Nearby, tomorrow at 3 PM. So we get there at 2 and try to locate good ambush points." Arbiter said.

"I'll snipe, I'll find a good roof and chill there providing over watch. You two in the high-tech suits can chill near this building, maybe on the second floor. Once I give the signal you two fire missing the Rainbow operators but killing CELL. Once the fire fight starts I'll try to get down before it ends and join in." I said.

They both looked at the map and nodded, "That's a pretty decent idea Y/n (Venator)." Prophet said, "You don't get the position of Commander for being a shit planner." I chuckled back.

(Time Skip, 5 minutes before ambush.)

I was on the roof waiting, I could see the CELL troops walking around with team rainbow, "[I count 30 CELL. I repeat 30 CELL, they look like your standard troops, 10 with shotguns 20 with AR's.]" I said through the Comms. They neared the ambush site, I got confirmation from Prophet and Arbiter, I took aim and saw one of them hold a gun up to the back of Tina's head.

(Frost PoV)

We was walking down the streets of New York, apparently their base is nearby. That's when I saw a glint of a sniper scope and someone drop behind me, I turned to see a CELL operative got dropped. "SNIPER." I yelled as we dropped behind cover, that's when the Windows smashed around us and we heard two HMG's being shot, we turned around and saw the CELL operatives being ripped to shreds whilst we still couldn't see our attackers.

We tried to fire back but one of our attackers, Probably the sniper, came up behind us and used a sleeping gas on us. We soon passed out before we got to see who they were, but I did hear, "Oh shit I hit Buck."

We woke up in a room, all of tied up. apart from Buck who was lying with his arms strapped to a bed. But he was bandaged up, maybe he got injured and the CELL managed to save us? My questions was soon answered when someone walked in, I instantly thought Adam and I'm guessing the others did too as the Brits said in unison, "Adam? What the fuck are ya doin mate?" they both seemed pissed, but the person laughed.

"No I'm not Adam, he is out grabbing some more medical supplies because he accidentally shot Buck." The figure answered, then Venator walked in, I could tell it was him because of his armour. "Hey guys." He said, walking over to Buck, he went to change his bandages when Buck woke up and must have tried to hit him. Because he struggled for a bit whilst Venator stood there watching.

"We knew you would get this reaction, all of you. But CELL wanted to kill you and say we did it. Pin more blame on us." Venator said, Smoke and Buck didn't believe it. But sledge did.

"I had a feeling, because saw one of them aim at Tina. Then his head exploded, I'm guessing that was you Venator?" he asked looking directly at Y/n, "Guilty as charged." He said with a chuckle, "Look, we have proof that I am innocent, well kinda. But right now Rainbow thinks you are all dead. And that we killed you. CELL has stopped all outgoing communications." Venator explained.

"So to send a message to Six saying, 'Yo bitch, we live' will be a lot harder than you think." The unknown man said, "Oh, where are my manners, I'm guessing you don't know who I am, I am prophet." He said whilst cutting them out. "Don't kill us in our sleep, because this suit will hunt you down." He warned. I laughed at the scared expression on Smoke. "I'm only mucking about, relax." Prophet said patting him on the shoulder.

"Come on, it's food time." Venator said, walking into a separate room, after he released Seb. We followed him and Prophet pointed at a table which had our equipment on. "Take them, if CELL invades this base then we need you to be ready." Prophet said, that's when another operative walked into the building. But we could tell this was Adam by his accent, "Oh guys, your awake. Look I'm sorry I hit Sebastien, but in my defence you were directly behind the trooper I was shooting." Now I know why I heard 'Oh shit I hit Buck'. It was Adam, I laughed a bit to myself which Prophet noticed, "What you laughing at? He said in a curious tone.

"The last thing I remember before going unconscious was 'Oh shit I hit Buck'. I'm guessing that was you Adam?" I said chuckling. "Perhaps." He responded. Dropping the Boxes he had. "Good news as well, I have located one of the Transmission Jammers. It's in sector B4, two sectors away from us."

Prophet nodded, "Good, we at least have our target, we can hit it tomorrow. You five stay here, because if CELL spots any of you, you will become their main target to solidify the lie." Prophet said. "Understood, I can keep an eye on Seb's wound whilst you are out." Gustave said, "Tina, can you compile a message for Six, whilst we are there we will send it. these jammers can double as a transmitter." Y/n asked. That's when I heard some footsteps outside, and I'm guessing Prophet and Adam heard them too.

"Escape passage, Now." Prophet said, Adam opened up a passage and signalled us in, Prophet closed it off after grabbing the supplies he could carry. We moved silently through the passage, it being lit by a torch Venator had.

We ended up in a different room, we moved across a bridge to a separate building, this was clearly a manmade bridge across the buildings. It was rickety as all hell.

(Venator PoV)

We was moving along the Bridge, when I heard an explosion behind us, the majority of us were across. However Tina and Seb weren't. I quickly grabbed the both of them and threw them to safety, but the bridge started collapsing. I was running for dear life but I knew I wouldn't make it. Until I felt something Grab me. It was Prophet.

"Don't worry man, I got you." He said, I could see his suit flashing a bit red as he pulled me up. Adam helped. "Thanks for the save guys." I said, trying to catch my breath, "Don't sweat it, we aren't letting you die to them pricks.

We moved towards a stair case, however to get to said stair case we had to move past a very large window surface. Which I felt extremely uneasy about, as someone could easily take one of us out. It's not exactly three of us anymore. But I was worried about the wrong Side. I saw a door fly open and someone aim a shotgun at Tina, I quickly pushed her out of the way but I was hit by the shotgun, and it sent me through the window. To my Death. "I'm sorry Tina." I said, as I knew my end was near. The final thing I remember was hearing a splash, like I landed in water.

(Frost PoV)

I was just pushed out of the way by Y/n when he got shot through the Window, I screamed after him but Seb grabbed me as Adam grabbed the CELL shotgunner. "You Fucker." He said before throwing him out of the same window. I looked at the ground outside, I knew none of them could have survived that fall. I looked to the ground around the place Venator was, and I saw his Railgun and CAMRS. Both here, they didn't fall with him. I silently cried to myself but the others dragged me away. Why is it someone I love always get's taken away from me.

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