Old Relationships Aren't Renewed?

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Kopa POV
After awhile Vitani and I went off on our own. She was going to introduce me to her lion guard friends.
"So what is it like being in the guard" I said.
"Fine but I always have to be prepared for an attack". Before she knew who I was she seemed more harsh and stand offish. And Kovu had made that joke earlier about Vitani acting happy recently. It had me worried, I would ask Kiara and Kovu about it later.
"You said that you learned to fight from a guide at the tree" said Vitani.
"Yeah they all wanted to make sure I wouldn't get killed on my way home".
"Then you should be able to help us". Ever since I murdered Ishi and Mira I have been avoiding conflict like the plague. No one else knows that though.
"What dangers are you protecting from, I thought you said the war was over"
"It is but backlanders like Makucha and his leopards occasionally stir up problems besides there could new threats everyday, it's a very busy job" she said. She seemed stressed. Her main job was keeping watch to ward of intruders. We went through a clearing and there were four lionesses waiting at on the other side.
"Alright everyone I would like to introduce you to someone" she said as they all turned and looked at me.
"Well who is this Vitani" they said.
"This Kopa, Kopa this is Shabana the bravest, Kasi the fastest, Imara the strongest, and Tazama the keanest of sight".
"Oh so this is the Kopa you talked about" said Shabaha.
"I thought he was dead" said Kasi.
"Well I thought so but apparently not" said Vitani.
"Isn't he the lion you crushed on when you were younger" teased Imara.
Vitani became flustered and maybe even blushed a little bit.
"Uh...well uh"
"Ah he is that's cute" said Kasi "Your long thought dead crush returns after a very long time to sweep you off your feet".
"He is...just" started Vitani.
I smiled and chuckled a little. I had never seen Vitani like this.
"Kopa can I talk to you alone please" said Vitani.
"Uh sure Vitani".
"Ooh you two are going alone don't be gone to long" teased Kasi.
"And don't fo nothing to profound because I can see you" teased Tazama.
They laughed and I did internally not letting a laugh escape fir Vitani to hear.
"Sorry about them Kopa they can be obnoxious sometimes".
"It's okay Vitani they seem nice".
"Look Kopa about where we were you know friendship wise before you were attacked, I don't want it to continue".
"What" I said suddenly confused.
"Right now I mean. We have both changed alot and we were just cubs then. I want to focus on the guard and not let everyone down. I just want some time to choose if I want to continue our bond or not".
"It's okay Vitani I understand".
"You do" she said relief waving over her.
"Yeah I mean you aren't wrong we have both changed and wouldn't probably know each other that well so we should take sometime to relearn each other. I will wait on your decision Vitani".
She smiled.
"Thank you Kopa".
"Vitani are alot more independent and full of leadership than you were before" I teased.
"And you are alot less afraid as you were when we were young" she laughed.
"Oh yeah how so".
"Well you always were afraid of what might happen if we did something"
"I wasn't when we pranked zazu".
"Yeah but he was always full of empty threats". We laughed. She smiled as she looked at me.
"I am glad you are back Kopa" she looked down still keeping her gaze and spoke softly "I miss you alot".
"I missed you too Vitani" I leaned down closer to her. She seemed to blush again. It was obvious that she stilled had the same feelings as before but she is being conflicted by something else and I think it is her leadership in the guard. She sat up abruptly trying to hide her feelings.
"I should get back to them".
"Yeah my sister wanted to talk to me, probably to learn alot about me I will see you later Vitani".
"See you Kopa".

Vitani POV
When I returned everyone was waiting like a bunch of giddy children. They all stared at me.
"Where did he, what happened" said Shabaha.
"Look I know I told you before that we were in love but since we were both young then we decided to relearn each other and then decide if we want to continue our relationship farther" I said.
They seemed in awe.
"So you told him you needed more time and told him to wait" said Imara.
"How did you know that but yes".
They all sighed.
"What's wrong" I said
"Why would you do that" said Kasi.
"What do you mean".
"Say that to him" said Tazama.
"All I said was..."
"Vitani I know you are new to those relationships but you don't tell him those words that way you have to be more gentle" said Imara.
"What do..."
"She's right Vitani, it is obvious that he loves you" said Shabaha.
"Yeah they way he walked and stood close to you. Even when he leaned down too... nevermind that one but all the other things were signs" said Kasi.
"I didn't notice, but I still am not ready and I want time to figure this out. This all sudden to me and I don't want any of you guys get to envolved in this. Just leave it alone please".
"Okay Vitani" they said.

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