Coffee with Clifford.

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Michaels POV:

Will she show up?

I asked myself this so many times.

Is it sad that I've been here since 11AM to see if she came early?

What if she thinks I'm coming across to strong?

Oh god. What's wrong with me?

See what she does to me, she makes me to mad but I love the way she does it. She makes me want to scream when she's being stubborn but I wouldn't have her any other way. She makes me want to dive off a cliff but that only when she isn't with me.

I love the way she makes me feel.

I love her.


Laura's POV:

When I pull up to the coffee shop I get a pit of butterfly's in my stomach like I've just swallowed them alive.

I looked for a sign of Michael's car but then remembered he is 'The Michael Clifford' from that Australian boy band 5 Seconds of Summer. But he wasn't just that to me he was so much more. Every band practice I went to I knew that they were going to make it and be big one day but I didn't fall in love with the idea of having a famous boyfriend and I didn't even fall in love with the idea of falling inlove. I fell inlove with mphim as a person and that is all you should ever do. Not fall inlove with the money or the looks but the heart and personality of the person and that's what I did the first time I saw Michael. I just didn't realise it.

When I walked inside the coffee shop I was 7 minutes early so I looked around for Michael. And there he was sitting in a corner on his phone. Knowing him he is probably tweeting to his fans telling them how much he loves them. I smiled at the thought of how cute he was.

And he is sure as hell cute.

I went and sat down on the opposite side on Michael's table.

"Hey" I said in barely a whisper. I don't know why I've gone all quiet.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming, I'm really glad your here though. I've missed you Lauri." He said with a faint grin on his face.

"It's Lauren to you but yeh I've missed you too."

Silence. Yay.

After a minute or two of looking at my hands that were placed on the table Mikey spoke.

"So how have you been?" Trying to lighten the mood.

"Let's see. How have I been? Well ever since I found out the day I was supposed of be getting married that my fiancé had slept with another girl barely two days before the wedding I've been pretty shit actually and if it wasn't bad enough my parents were killed in a car crash a couple of weeks later so if your going to tell me now that you have had a hard time banging girls left right and centre, touring the world and being waited on hand and foot then I will tell you to suck it up and that the only thing hard about your life is when you get a boner over most girls you see in the streets. So answer this question. What made you do what you did?" I sassed.

Didn't expect that when I opened my mouth.

Gee that felt good to get off my chest.

"Go on" I said trying to hurry along his answer.

"Well, I haven't been to great now that you have brought it up. The girl of my dreams who I love more then anything in the world hates me and no matter how hard I try will probably not take me back. My heart is broken in ways I wasn't even aware was possible and I'm not on good term with the boys because they are still finding it hard to understand why I did what I did. Lauren I'm so so sorry for what I did and you should know that I won't do it again no matter what. I was drunk that night I did the unforgivable and it won't happen again. Please can we at least start again and be friends. That way you can start to trust me again and I can maybe make you fall for me again?"

The tears were now brimming in my eyes as my vision stirred.

"How am I supposed to take the excuse that you were drunk. What if you get drunk again or someone prettier or more beautiful or you find someone who is perfe-"

"Babe, I won't find anyone who matches that description because the only girl in the world who has all of those things is you, you don't know how amazingly beautiful you are and it breaks my heart when you don't believe me. If you want I will never drink again because I want you to trust me and believe me when I tell you that night was a one time thing and nothing will come of that, I will promise that I will love you forever and Never Ever do what I did again."

At this point the tears were about to start slipping down my cheeks.

I've been strong to get this far. Go me!

"I've missed you and from what I'm hearing I'm guessing you've missed me to. Michael I'm miserable without you so I can not believe this but I'll give you a second chance. No friends before I think I'm ready to be together again. Just this is the last chance. No more after this." I said smiling letting two tears spill out my right eye.

Mikey smiled and basically jumped out his seat and ran towards me picking me up and spinning me around.

I couldn't have been more happy.

"I'm sorry but we do not allow that kind of behaviour in this cafe so if you would sit down please that would be more then asked for." The waiter said as we nodded and Michael put me down.

"One more thing" he said.

He leaned in closer lightly brushing my cheek with his finger tips as if I would break at any second, his face got inches closer and he closed his eyes. I followed his actions and placed both my hands around his neck. As our lips touched lightning bolts of electricity shot through my body and I'm sure he felt it too as he started to smile into the kiss, as did I. I felt all gooey inside like I had found a missing piece of me I didn't know I needed but now I found it I feel so much better. Having him back and being able to call him mine again is all I want now, what happened in the past stays in the past. As we pull away he rests his forehead against mine.

I have fallen in love all over again with this idiot.

1156 words in this chapter, must of got carried away.

Love you minions, stay rebellious xxxxx

I'm sorry• Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now