Chapter 7:

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(Venator PoV, 1 Month Later.)

I've been here for about a month and half. Granted 2 weeks I was out cold. I've gotten to know the rest of the crew, and most of them accept me which I wasn't expecting. I was on another mission, just me and Arbiter. His brother Jäger was dropping us into a stronghold, we had to take it out as quiet as possible.

"[So Venator, we have confirmation of 3 Bomb locations, they are not armed but we need to secure them. There are also 2 hostages.]" Arbiter said, I looked at him and nodded, "[You see that trailer there? You think it's bullet Proof?]" I asked, I could see him contemplating, "[I see your plan, we get the bombs into that trailer and take one of the SUV's with the hostage.]" I nodded in agreement, "[Let's get the Exfil plan secured first, then the Hostages and Bombs.]" Arbiter said.

We moved in, I droned as Arbiter stayed on lookout. I got the location of the Hostages and Bombs, I relayed the information back to Arbiter and we carried on into the complex, we kept it silent. We moved towards the Exfil plan, we cleared the White masks around it and decided to hide the bodies. We then moved towards the Security room, because they will notice the lack of security first.

As we entered the room we noticed 2 White Masks staring into the computer screens. We walked up behind them and stared through the security cams, we got some good intel on White Mask locations before we killed this two in the room.

We left the security room after we hacked into their comms, we could hear everything they were doing.

"[Oi Jon, you think that Cargo train is going to arrive?]" "[Nah bro, it's contents have been confiscated.]" "[Fucking Rainbow.]"

We moved closer towards the Bomb Locations, we noticed they were much smaller than their usual Barrel sizes. I placed the three boxes onto a trolley and we started wheeling it back through the path we took, back towards the Trailer, We only ran into one patrol that Arbiter took out swiftly.

"[Bombs secured, moving to grab the Hostages.]" I said through our comms, "[Copy that Venator.]" Six acknowledged. We moved closer to the hostage locations. That's when we heard them panic on the Comms.

"[The security team is dead, as well as the outside perimeter. There's someone here.]" "[Right get to your stations.]"

"[Fuck we've been made.]" I said standing up and opening fire on the White Masks. Arbiter did the same. He pulled out his Bow and sent an airburst arrow at a turret location, destroying the Turret and the operator. We then moved closer to the Hostages to get them out.

"[The Bombs are missing.]" said another voice over this comms. We rushed to the Hostages and managed to take out their commander before they managed to execute the hostages. We grabbed the 2 hostages and started moving to our Exfil. We placed the hostages in the back and hooked up the SUV to the Trailer, I then jumped in and started the engine, Arbiter jumped in after the SUV roared to life and we started driving out of there.

"Hey Arbiter, you set the bombs?" I asked, he didn't even respond, he just pulled out a detonator and pressed the button, I felt the shockwave through the floor, "How many pounds of TNT did you use?" I asked laughing, "Not enough for a nuke, but enough to level the complex." He responded, "[Jäger, we need exfil at point Bravo.]"

"[Copy that Arbiter, we will be there soon.]" he acknowledged, "We?" I questioned. Even though he has a mask on, I could tell his confusion, "[Jäger, please repeat that, you said we?]" He asked, "[Yeah, team 2 are inbound due to an active attack on a nearby Bank.]" Jäger responded, "[Right, we will meet you there, give us the cords.]" I said through the Comms, we got the coordinates. It was literally a 10 mins drive, I bet they heard the explosion of their main base and have doubled down on this Bank.

We arrived at the Bank before team 2, we handed over the hostages we got from the stronghold to the SAS there. We kept the bombs as we needed to see how they operated, they were a new Bomb design. Team 2 arrived about 5 mins later, me and Arbiter had already droned.

Eliza got off the helicopter first, "Right guys, you got the Intel?" she asked, "Yep, they wanted an escape and will execute 1 hostage for every hour they don't get it. we have 10 mins before the first execution, they have all 20 Hostages shoved in a little office space near the back, protected by two bombers and 5 grunts. The rest of the 18 White Masks are roaming." I explained, team 2 nodded.

"Right, Me and Venator will take out the protective detail on the hostages, team 2 kill the Roamers and collect any information you can, since I do believe there is a commander here." Arbiter Ordered, Caviera looked pleased, "It will be a pleasure breaking him." She said, that sent a chill down my spine.

Me and Arbiter ran off towards the back entrance, we silently broke into the room above the Office space, it was also another office type space. We took out the two White masks up there. Arbiter then started looking at the floor. "They have phones. And the bombers have a wireless detonator." He explained, I was slightly confused, "I can track them through floor by locking onto the Signals off those devices." He fully explained.

"Can you send them to my HUD as well, because this floor looks shoot through-able" I asked, he nodded, and instantly I could see 7 Dots. 3 of them are in a separate room, the two bombers and a grunt.

"Right, Arbiter stay here, I am going to go through a different entrance to take them from different directions." I said, he nodded. I left the room and ran down the stairs. Taking out two white masks on my way down. I slinked towards the room and gave Arbiter the go ahead. I heard the silent shots splinter the wooden floor and roof, and I see three of the Grunts fall. I entered and took out another Grunt and one of the Bombers. Arbiter dropped through the roof hatch and sent an electric arrow at the bomber, frying his systems and luckily not setting his explosives off. I took the other Grunt out and tapped the bomber in the skull with the Rail gun. Not firing yet but it increased the scare factor.

"Why did you attack this bank?" I quizzed, "Fuck off Rainbow." He said back, I shot his hand, obliterating it. he screamed. "Wrong answer." I said, he looked at me with fear in his eyes. "There were some bonds here we needed, and the commander wanted to make some new recruits." He said, I just looked at Arbiter shocked, "You believe him?" I asked, arbiter grabbed the detonator. "No not really, but we got the Hostages secure." He said, crushing the detonator. I nodded, taking aim at the bombers head and firing. We freed the hostages, but one of them tried to drive a knife into my skull, I am glad he hit the Helmet as it bounced right off. I quickly punched him in the stomach and tied him back up.

"We are here to fucking save you, why try to kill our saviours?" I asked, applying pressure to his arm. "The white masks are our saviours." He responded, he was only young, maybe 16. So instead of killing him I simply knocked him out and dragged him out of the room. Team 2 had cleared the rest of the building and was waiting out of the front. "[Six, we need more helicopters.]" I said, Eliza heard this and came up to us. "[Why would we need more helicopters?]" she asked, "[A white masks was hidden in the Hostages, so any of them could be a white masks. So they need to come with us so we can weed out the White masks.]" Arbiter answered. She looked at us confused but agreed with us. Instead of a Helicopter coming to grab us, a fucking bus got instead, and we drove back towards Hereford base.

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