
2.5K 101 6

Kim SeokJin

It has been three hours since ISAC started and we were now given a short break. As fun it looked once captured, edited and aired, it was twice as more tiring.

Since most idols were going back to their waiting rooms to rest, we decided to stay back on the ground and relax there. Most of the stands, where a selected few fans usually are, is empty. They probably went out to grab a bite.

I lay down on the floor and blew out a breath, my hair sticking to my head. Before the break we had wrestling competition and while I was only part of one game, sweat had formed due to the heat.

I could feel someone sit next to me, staring at me, hesitating. I could feel our maknae blow out a breath before slightly nudging me. I opened my eyes and stared at him, eyebrows raised as he nervously fidgeted.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jimin and Taehyung stop being their usual dramatic selfs and become alert at the sudden change in the mood. Namjoon and Hobi sat a little away from Jungkook with a knowing smile on their face, Yoongi sprawled on the floor next to him, eyes closed and least bothered.

"Hyung...I am sorry." Our youngest started speaking, "I shouldn't have spoken to you in that way. It's just!...I got really competitive and when you lost that match, I got angry. I am sorry, Hyung."

Half an hour earlier, Jungkook, Taehyung and I were part of the wrestling competition. While the two maknae's won their games, I lost mine, in good nature. Jungkook being the hyperactive competitive person he is, was not happy that I lost and was not really...considerate of his words.

I knew he did not mean anything he said, he is just a kid wanting to win all the games he played. However, despite the freedom I excercise with my members in respect of treating me as the oldest, allowing anyone of them to be downright rude was not something I would like to tolerate. Especially when we were in a public space.

I was certainly not mad at him, but he needed to know that one cannot win all the games he plays and there is a certain way to speak to your elders, no matter how close we all are. Jungkook joined our team when he was a fresh teen and was not really under a proper parental guidance since he could not spend much time with them as they did not stay in Seoul before.

Knowing this, all six of despite our young age too, took it on ourselves that our maknae grows up to become a fine man.

Most of the times, we let him do what he wished because we adored him way too much but at times like now, I did not delay correcting him immediately. Before I could talk to him, Namjoon and Hobi and whisked him away to a corner, surely taking matters in their own hands. Not that I mind, those two were way better at this, not as harsh as I tend to be.

I sighed and sat up straight, facing him. Regret and a tiny bit of shame was apparent in his face, which shot a pang through my heart. Damn, this boy.

I looked behind him to see Namjoon smiling assuringly at me.

"Jungkook-ah, I will only forgive you if you buy me food tomorrow." I said, trying to hide the teasing tone in my voice.

His face shot up and an incredulous look took over his face. "But hyung! You eat like a pig and always run my wallet dry-" He shut up at my arched eyebrow and slumped his shoulders in defeat. "As you wish, hyung" he said, begrudgingly.

Jimin fell over laughing and Tae was doing his best to feel sympathetic towards Jungkook, eventually failing to do so. Namjoon and Hobi grinned and got engaged in their own talk while I could see a small smile playing on Yoongi's face.

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