Chapter 9: The Wanted Man

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(Venator PoV)

It has been two weeks since we got Emily out. she hasn't opened up to anyone, not even her Brother. Me and Doc can see it slowly eat away at her and we decided to try and Talk to her. Me, Him, Taina and Six. All of us are going to try and help her.

We walked into her room, since she got a Dorm like me. She was sat there with her Kid. Just playing about, Once she noticed us she quickly ushered the kid into a different room, like she new what was going to happen.

"Hi guys." She stated, in a fake happiness tone. I could tell, and so could Gustave. "Hi Emily." I said, she signalled us to sit down. "I'm going to be blunt, You need to tell us what is wrong with you. We can tell that there is something wrong, ever since we picked you up. And we waited for you to tell us yourselves but it's getting to the point where it's clearly hurting you. You need to open up to someone, at least your Brother." I explained, she looked down and I could see tears forming up in her eyes.

"Ok, I'll tell you. I might as well. About 4 years ago I was kidnapped. day after day I was raped, beaten, tortured, you name it, they probably did it to me. It only stopped when they noticed I was Pregnant. They didn't even know who the father could have been." She burst out into tears and Taina went over to comfort, so did Gustave. Creepy Skull lady can be comforting, that's.....strange.

"After he was born they tried to take him away instantly, I fought and let me keep him. Then they started doing what they usually did to me, day in day out. After 3 years of torture, I heard someone managed to make it out of the White Masks. So I planned my escape. And a month later I fled, me and Lucas. We just ran. Not looking back." She was in tears, her head buried into Gustave's chest. He was close to tears. But I could also see anger.

"I thought they would never stoop that low." I said, "I knew they tortured people they forced, I was one of them. I'm so sorry. I should have gotten you out."

"Was you in the American base?" she asked, "No I was in Britain." I replied, "Then you shouldn't feel bad for not saving me, I'm guessing you were the one who escaped a month before me." She said, I nodded. "Yes, I was." "at least my kid and I are safe now." She added.

After about an hour of comforting her Six got called away, then I was called to her office.

"What seems to be the problem Director?" I asked, she looked at me worriedly. "You are a wanted man." She responded, I just looked shocked. "Where am I wanted?" I asked, "Everywhere." She answered, "Now only I know, but it won't be long till the others know. And they will probably turn you in since we are technically the authority." She explained to me.

"Do I have time to run?" I asked, "Running from your problems?" she asked, "No I just need a head start before you are forced to hunt me down. I'm guessing the reason I am a Wanted man is because I assassinated some high up officials of the White Masks, that people didn't know were Terrorists." I said, she nodded, "Yep, you are wanted for assassinating many high up officials in many different armies and countries." She responded, confirming my suspicion.

"I have some information on some of them being White Masks already, but whilst I'm out I will collect the rest of the information that is needed. I will then return to hand in the information. Six, I am leaving now, I will see you all later. I am going to grab my stuff then grab some spare ammo. Then I'm ditching." I said, she nodded.

"Good luck Venator, I will not be able to help you and you will probably be branded a traitor by everyone here."

I simply looked down, "At least tell Tina and Adam the truth." I said before leaving.

(Tina PoV)

It was about Mid-day when we started noticing someone missing, Y/n (Venator) was nowhere to be seen. And his weapons were missing. And no-one answered his Dorm. We were starting to worry, that's when the intercom buzzed into existence.

"Can Operators Frost, Arbiter, Doc, Ember and Jäger please come to my office."

We looked at each other then got up, we don't get called to her office unless it's a serious or personal matter. So we were confused a lot of us was going towards her office at once. We arrived at pretty much the same time and Six signalled us to sit.

"As you are probably aware, Operator Venator is missing. Now I'm about to tell you five something, and it must stay in this room. Because I need some people he can trust." She stated, we looked at each other, I was the first to speak up, "Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know that, but I allowed him to leave yesterday because the White Masks have managed to make him wanted in every country. I don't know how, but I do know why. They call him Venator, Sicarius and Homicida. Which in English is Hunter, Assassin and Slayer respectively. Before he joined us he had eliminated 23 high officials in different armies and countries, silently and unknown to everyone. These high officials were White Masks, and he knew this and took them out. but now that has caught up to him. So he has left so he doesn't cause harm to this team, and to clear his name. I would tell everyone here but I will be reprimanded for helping a 'Wanted individual'. So I'm telling the people he trusted the most." She explained. "We will be ordered to find and grab him, when we are I need to know that you five are on his side. You don't need to join him but not shooting at him definitely helps."

We all nodded, and if on cue Six got a call. She put it on speaker which she never does. "Hello Director, we have word that one of your people is the Wanted man Y/n Richardson. We are coming up to collect him soon." The voice on the phone said, "Unfortunately, he has gone AWOL. He ran off when I tried to capture him. We are trying to track him down as we speak." Six said, "How unfortunate, I hope you are going to at least try and capture him Director. Or we will find someone who can run that job better than you." He then hung up. She put the phone back down and stared at us. "Un fortunately I will now need to tell everyone here that he is AWOL and a Wanted man. Go down to the Meeting room and wait for everyone." She said, we left and walked down to the Meeting room. Arbiter seemed angry.

"What's wrong Adam?" Gustave asked, "That voice on the Phone, he is the leader of CELL, the fuckers who work with the White Masks. I may be able to get some help for Y/n. I won't be in the meeting room, if anyone asks I am 'Searching Y/n's Dorm for anything to hint where he has gone too'." He then quickly ran off in the Direction of the Dorms. We can only hope he can help.

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