Not just another girl.

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Michaels POV:

If you would have told me I would have fallen as hard as I have for lauren when we first met then I would laugh and tell you, you were funny.

But now, since she's not here with me anymore, I am horribly heart broken and lonely.

The boys have been visiting me at times but are still terribly at me for doing what I did. Especially with a girl like Jessica.

It's gotten to the point that I got a tattoo. It says "to the moon...." I was always planning on getting this but I always thought I would of got that part and Lauren would get "and back". But that's not going to happen any time soon. This some how makes her feel closer to me.

Sounds cheesy I know.

I need away to get her back! I'll do anything she is the only girl I want to be with and spend the rest of my life with.

Again with the cheese....... What's with me today?

I'm going to see if she will meet me where it all began.

Lauren's POV:

Here I am sat at home crying my eyes out with Kaitlyn watching The Faults In Our Stars by John Green. Again.

It's amazing what he can do, he is SUCH a good writer.

I guess your all wondering what ps happening with Michael. Am I right?

Of course I am. I'm always right.

Well nothing if I'm completely honest. We have had no contact since I ran away from him at our wedding day.

I miss him so so so much but I'm so angry at him at the same time.

I want to just hold him and cuddle him and be able to trust him again and call him mine but at the same time I want to strangle him and kick his ARSE until his NOSE bleeds!

Not only that my parents funeral is on Saturday.

Yes. My parents died in a car crash just about 6 days ago, they were hit by a drunk driver going passed a red light. When I heard the news from Uncle Rob I was still in tears about Michael ( I still miss him I just made a deal with myself that I won't cry over him anymore, which is easier said than done because I've gave in 4 times. Oops).

So now I'm an orphan, 1000 miles away from my family and Michael-less.

Can life get any better ( note my sarcasm ).

Michaels POV:

I hovered my finger over her contact.

Should I call her?

What if she doesn't answer?

What if she has already moved on?

What if she's forgotten about me ever being in her life?

Before I had chance to answer any of these questions I rang her phone with out thinking. I need to call her. She's worth the risk.

"Michael?" She sniffled. Her angelic voice ringing through my ears.

"Lauren" I replied.

"Well Michael I haven't got all day what do you want?!" She snapped.

"Erm... Well.... Um I was just calling to say I would like us to meet up- that's if you want to. I think or should I say I know we need to talk. About that day."

"That day was supposed to be the happiest day of our life Michael. One day that was devoted to us and the love we had for each other. Yes we do need to meet up because everything I have to say to you I would rather say to your face and not into a phone and I would have done this earlier but since the accident with my parents and you probably sleeping with every frickin slut bag in this town I guess neither of us had time!"

That hurt.

Wait. What accident with her parents?

"Okay. 1 I have not slept with any body since that day and I did not wish to sleep with the bar tender from the night bulb it just happened and 2 what happened with your parents?"

"Oh you didn't hear? They were in a car crash 6 days ago, they were but by a drunk driver going through red lights." I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I'm so sorry Lauri I had no idea."

"Don't call me Lauri only people who don't hurt me can call me that."

"Sorry I just miss you."

"I miss you too but I'm not believing you any more because I can bet you this now so listen. I was only one of your little toys and just another girl to you, next week you will have another girl and break her heart just like you did mine, so god bless you Michael Clifford because I know I sure won't."

Before I could say anything she hung up, so I decided to text her.

To Lauren❤️
You were not just another girl I love you and always will.
I hope you meant what you said, that we could meet up so if you can do next Thursday at the coffee shop I will be there at 1:30 so if you decide to come I'll be at our old table. If your not there by 2 without telling me you can't make it then I will know to back off just please meet me Lauren. I love you- Michael xxxx

I'm not the soppy kind but Lauren makes me go week to the knees.

From Lauren❤️
I can do Thursday, but if your just going to make lame excuses then I will not hesitate to leave. I love you too but trusting you is a different matter to me now.
P.S: you don't need to out your name at the end of your texts I know who it is my your contact name. Xx

Now we just need to wait for Thursday.



I tried to make this long for you and I'm so happy to of reached over 300+ reads because I didn't even expect 30:)

I love you minions <3

P.S I don't putting emojis on wattpad it makes me feel weird so...

Bye minions love you xxxx

I'm sorry• Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now