The mistake.

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(Mikey's POV)

Another fight over the phone with Laura.

Why we are like this I don't know.

But it's all because I pushed her and that was a dick move.

I love Laura and only Laura. She knows that.

But I have a feeling the wedding might be postponed with the way things are going.

All I want to do is have fun tonight to take my mind off the whole thing.


"Ready to go Michael?" Luke said.

"I guess" I sighed before standing up and making my way to the car we were all going in.

"Still nothing from Laura?" Calum patted my shoulder.

I shook my head putting my phone away in my pocket.

Having no clue if she actually did still want this as much as I do.

"She'll come around mate, you still have a week to the wedding so you can patch things up after this night out. You only have one hopefully, Laura's a strong girl you will be fine."

I tried calling one last time before I went into the bar.

No answer.

Ah well, after tonight I'm back to winning her over with my charm.

Easier said then done I think.


The bar was dark but lit up with lots of different coloured spot light dotted around the room making it easy to see everything around you. Including all the drunks making out on the floor making you gag and have to look where your going because you don't want to step on them, their drunk who knows what they will do.

I haven't left the bar all night, the boys had gone off with a few mates which I'm fine with because I would rather be alone.

I have been through at least 6 shots and 7 beers, and 2 bar tenders have had there shift and left. The next one is coming now actually.

I'm now completely smashed, wasted, with not a care in the world.

The next bar tender is quite a stunner, she's probably a slut if I'm honest but she doesn't look half bad. Short skirt black too and a face full of make up. Laura would hate her she looked like a clown, but I'm not right I'm drunk I have my eye on something and I'm getting it.

"Hello sir what can a get you?" She asked

"Call me Mikey, I'll have another beer and what ever you want" I winked.

"Call me Jessica or Jess and thanks"

This maybe going my way.

She poured the drink and after we had a couple she was also drunk.


When I woke up I had a horrible head ache, what the hell happened last night.

I realised I was in a small room I had never seen or been in before.

I almost felt naked, I looked down and, yes, I was naked.

I rolled over in agony and realised a girl only wearing her underwear.

She wasn't even pretty not a pinch of salt on Laura.

Then I remembered everything that had happened, god I'm such an idiot.

The week before the wedding and the day before I see my gorgeous fiancé that means the world to me.

Bad timing Mikey.

Laura doesn't deserve this.

I've messed up.

So I grabbed my clothes and ran.

*phone ring*

Laura ID - I picked up and she was all cheery I was smiling but feeling guilty as hell.

L: hey mikeyyyyyy

She said exaggerating the y, she's amazing.

M: hey babe how are you?

L: I'm even better now I've talked to you before you came home I've missed you mike

M: missed you too gorgeous I'll be home in about 2 hours

L: 2 hours? Aren't you on your way back yet?

M: nearly, the bus is late and the car got broken so AA is coming out to sort it

L: okay, are you okay Michael you don't seem yourself?
God she knows me so well

M: I'm fine just miss you that's all

L: I'll see you in 2 hours I miss you too, we should just forget about the fight we had it's nothing really, we can talk about that in the future.

M: I agree, now I have to go the bus is finally here.

L: Okay mike see you later

M: before you hang up I just want you to know I love you I really do and I can't imagine life with out you.

L: the feeling mutual Mikey.

With that we hung up and I don't know if I can face her with out crying or feeling horrible and walking out.

A/N: I'm sorry lovies xxxxxxx vote and comment what you think xxx

I'm sorry• Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now