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You get what you work for

Not what you wish for.



We all sat in the conference room, waiting for Namjoon and Yoongi to come back from their special meeting with BangPD. We had just finished recording the Japanese version of 'I need you' and 'Run' which were set to release by the month end.

Shortly after which we were to fly to Japan for the fanmeeting and other promotions which will take up another month. Two days from now we have a schedule for filming the 'Idol Star Athletics Championship 2016'. Just thinking about the schedule was stressful.

Mid-way practice Namjoon and Yoongi were called to the producers room shortly after which the rest of us were told to gather here. We had such meetings occasionally where Bang PD himself takes time to ask us for reviews and our problems. If it is album related, he calls in Namjoon and Yoongi first then all of us.

I stretch my legs and slightly massage them under the table. Last night Jungkook had crashed on my bed so I had to sleep in the living room because his room was in a bigger mess. It din't help that I was awake past midnight talking to JooHyun.

Yes, I started calling her JooHyun instead of Irene now.

After our spectacularly failed attempt at avoiding each other in Seoul Music Awards, we had given up on that plan. If we happen to meet somewhere when our schedule clashes we greet eachother as friends.

That day is still fresh in my mind like it happened just yesturday. Never have I been so mad at someone I never met.

Had I not spotted her on time and had been considerably near her, she would have definitely fallen down and broke her neck. Just thinking of the 'what ifs' of that situation makes my heart beat faster.

My anger was not directed towards her but her management. Its been nearly two years since debut, how can her stylist not know her shoe size?

But what drove me crazy was learning that she is stubborn. Her member Seulgi had told me that JooHyun insisted on wearing that shoe knowing that it can give her severe shoe-bites. Aishh...that pabo.

She healed completely in a few days and had sent me a picture of her ankles. After that day we had rarely spoken to each other even through text. Both our team schedules were packed.

It was definitely clear that we had established a friendship but to even think of going further than that was something I am really cautious about. I don't like to attach myself to someone I might eventually loose.

After all the reason we became friends was because of that deal. It was beacause of that deal that people think we are a couple.

A few weeks ago this thought might not have disturbed me so much than it is now. I brush this recurring thought behind my mind and bring back my focus to room I am sitting in.

Hoseok was in a corner talking to his mother while Jimin was fast asleep with his head on the table. Jungkook is playing a game on his phone while Taehyungie is scribbling something in his small notebook. That kid has a knack for composing songs and works hard to help.

I look at Jimin and sigh. Jimin has gotten a craze to loose weight. When we had heard that Jimin went to see our dietitian, none of us gave it a second thought but when we got our quarterly diet we were shocked to see the absolutely gruesome diet he had volunteered for.

Taehyung and I had tired multiple times to get him out of doing but Jimin sincerely wants to do it. His vitamins intake was increased to compensate the lack of nutrients he needed for daily functioning.

We fear for what is to come ahead because now is just the start.

All four heads snap to the door when Namjoon and Yoongi walk through it. They tiredly throw themselves on the chairs and Yoongi plops his head in his hands and closes his eyes.

Hoseok and I eye each other waryily. Yoongi being tired is something we are used to but Namjoon looking so beat up is more concerning than surprising.

What news comes next make all of us groan but then again are somewhat relieved.

The good news was that the tight schedule of one month is now spread over two months time. Meaning that we will have a lot of one day breaks in between which was not given in the previous schedule. Our departure to Japan is also pushed back by two weeks so that all our recordings and practice is done.

The bad news was that two new songs are to be added in the Japenese album which means more work for the producing kids in the team and more recordings and dance practices.

As soon as manager hyungs come to take us home, I take a sleeping jimin on my back and safely deposit him in the car. I take a seat next him and quitely look out of the window once we start.

I lean my head against the window and try to think of things that will divert me from these depressing thoughts. If the eldest member allows himself to drown in his worries, who will hold up the team? Who will take care of them?

And surprisingly, the first person who comes to my mind is JooHyun.

I am totally done for.


This book has finally reached 1K reads and like a fool I just realized it today.

Thank you so much for giving my story a chance and a read. I know it has a bit of a shaky start but I will make it more clean once I start editing this story.

A little thank you present coming up soon!

A little thank you present coming up soon!

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