Chapter 8

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(Venator PoV)

In a couple of hours we were able to weed out the White masks from the civilians, but the thing we didn't like about it was all the White masks were young. They were 15-17 years old. Like why decide to join a terrorist organisation at fucking 15. We are keeping them here till we can ask why, because they simply don't have any information. the other civilians have been let go.

I walked into an interrogation chamber, Taina eas in one and Ghost was in another. There were 5 White masks that needed Interrogating. I didn't like interrogating young'uns like this.

"You here to torture me?" I heard the white mask say, he was the youngest of the lot and was clearly scared. "No mate, just answer my questions without lying and you will be fine, Now [Is the lie detector running?]" I asked through the comms to Six, who was in the adjacent room. "[Your good to go Venator.]" she responded, I nodded.

"So why did you join the White masks?" I asked, "I didn't join willingly, I didn't want to join but my entire family are devout Nazi's. they say that what the White masks are doing are in line with what 'The oh so great Hitler' wanted." I could hear him crying. "The shit they did to me and my sister, we didn't want to a part of this, we even tried running away. That only increased the beatings. We were scared. Both of us."

Jesus felt bad, im glad im hidden behind an emotionless Helmet. "You say you were Forced, How many others were forced like you?" I asked, "A lot, but I only know a couple, one that recently escaped, another that escaped a month ago and two others that are still in there being forced to work like slaves. My sister and a guy named Joseph." He said, "And those who escaped, who are they?" I asked.

"Well one of them went into hiding instantly, the other one started assassinating us. I over heard two days ago that they found the location of the one who went into hiding. And they are going to eliminate her in a week." He responded, the tears dried up now. "The assassin, they still haven't managed to track down yet. But he now has a friend."

"We know about the assassin." I said, he looked up at me and stared into the visor. "Your lucky he is after us and not you Rainbow. Because the White masks want to re-capture him and wipe his memories. I know that because my bitch of a mother said it to one of her friends. They want his skills, because when he was with us he never showed them off. Always acting useless till the day he escaped." He explained.

"[Jesus christ.]" I said through the Comms. "[Is everything he said the truth?]" I asked Six. "[It was, that's fucking horrible.]" she responded. "[Agreed] Right kid, can you tell me location of any White Mask base you know." I said pulling out a Map and Marker. He looked at it and pointed out 3 locations, then went off to China where he pointed out a location in the middle of no-where.

"Those three locations are new White mask Strongholds, ones a prison, the other is where my Sister, Joseph and some other hostages are kept where they are forced to work on building Bomb vests. And that location is an ammunition Depot. And finally this location is where the Ex-White mask had ran off to. Escaping us for the most part." He said. "I don't care what you do to me, I only wish to see my sister out of that hell hole and in a place where she is safe." I looked at him, I decided to take my helmet off and stare at him.

"Kid, I know what the White Masks can do to you." I said removing my Armour on my arm and peeling the under-suit upwards to show a massive scar up my arm. "You see this, this was because I refused to kill a hostage. And this," I showed a gash on the side of my head. "Because I helped out Team rainbow." I showed him. "I have many others because I refused to work how they wanted me too." He looked at me as I put my armour back on.

"You're that Assassin aren't you." He said, "Yes, I'm that assassin." I replied. Putting my Helmet back on. That's when Arbiter and Six walked in. "Come on kid, we have a spot for you in a cell, Don't worry it's nowhere near the others, it's more like a witness protection Cell. Quite comfy." Arbiter said, "Mate you sleep in your Suit how do you know if its comfy?" I said laughing, he laughed too, "My suit is comfy."

We moved towards the Cells and I actually spotted the cell, "Jesus that does look comfy." I said. I opened the door for him and he walked in. That's when Six spoke up. "We will try to get your sister out." she said, the kid looked at us and smiled. "Thank you." He responded before I closed the door and walked away.

"I feel bad for the kid, having a family of devout Nazis and being forced into labour for the White Masks." I said, Adam looked at me, "Jesus Christ. No-wonder the kid looked like he lost the Will to Live."

I nodded, "Well, I say its time to go save that other Ex-White mask before he dies." Six nodded, "I'll authorize the 'Beast' to be used. Adam, get Tachanka and Ember ready. Y/n, get Jäger ready." We nodded and ran off. I grabbed Marius quickly and told him where we are heading off too, he Grabbed that British Pilot I saved and jumped into a cargo plane.

I watched as a tank looking 6-wheeler drove onto the back, I decided to drive on a 4x4 That was lying around. Since I needed transport too. I heard running behind me and turned around, "Hey Doc." I said, "Six said I'm coming with you, so I'm here." I nodded and signalled him on board.

We locked the vehicles in place and took off. The flight was about 3 hours. Jäger dropped us off as a close Airport and we got off, the Chinese authority came up to us to ask about why we were here but we showed them the Rainbow symbol on the side of the plane and also got Six to call them. After we were free to go Adam, Alex and Daniel jumped into the 'Beast' and Me, Gustave and Marius jumped into the 4X4, the British Pilot stayed in the Cargo plane.

After about an hour drive we managed to arrive at the location, and the White Masks were already here. And someone was fighting back. We moved in behind and the 6x6 started blowing up some vehicles. Me, Marius and Gustave started driving through to the Building, we needed to get there before they eliminated him.

We pulled up to the building and moved up drive, we moved into the building and looked at the destruction, Walls blown through, Dead white masks everywhere. I was surprised to be honest. This Person put up a fight.

I walked into a room and I saw a frightened looking child. I lowered my weapon and went to speak into the comms, that's when a gun was pressed into my neck. "Why have you attacked us? We only wanted to be left alone." I heard a french woman say. "Woah take it easy." I said trying to calm her down, "Take it easy? You white mask écume have been looking for me for a while now." She responded, "White Mask? Wait you think im with those bastards, im with Rainbow, we got wind of the white masks trying to grab you so we came to get you out." I said, she didn't believe it. but then Doc came around the corner. "Gustave can you help me convince this woman that we are with Rainbow." I asked, the woman's grip into my neck called down. "Gustave?" she questioned.

Doc looked at her, "Emily?" he questioned before running up to her. "We thought you were dead, where have you been? Are you hurt?" he kept on asking, "Calm down Gustave, im fine. Maybe a bit traumatized but ill be ok." She responded, I just looked at them both. I slowly backed out of the room. "You know each other?" I asked, "Yeah, she's my sister. She went missing 4 years ago and we all thought she was dead because we couldn't find her." Doc asked, I just nodded. "Well come on, let's get out of here before they send another invasion party." I said. They nodded and Emily went over and grabbed the Kid.

"Is the Kid yours? I asked, trying to break some tension. "Yeah, he's only three." She said. Looking down quite sad. Doc noticed this and asked her what was wrong, she said nothing but we could tell there was something plaguing her. We decided to keep it quiet and moved into the 4x4. "Hey Doc, will the kid be ok for the Plane ride?" I asked, "He should be." Doc answered. I nodded. We arrived at the Airport and started to load everything into the back. We shortly took off and Emily constantly looked outside.

I moved over to Doc to ask him a few questions, "Did she always act like this?" I asked, "No, she was always energetic. She just seems broken." He answered, clearly saddened, "I noticed you said she went missing 4 years ago, and the Kids only 3. Do you think-" he cut me off, "I know, but we can't force her to tell us, she needs to tell us when she is ready." He responded, I just simply looked down. "Fucking hell."

(I just finished going through changing Jager to Jäger Because i forgot to replace it earlier. So that was fun.)

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